Well Yas Forums, now that the dust has settled, what are your thoughts on the Fuentes x Cat boy situation?
Nick Fuentes and the Cat Boy?
How does cat boi pucci help us win the culture war? Honestly that just exposed how Nick and his fans are disgusting hypocrites.
Go be jewish somewhere else.
>it's a prop
>it's a straw
>it's humor
>it's irony broing
>it's chad
>it's a joke
>it's a skit
>it's comedy
Then do it yourself fuentes.
Lets see this irony bro chadism on your show!
No amount of free corona related VPNs can make us abolish nick shlomo, stop posting JIDF
Why are you trannies still going on about this? It didn't work in 3 months ago and it doesn't work now.
He's clearly a faggot and a degenerate.
What more is there to say?
>Everyone I don't like is Jewish.
He was joking around like any zoomer does. It’s fucking funny to joke around about being gay because it’s ridiculous. At my high school, basically every guy did shit like this. Has any zoomer here not heard “it’s not gay if you have socks on” or “gotta kiss your homies goodnight”?
catboys are cute as fuck, how do i obtain a based and redpilled one irl. No sodomy necessary, i just want to cuddle the shit out of it
He didn't joke around about being gay though? He was just hanging out with some weird meme internet dude
I think Nick had innocent intentions. His Asperger's just prevented him from seeing how it would come across to his fanbase.
There were one or two bits where they made gay jokes, and these are the bits that have everyone clutching their pearls
His fanbase is clearly fine.
based vaush
>Everyone I don't like is a tranny
Why is it always the same formula with everyone on Yas Forums?
Wow, very based, the Settler does it again.
This guy is a fly over midwestern faggot that thinks having a little hair and a descent IQ grants you the ability to be head of the white ethostate. Fuck him and fuck the zoomers that support this faggot.
No matter how hard you try it's never going to stop being funny
Wow you are literally malding. Nick is our guy and wignats and feds will have to deal with it
fuck off fag. fuentes is doing more than 99% of the people on pol. anyone who hates him is just purity spiraling. it all sounds exactly like people who shit on jared taylor because he doesn't openly hate jews. gay trannies
>He who has never fapped to a catboy pussy cast the first stone.
Yas Forums is unironically the most self-hating gayiest board on Yas Forums. They fap to trannies, interracial cuckold porn all the time. They have NO RIGHT to shit on Nick. We should all accept the fact, we've all fapped to catboys one time or another.
Nick Fuentes was always a prop. Any 'alt-right' who worshipped him was just another NPC retard who thinks e-celebs are real people.
BASED POST and very informative
He was always cucked and anti-aryan as literally everyone else who still believes in "civilization" and its rescue.
Nice try discord tranny, but Nick Fuentes and his legeon of gay catboy shareblue shills will never be accepted by pol
As always, the Settler is extremely based and redpilled, who does not FEAR him?
nothing burger
>surprised that a Christcuck, especially a Catholic, is a raging homosexual.
Reminder: this glownigger faggot helped take down Patrick Little due to "bad optics" claims.
Why would a man livestream his encounter with a rent boy and torpedo his own career like this? What was his plan? Did he think his viewers were "ironic" conservatives?
still don't care vaush
Nick is an ironic homosexual. Trust the plan.
>itt /leftypol/ talks to itself
They’re flaming homos
None of you niggers even watched that video, he literally told the catboy to stop sinning and that he’d go to hell if he didn’t figure his shit out
>equating some random tranny nazis to nicks fans
It took yall 3 months to come up with this response after you failed the first campaign?
It was always a hyped up shit that Yas Forums didn't initially get, but then the likes on Fuentes' timeline for trap accounts had me very suspicious.
Also fuck off with your boring channel all the time.
Anyone who hates on Nick Fuentes is a jew is what I think
This guy kind of sounds like a tranny.
Also fuck ecelebs, except for MM.
>You're the JEW
>No, sir, you are the JEW
>No, you are the real JEW
A five year old's guide to arguing.
I still can't believe this happened. Either way, degenerate.
I have to admit , cat boy got a great shape , he is clearly working out and that I can respect ... all the stupid dildo and anime thing is gay a duck , but I understand this is satire, he is a troll ... nick is awesome , he gave me some great advice and because of him ( not only because of him ) I'm respecting my family traditions , I asked my wife and to be honest , I feel good . I will always be thankful to nick for showing my a good path ... idgaf about anything the wignats have to say . I don't agree with him on everything , but I feel great and I'm applying his points , and it's clearly working .
They are shills , let them be ... they are not our kind . I wish the best in life .
Stop being cringe, and put it in your mouth.
literally who is nick
Arguing against what, retard. No argument has been made, leftypol deserves nothing but vicious mockery and a bullet for every member of their family
Let them be , they are not our kind , they follow , we build ... I wish you te best , let the wignats be wignats , they are useless to us .
A gay man trying to dissuade incels from having sex with a pussy is a new one but the alt right did that too I guess.
E-celeb bullshit is not Yas Forums.
>expecting the retards who follow e celebs to have any sense of irony
>but it’s different, BASED FAGGOTS are welcome, Maga!!
>that’s right, we’ll show those dumb libtards by embracing every degenerate policy they do, but with MAGA so it’s BASED
>did I mention here’s a nigger in a red hat, fucking epic
>I am the personal arbitrator of what is allowed on this board
Half of nu/pol/ arguments come down to this basically. At least pagan vs Christian threads have died down
(((our))) guy
He buried himself with that gay shit and shapiro got him shoaded,finishing the job.
He literally has 0 relevance now.
His numbers are still way up on Dlive, he's still got Malkin shilling for him, Charlie Kirk is still getting fucked with, and there's some AF student group shit going on. I don't think he's been neutralized quite yet.
>a "based" chink is shilling for him
>Charlie kike got fucked by the groypers
He barely made a scratch user.
His giant ego was his downfall. He could admit he fucked up on the fag boy thing and a lot of people would return to his side, but mommy's big boy is too cocky to admit his mistakes.