Daily THIEF thread (fuck the system)

Look's like last night's thread was a huge success. So im going to try to raise awareness and make this an almost daily thread sharing info and discussion.
Thank you bulgar bro and brit bro and other bros, i did see your messages after the thread was archived.
Thank you american bro for informing me about blackberries and repairing the forest eco system.

In short: I got fired from my cooshy job because i was making too many hitman/terrorist jokes and the stacies got triggered from me being an autistic chad that works from home half the week and still threatens to blow up the office. also it was an israeli company.
I realized how HR stacies are ready to destroy your life left and right, how the government fucks me with no NEET bux, cant leave town quarantine, they take my taxes and give me NOTHING, and basically everyone is FUCKING ME and i was trying to play fair. No more of this bullshit.

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I want to red-pill all of you and open your eyes to MANY ways to cheat and prosper from the system that is made to enslave and fuck you over as good goys. Some of the ways include:
1) guerilla gardening at remote places no one goes to, away from paths. Having strawberries, potatoes, iceberg, tomatoes, carrots - all natural with no pesticides, no GMO crap, you plant what you want, no taxes, no buying land, and no gypsies to steal your produce, since its in the middle of nowhere and cant be found.
Have you see the price of strawberries nowadays? And they are big cardboard ones from greece. GMO crap. No vitamins.
2) hiding your bitcoin and funds from the government
3) preparing jarred food,preserves, stocking up
4) finding trails to escape town during gov lockdown to get to your actual house in the woods
5) hiding chests with preps
6) no more paying for steam games
7) no more phone plans, BMWs, apple's, audible, dollarshave club, netflix and other good goy subscriptions drainig your money
8) learning to spend your money wisely before they get devalued.

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I don't get it, are you looking to be recruited?

It started as a THIEF tread because i used a picture of Garrett from the game thief. However im not really planning on stealing cars or stereos, its just retarded, risky and not worth it.

Id rather became a thread about "Gray" ways to fuck with the system, the companies, HRs, the government and preserving your wealth instead of getting fucked and robbed.

Please share your cheating ideas. Anything that is about prepping, cheating, hiding, including books.

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No, what im looking for is to have an off road bike when the gov closes the cities again.
The freedom to move and go where i want.
The freedom of having electricity, water and food without depending on anybody.
The freedom of repairing and doing things my self instead of getting jewed and staying hopeless when something goes broken.
To not have my salary RAPED to pay for boomers and free healthcare for gypsies.
Literally FUCK the government and FUCK companies and FUCK normies.

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I really don't recommend lettuce with out pesticides. Every time i try they are filled with grubs.

Is there some more natural way of spraying the lettuce? Without resorting to monsanto roundup toxic sprays? Some kinda oil that repels them but doesnt poison animals and me?

Probably but i never really looked into it. The nutritional value of lettuce, especially iceberg, isn't really worth the space you could be growing something else. That's mostly a personal observation though. I guess you could grow it in a greenhouse but defeats the purpose.

HR women are called Karens.

So basically this thread is for teenagers who like to hang out in the woods and play with sticks and make forts. Gotcha

I dont remember a time in my life i had more joy and feels than this user.

Don't grow lettuce it's a waste of space it has virtually no food value: no protein, no fat, no carbs and no calories

Grow something like potatoes

Based. This is how I live.

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No retard it's for prepping and self sufficiency

>also it was an israeli company.
I realized how HR stacies are ready to destroy your life left and right



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Its a gypsy thread.

Neem oil

Growing naturally repellent plants nearby sometimes works.
Marigolds are good at keeping away slugs; milk-thistle is hated by everything except things that specialize in eating it.

sounds like we need a sigil, a calling card
Oh yeah i forgot about companion planting. That's pretty effective. lettuce is still worthless tho.

Companion planting with chives does a good job of keeping mites and some other pests away

been in this position. ended up homeless after an ex took my house, all my belongings, etc. i was totally stranded. had no family to contact no friends left after isolating myself in the relationship. lived lawless and stole everything i needed, clothes, food, booze, you name it. when it's life or starvation, you don't have the ability to care about consequences. luckily i eventually was able to recover from that shit situation, but if you are resourceful and understand that stealing from kike businesses is no thing at all, you can survive. never stand on a corner with a sign begging for ANYTHING.

no, a company that made casino games to steal money from euro moms who like to bet their money away.
Youd be surprised how retarded people are.

You want to be the nigger version of Typhoid Mary.

What the fuck is wrong with people like you.
>Gets well paid job
>knows 99% of the world is NPCs because hes ON FUCKING Yas Forums
>Goes out of his way to meme and shitpost IRL
>is SHOCKED to find out the NPCs don't like these jokes
>is SHOCKED to find out he is getting fired.
>comes to Yas Forums to complain about how not hiding his power level should be accepted in modern society.

Fuck off man, it sucks losing a job but I've seen your post like 5 times in the last hour. Maybe its a copy-pasta that I'm not aware of, idk. I hope to god it is, because if it's not, then you're one of the most retarded people I've seen here on Yas Forums.

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You can create a potent artillery weapon with nothing but some box cutters and an airplane

Based thread. Fun fact: pre-paid gift cards (visa,mastercard,ect. Must have an account number connected) can be used even if insufficient funds are available in online purchases where credit card info is required. Start a jewflix trial with it, buy a digital product on amazon, be creative!
your move clown world

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Nicotin - but better is a sort of raised bed or usage of microtopology/surface-prep to keep em out.
Works with brassicas too, but would not spray immediatly before harvest.
I like your Ideas Bulgarnon, but what about semiconductors etc.? Do you just calculate that wage-slaving will go to an extand that you can scavange enaugh scraps?

Cant imagine what you have been through mate. Im not even homeless. I just lost a good job and realized how much the government and everyone else were cheating me, without me cheating them, being a good goy and all. Being forbidden to leave town because of the quarantine really became the last straw.

Im not saying i should go around stealing shit from innocent people who feed cats and barely survive, but when it comes to rich jews, companies, governments, heck yea id take advantage of any gray loophole.

I remember when we had some homeless guy living in an apartment next to us, given by the government, he wasnt paying for anything, they never cut his electricity or water. Yet the moment we forgot to pay 1 day, they cut our electricity. REALLY MAKES YOU THINK.

>Reveal Power Level
>hurr durr I got fucked
Nice job retard, but make sure you sage in all fields

This thread is glowing. All we need now is a “my fellow brothers” and it’ll check all the boxes

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Based and honest pilled. OP dun goofed.

I'm not going to share my story or my methods, because I'm wary, but I'll sta this...It's important to understand what they CAN'T do to you, at least here in the United States. They can't outright murder you, starve you, or force you to work. I decided a while back that I would rather sit in a psyche ward and eat off them for free, for the rest of my life, which isn't that bad, then spend another second playing a rigged game thats designed to fuck me over for the benefit of ppl that spit in my face and try to rob me, I used to be a hardworking, play fair kind of dude, but it got me nowhere except openly exploited.

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Bump. Fuck corporatism

lol finally a bulgarian schizo thread i can get behind


Do you have the thread from last night?

Also, this is a honeypot thread, maybe. Also, I don't care, here are some steps on squatting in USA:

1) Drive around a look for empty buildings, with as few boarded windows as possible.
2) Make sure they are empty, look abandonded, then check them out at night inside
3) If looks good, get details on building from county clerk, on building owner, as well as who is paying property taxes. Avoid private owner properties, and instead squat bank owned properties only, as banks often take years to notice and are much hard to evict.
4) Move in and immediatly change locks and put utilities in name. You are now a legal resident.
5) If bank goons come to try and chase you out, show fake lease and talk about already paying 3 months rent and deposit to craiglist guy who you now can't get ahold of, it. Do not let them in building. If they forceabley enter, they are trespassing (even though their bank owns the building), and the police will not do anything, as it is a civil matter, except maybe try and coerce you to leave.
6) When eviction starts, get free lawyer from tenant's rights group, which exist in most major USA cities.

The main thing is getting bank owned squats, not private. Also, never ever letting anyone from bank in or taking papers from them, as once they serve you anything, it speeds up the eviction significantly. Typically, you can squat for 6 months to 5 years without bank realizing, and eviction usually takes 4-8 months. Also,in many states, if you squat a full 7 years, you own the building after, but I only have seen this happen once, though another one I knew made it to 6 years before the bank found out.

> I got fired from my cooshy job because i was making too many hitman/terrorist jokes and the stacies got triggered from me being an autistic chad that works from home half the week and still threatens to blow up the office.
>translation: i was a nigger who couldn't hide my power level and now i'm throwing a tantrum

>Shit post IRL like a NEET, become a NEET.

Play stupid games you win stupid prizes

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This, I've done some pretty creative shit with pre paid gift cards

my brothers, this is not a bait thread. Im not making you go set cars on fire or rob shit. No point in doing school shootouts, its what they want you to do to declare martial law and come for the guns.
Im in fact telling you to learn to hide, lie, cheat and do gray shit to be WELL OFF, instead of spending your money on beamers and iphones.

its exactly the example i made this thread for. thank you user.

I know about nicotine, but i dont know if it wont accumulate in the leaves. I wouldnt mind cleaning some slugs and larvae when i harvest, as long as they dont carry viruses that can kill me. i will need to read more. For now i have planted 8 strawberries since 1 week, and they look in pretty good condition. Local forest near a river. normie paths are 30meters away.

i know. i know i went full retard. I was making jokes about being the "jackal" or "the mechanic" and talking about poisons and being a school shooter. We made jokes with the QA bro that used to be a detective civil cop. Stacies around kept quiet while complaining to HR.

Trust me, i am all for developing a "face" normie personality and learning to NEVER BE SCREWED BY A WOMAN again. Just dont let them have any control over my finances or job or resources.

In fact i am thinking how i can make my self in such a position to be "un-firable", to have so many aces that no body can fire me.

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Tobacco is the ultimate bug killer and when they get started they're hardy as fuck.

Maybe “the system” isn’t the problem. Maybe you’re just a piece of shit.

If you're a thief then don't come crying when someone catches you and hacks your hands off or head.

Either metaphorically or literally.

Welcome to your awakening fren!

Well I mean they can kill you if you piss them off badly enough, people have been suicided before you know

>my fellow brothers
Nah that's just how youth around here talk these days.

Not that I'm old but idk I rarely go out so i don't keep up with anything.

>life isn't fair
>It's a just world
Pick one boomer.

>no, a company that made casino games...

ah, gotcha.

Yeah, it's shitty, but shouldn't blame the Israelis then. Such companies are much more prolific in Europe.
Israelis, and jews in general, are actually much less involved in gambling, online or otherwise, than Euro-based big capital is.

yeah i don't advocate or feel it's right to steal from ordinary people, that was never on my mind, but i could not care less about big chain businesses who make thousands and thousands daily. i did what i had to do until i could maintain steady work and then i could crawl back to normal sustainable living again. i guarantee you someone who is given free housing from the government is never going to take the initiative to go do that on their own though.

thats the type of stuff that helps people like us, thank you user. And you don't need to share too much. Just like this is enough to make anons think.

Im afraid you will need to put a strong lock on the main door and weld some really strong things to hold a strong chainlock.

I had a moment where i put a lock on a door that led to the roof of a building, and i found some repair guys just dented and broke the metal things that were holding the lock. You definetly need to weld some really strong and hard to cut supports to put the lock on + an actual lock on the door.

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relax im not gonna become a gypsie who goes around breaking into cars and stealing from farms, i was a graphic designer for fuck sake.

Im more talking about cheating the government and the system.
My guerilla gardening is a perfect example.
>dont buy land
>dont pay taxes
>gypsies cant even find your secret garden
>free organic food you can jar.

heck yea buddy

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Instead of having "so many aces", just always look for better positions.

My last job, I was the number 1 employee, management liked me and they gave me a shitty raise (more than the other workers, but only 3%).

Another employee asked for more, he was told to "look for another job". So thats exactly what I did. I dont expect preferential treatment nor anything different than the other employees.

I got a job paying 25% more within 5 months of casually looking. They begged me not to leave and offered to match what the new job was paying. I said no and left anyways.

TLDR: If a company undervalues you, look for a new job that pays more. That's it.

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>i was trying to play fair
>making too many hitman/terrorist jokes
you bulgarians are entitled idiots. you do stupid shit like that then expect to get everything despite being a nob. doesn't work that way, bucko.

Of course this is a Bulgarian.
Bulgarians are known thieves.

>my brothers, this is not a bait thread.
Yeah ok, whatever. You're not catching me that easily, MI5/GCHQ

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>Local forest near a river.
You're going to have competition with rabbits, squirrels, and just about every other herbavore once those get ripe and start their sweetness.

>Im more talking about cheating the government and the system.
You're not exactly discovering something new since almost everyone does it here. If you're good at it you eventually become the system and government lol.

Honest work gets you nowhere(I've seen an example) but it doesn't mean you have to be like the rest and make it hard on other people that do want to work or care.

4 of clubs accompanied by jack of clubs.


i fully agree. I was loyal retard and wrote on linkedin "not looking for offers, should have hired me when you had the chance"
This only got me disposed off the moment the company thought they can save some money during the pandemic.

From now i will always have side-plans and routes. Fuck loyalty. They can fuck you over a night, even if you built the company from nothing.

All it takes is you being at the wrong place at the wrong time and a pissed off cop. They can beat you or even kill you. Who can stop them?

And do you know what my detective QA friend told me? They have the right to bust your door in bulgaria at ANY TIME. He was laughing his ass off. They can produce a document for home inspection and bust your door at ANY TIME. You think you have rights and that you can sue them but you cant do shit.
Even if you have a big metal door on the floor, and then another door on your door, they will just wait for you to get out at morning and hold you while they go in.

The only thing stopping them from beating you casually or invading your home is you are NOT on the radar.
If you hoard stuff the government decides it wants and they LEARN, they are coming, and they will confiscate it.

so you NEED to learn to hide and lie.

Here's some more tips on how to effectively be a NEET and live off the excess, instead of slaving to make Mr. Noseberg money all day until you die:

1) Work under the table. Lots of ways to do this. Street performing in a major USA city can pull in $25 to $45 per hour on the good season, with a good act. Pay no taxes.

2) While working under the table, get on foodstamps, $200 / month in free food. Presto. Also, public healthcare is way, way better than private employer insurance, which often leaves you with many $k in debt even for small stuff. Get in on that.

3) Squat. See above post.

4) If you live in a city with a lot of medical schools, you can make $3k to $5k for participating in non-invasive medical studies, like sleep studies, at universities, lasting 1-3 weeks

5) You can get $10 internet if un-employed as internet was deemed a utility a couple years ago, and now has to have "low income" options by law. Also, many prepaid plans are $50 or under for cell.

6) REI has a no chase policy and their security gaurds can be charged with assualt if they touch you

7) A razor blade in your wallet allows for quick and fast package opening at any time. A simple tin foil lined bag acts as an effective faraday cage for RFID tags.

8) If you walk out of a store with mutliple re-usable bags of food full of food, people will just assume you have paid for it, even if you have not

Having worked both white collar, professional, $90k salary shill in major city, and "live off the excess," thief, etc. life, I gotta say, the life of the friend heavy, semi-nomadic, exeperience rich thief living off the excess, is much, much better than waging. All chasing money and working full time does is make you less happy. Being poor and part time, or just full leech mode, is way, way, way better. Kind of sad that it's better being a thief and leech in America than a worker nowadays. There really is nothing for workers in America. Only debt and pointless waging until death.

>3) preparing jarred food,preserves, stocking up
Please do tell more about kompot

>Irish leaf

Every HR cow I have ever dealt with was a jew. Every. Fucking. Time.

yea but im a gullible RETARD that didnt do anything until now.
And trust me, im not making "anyone" life's hard.
all my taxes go to gypsies who pretend to be sick to get $$$ each money while doing NOTHING, and also boomers. FUCK THIS SHIT.

And you havent even seen the prices for gold and silver at TAVEX.bg

They literally want to buy your silver for NOTHING, but sell it at 4x the price. You cant even break even.

Yes goy, never ever speak the truth in public. Think of what will happen! Best to just quietly watch

>Id rather became a thread about "Gray" ways to fuck with the system, the companies, HRs, the government and preserving your wealth instead of getting fucked and robbed.
doesnt sound like that to me at all. were the ones being extorted/forced to pay tribute. thread to take our power back. nice thread brother

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