They're becoming aware

It looks like the NPC are becoming aware and rebelling against the system.

inb4 blebbit

Attached: dadf456436436.png (1453x1277, 180.64K)

these are the same people who say
“OMG why do you need a gun anyway”
“OMG he has a truck he must have small dick”
“Free abortions for all, diversity is our strength”

And so on

reddit says trump is a pussy for not rounding up all the chinks

Communists lie about every fucking thing they can to make themselves look good

you must have a very large truck, big tires and all

shrimp dick little bitch

>by u/[deleted]
how's that awareness working out for you?

>posted by u/[deleted]

So the user who posted this was forced to delete their profile?

I would assume that posts like this are made by people who aren't usually part of that crowd, and not actually normies waking up, but I'm curious what this user's post history is like and I guess it's too late to check now.

Yes, I use it for work but you wouldn’t know that people must work to maintain the world city retard

Yas Forums and KC has lately been pretty filled with China 5. Column shilling

You sound like a tranny from discord

I'd wager he was getting a massive amount of death threats from Chinese shills in his DMs and threats of being DOXXed. If I was him, with such a successful anti China thread within the heartland of Chinese shillery, I'd dip out as well.

> muh werk!
cry some more

The normies are helpless animals.

>shrimp dick little bitch
its always about cocks with you homos

>reddit poster

You realize big trucks are for moving trailers, boats and driving on dirt roads right?

Really has nothing to do with dick size.

An avalanche starts with one loose pebble

We need to provide support to the normies rebelling and redpill them softly. Remember to hide your powerlevel.

Oh shit, I've never had a shill hijacker in one of my threads before! I feel special.

Yeah he does he stands out in his stupid faggotry

>is expert on how trannies sound
ok, I’ll have to take your word for it I guess


>closing yourself within a bubble like some Far Left SJW

We should back their coup d'etat

everyone knows that

but it’s only the shrimp dicks who complain about it

Mate.... I see you, everyone sees you. You've failed.

Shit like that, exactly.

This are the FACTS smoking help solve virus

China is obviously lying. South korea is also held up as an example of proper handling of the virus, but even their corona numbers haven't shown a flattening out like china's numbers.

Zero new cases in more than a week? Does anyone really believe this?

Its amazing people trust South Korea so much and forget their Countries leadership was under control of a Feminist Cult not long ago.

okay lil piss baby

I'm pretty sure you posted that on Reddit lmao

Only dumb retard lefties and/or discord trannies would fall for that stupid truck psyop and actually care enough about what vehicles other people drive to perpetuate it

oh cool, some aushole’s opinion

Lol yeah I wouldn't trust any of these countries

Attached: Chinese Gospel.png (1500x1500, 402.32K)

god you’re dumb

it’s not the truck proves your peen is small, it’s the fact they’re bothered by it, classic insecurity

And here comes the fucking leaf.

It's shocking how many places are reporting China's numbers as fact. Had to go on a long drive recently and every radio station was blasting reports on corona numbers. All of them were saying that China had no new cases and how many days of no new cases it took to call off a pandemic and blah blah blah, it was astonishing. Not one of them thought to question those numbers, just report them out. If China said it it must be true right!

In part I think they are scared and the lies told by China are comforting to them. They refuse to face the truth and instead accept pleasant falsehoods.

No, not my poor musliminoes.
All they want is to invade your country, take over and enslave the indigenous and force their made up religion on everybody

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>be retarded childish moron
>haha I trolled you

china > jews

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>What you don't suck dicks? Way to close yourself within a bubble like some far left SJW
Yeah na, how about you kill yourself you dumb faggot

42nd post best post
Redditards gtfo

oh man, time to ban this little leftie for wandering off the reservation. don't they know that commies good and orange man bad?

Redditors get the rope first.


Oh great, another discordtranny bringing up dick sucking out of nowhere.

Reddit is by far more childish than Yas Forums, you get parental figure moderators deciding what people can and can't post

>encourages the use of Reddit
>calls me discord tranny
How about you go back to your website which actively discourages open discussion and censors wrong think at every corner and I will continue to bully you for being a retarded nigger

Where did this meme that a big truck means small dick?
Is it a leftists meme?

>China didn't dieseded nooooooo
They literally shut down their whole country for 2 months with cops on every street ready to headshot anyone who left their apartment no shit they had less transmissions and therefore less deaths than all the western cuck country that simple recommend not leaving your homes. If your honestly think there is a conspiracy here and not simple everyone was isolated completely and the virus stopped spreading after the quarantine passed you're a total faggot.

That's only if the potential energy was already available, which in most cases, including this one, it isn't. There is no potential energy for the avalanche to fall. There is no avalanche because there is no loose snow on the mountain. It's over.

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When did I encourage the use of Reddit? WTF are you even on about? And how can you bully me when I don't even respect or fear you.

Yes, leftists think that their onions milk grows in grocery stores and you can plow the land with a Prius.

China is lying about their numbers but the thing is everybody lies about their numbers in all sorts of other areas too, never trust numbers or studies or anything like that really it's all bullshit and we just believe it cause muh authorities

Go die of skin cancer chink fucker.

>Zero new cases in more than a week? Does anyone really believe this?
I don't believe their numbers but they don't claim this. There have been 301 new cases in China this past week according to their official numbers.

Who gives a fuck about China's Numbers you should be concerned about your own government how was this disease even allowed to reach an island like NZ

I thought people like you were mad that Yas Forums was invaded by underage redditors, now you calling others reddit for accusing others of being underage.

Being an island means nothing. China was letting people travel out of Wuhan for two months after finding out about the outbreak. The only way for a country to have avoided it is if they allow zero travel in or out of their country as a matter of course. Not even North Korea does this.

No reason a household shouldn’t own at least a shotgun.