An Italian painter whose work has been honored by the Catholic Church for its devoutly Christian themes and masterful baroque style unveiled his latest canvas this week — a grotesquely antisemitic depiction of hook-nosed Jews engaged in the “ritual murder” of a terrified Christian infant.
Giovanni Gasparro, an artist based in the Adriatic port city of Bari, uploaded images of the 7ft X 5ft painting that revives the antisemitic blood libel of medieval times onto his Facebook page on Tuesday.
That the painting is replete with the basest antisemitic tropes is instantly apparent. Titled “The Martyrdom of St. Simon of Trento in Accordance With Jewish Ritual Murder,” it shows an infant boy surrounded by a crowd of sinister Jewish men, variously wearing side-curls and religious items, who strangulate him, cut him open and drain his blood.

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Other urls found in this thread:

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They didn't even try to disprove it.


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Yet a crucifix submerged in a jar of piss is totally tasteful and artistic...


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This guy is my fav.

Post s e e t h i n g reacts of facebook


>The event depicted in the painting has some historical basis. A two-year-old child in the city of Trento named Simon went missing in March 1475. Historical accounts are divided on where exactly the body was found, but a prevailing rumor at the time was that it was found in the cellar of a Jewish man named Samuel.
>Regardless of the circumstance, the people of Trento lashed out brutally at the Jewish community over the Easter holiday, accusing them of the blood libel, the usage of Christian children’s blood in Jewish religious rituals. The Jewish community was made to confess after being subjected to torture, and 15 Jewish men were burnt at the stake. This sparked a wave of antisemitic violence fueled by the blood libel in cities in the region, including the expulsion of Jews.
Disregard the circumstances. Never forget the 15 burned at the stake.

Thanks Giovanni

Read one comment on the times of israel saying he should be locked up.

Medieval dindu nuffins.

>Never forget the 15 burned at the stake.

it should have been more


best pasta I ever saw. Godspeed you space cowboy


thanks senpai

Attached: gasparro 001.png (1199x410, 151.89K)


Sounds like they want to make a 2nd Simon of Trent

the kikes are seething so fucking hard now

God bless this man


Attached: b+r.gif (367x219, 522.83K)

Found my new wallpaper
Thanks OP

Attached: Martyrdom of St Simon of Trent.jpg (1424x1424, 457.66K)

>it was found in the cellar of a Jewish man named Samuel.

Attached: merchant hamburglar.jpg (666x1000, 416.45K)

but it's true


based italians

hahah he put the kikest one on sight himself the madman

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>Giovanni Gasparro,
amazing work


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normies are taking the redpill

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What world does this guy live in where Jews aren't protected? You can't even give them light mockery without your life being destroyed.

150 burned at the stake? That's awful!

seething jews

Attached: roth.jpg (334x574, 37.84K)

If a Jew created an art piece of a crucifix made of shit literal dog shit, it would hailed as brave and thought-provoking.

I can't believing people are forgetting about the 1500 poor jews cremated

How dare they not teach about the 15.000 jews that were burned

RIP in peace to those 1500 fellow jewish brothers

Unbelievable much truth in this piece of absolute art!
Pic related symbolizes their connection to demons.

Attached: (1080x2240, 471.5K)

Hey, don’t make light of the 15000 Jewish women and children who were burnt at the stakes for an unfounded rumor.

Shit keeps popping up. I'm sure the elite occult Catholics also do horrific shit like this, too. They keep trying to say it's libel, but it's really not.
Weird occultist Jews did this in Russia in 1800s too, some Jewish/Israeli guy wrote a book about it and then felt bad and tried to "unpublish" the book. You can still find it online.

In the book some Russian lawyer in 1800s basically had a similar case to the Simon kid, and wealthy international Jewish orgs showed up and subverted the trial process. The piercing points on the kid's body were occult in pattern, and he linked them to Jewish mysticism and some kind of occult star map.

Anyway, shit like this is real. It's just that it's way more widespread than just Jews. The weird ancient occultism doesn't go away though, and it's creepy it's built into religions.

Italians burned 150,000 jews to death with a giant magnifying glass.

Attached: kekerino.jpg (882x720, 95.02K)

I was referring to the author mentioned in the pic in this post:

Attached: 258972597.jpg (1424x943, 190.93K)

Looks like the white boi is getting sexual gratification from that. Typical white people.

Remember the 150 000 000, now import those Africans, goy.

why do jews pretend that they don't have hook noses and beady eyes though?
it's true

Attached: E2A4E0F8-E6D2-45B6-A3E1-AFF45006ED37.png (400x366, 191.59K)

Don't make me bring the UN into the court room goy boy. REPARATIONS NAOW !

>reeee it happened a long time ago and it was only a few jews who did this but you goyim slaughtered 6 million of us for it! it is YOU that is evil!

Attached: Screenshot_2019-02-02 Blood libel - Wikipedia.png (941x467, 46.53K)

The ashes of those 150000 were used to create mortar to build a church on their execution square.

>Pic related was the actual captcha.

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If it's obviously untrue then why not just say you don't like the art and move along? Why are Jews such defensive fuckers? I worked with one once and made a joke about money and he was seething at me for the rest of the day.

Based, I'll get an 80in giclee of that and put it in my study over the fireplace.

The master does not suffer the slave

Oy gevalt you libelous piece of shit, how dare you try to desecrate the graves of our 150,000 martyrs who were savagely tortured by heathen nazarenes!

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Mark Zuckerberg

Yeeeessss, feel the truth slip into the hive mind. Feel it disseminate beyond the grasp of the kikes.
>Jews Killed Jesus
Jews created Credit
>Jews persecuted Christians
Jews subvert nations
>Jews subvert nations

All of these nigger hate thereads are kikes--imagine if the blacks and whites in america (fuck the spic) kicked out the kikes (and the chinks, who are basically kikes of the orient)?!

Attached: 1585353742418.png (1440x1080, 1.59M)

because they know the truth will get them murdered
>kicked out of every single country and society over and over again
>BUT WHY????

Oh shi- they're going to get rid of him? Freudian slip right there.

holz shit he portrayed those kikes pretty fucking accuratelly

In the first days of Holy Week of the year 1475, in
which the Passover feast fell on Holy Thursday, the heads of the Jewish families
of Trent arrived at the house of the most respected of them, by the name of
Samuel, on whose property the local meeting place of the Jews, the synagogue, as
well as the Jewish school were situated. They were complaining about the fact that
the Easter baking of the matzos could not be prepared because the blood from a
Christian child was lacking. Samuel offered a "prize" of 100 gold Ducats for the
procurement of the sacrificial victim. The Jew Tobias betook himself into the
streets which were nearly empty of human traffic around the time of the evening
Mass on Holy Thursday. Before the house of his parents a 28-month-old child was
at play, Simon Gerber. He was lured away with games to the house of Samuel and
there locked within until full darkness.

Attached: Simon-n-c-2.jpg (379x287, 120.04K)

remember, italians are not white right?
know your ((((enemy))))
and for fucks sake stay home and safe from the chink virus

So the subject matter of this piece of art is interesting, but aside from that, it is masterfully done. I didn't know we still had artists that were capable of work of this caliber. Bravo, Giovanni

The eldest of the Jews, an old man of 80 years, Moses "the Old One," began the
slaughtering by ripping out a piece of flesh from the child's right cheek with
pincers; the other Jews followed suit. The down-flowing blood was caught in a tin
platter. In a similar manner the right leg was mutilated. The remaining parts of the
body were punctured with long, thick needles (acum a pomedello), in order to
obtain the last of the blood. Finally the circumcision was performed. At the
conclusion, the executioners imitated the crucifixion, in that they held the
convulsively jerking creature stretched in the four directions with the feet extended
uppermost (in modum crucis), as the rest of the Jews again pierced him with
needles and sharp instruments. The murderers screeched: "That is what we did with
Jesus, to [such an end] may all our enemies come forever." The still weakly
breathing child was killed by smashing his skull bones; at this, the Jews joined in a
hymn of praise to Yahweh. The child's blood was collected into a pot and divided
among the individual Jewish families. The Easter banquet could be prepared.

Attached: Simon-n-c-6.jpg (288x381, 112K)

Looks like a Caravaggio painting, very nice

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fuck niggers
fuck kikes
fuck chinks
fuck jannies?

The child's corpse, displayed upon the Almenor (altar) of the synagogue on
Good Friday and befouled, mocked and profaned by all of the Jews residing in
Trent, was -- after it had temporarily been hidden under the straw of a storehouse --
finally thrown into a watery ditch which flowed past in the vicinity of the house. In
order to divert from themselves the suspicion which was growing ever stronger, the
Jewish criminals believed themselves to be especially cunning when they were first
to give report to the Bishop of Trent of the horrifying discovery of a mutilated
child body, after the parents, supported by numerous inhabitants, had vainly
searched and the city gates had been closed as a precaution. Yet they thereby
delivered themselves up [to justice]. The type of wounds, never before seen, and
the tender age of the victim brought the authors and instigators [of the crime]
before the court. Here they finally admitted -- separately questioned from one
another -- all details of the shameful crime. The wives of two of the main accused
gave the informative statement that already, in earlier years, similar childmurders
had been performed which had all, however, remained undiscovered.

Attached: Simon-n-c-8.jpg (275x371, 120.42K)

and he was born in 1983, so pretty damn good

150,000k Jews murdered?
what a travesty.

Oi vey!

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The trial, conducted by the Trent authorities with extraordinary thoroughness,
extended over three full years; just under the date 7 July 1478 there appears in the
documents the note (Rome): causa contra Judaeos finita! There were good reasons
for this long duration of the proceedings!
The rich Jews of Italy, although in their social standing still held within certain
limits, exercised a great influence already at that time by means of their money and
their physicians at the courts of Italian princes and even at the papal court.
Supported by their well-off racial comrades living abroad, particularly in the
commercial regions
of South Germany, they set heaven and hell in motion to
suppress the Trent trial or at least to salvage what was still to be salvaged -- "for
the golden calf bestirred itself: and the Jews from all nations pooled much money
and accomplished much with it."

Attached: 767403.jpg (902x1200, 503.27K)

Just kys kike

oh my gawd they bured 15,000 at the stake? never forget goyim

Politics aside for a moment, that's a fantastic work of art.

We begin with the prince in charge, Duke Sigismund of Austria: he had the trial
stop for the first time, just a few weeks after its start, during the interrogations.
The second interruption was caused by Pope Sixtus IV, who gave the curt
justification that the arrival of his authorized Legate, whom he had advised
beforehand, should be awaited; Bishop Hinderbach of Trent, who was
conducting the investigation, received a papal letter, according to which he might
not further proceed against the Jews, because some princes disapproved of the
whole case!

Attached: Simon-n-c-18.jpg (275x369, 60.21K)

"Never again"

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fucking based
I would buy the canvas if I could

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Shame about the 15000 innocent jews

The announced Papal Legate then made his appearance in the person of the
"Commissar" Bishop Baptista dei Giudici von Ventimiglia, referred to in the
documents in the abbreviated form of his place of birth. He was a favorite of the
Pope, his countryman and most intimate confidante. In the letter already cited, he is
most enthusiastically recommended by the Pope as "Professor of Theology," as "vir
doctrina ac integritate praeditus" [i.e., "a man gifted in doctrine and with
integrity"], and therefore a man "outstanding" in scholarship and honesty. If we
have the right, considering "our mental disposition", to doubt the
first quality, then it is all the more worthwhile to examine more closely the second
when it comes to the matter of excerpts from the documents!
On his way from Rome to Trent, he appeared in Venice in the company of three
Jews, but had to "withdraw from there unwelcomed" due to the prevailing mood of
the populace, which was hostile to Jews. "There can be no doubt that the Jews,
through their influence at the Papal Court" -- so wrote the Catholic Vicar Deckert
-- "managed to get Ventimiglia [appointed] as Legate, as a man favorable to their

Attached: Simon-n-c-9.jpg (274x370, 104.75K)

I can't tell if these posts are ironic or not at this point

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In Trent the Legate was -- as he himself admits in a letter -- received in the
friendliest fashion by Bishop Hinderbach; the latter put at his disposal his
magnificent castle as living quarters and supported him in the most willing way in
the investigation of the entire affair. But shortly after his arrival, Ventimiglia --
who had openly shown his friendliness to Jews -- entered into close relations with
the Jewish spy "Wolfgang." After barely three weeks he found his quarters in the
bishop's palace too damp and unsuitable, complained about his affected health and
withdrew to Roveredo -- in truth, Hinderbach would have been able to keep too
close an eye on him: "In Trent no one could have come to him without jeopardy
(that is, unseen!) for fear of the bishop (Hinderbach) and the people; but there
[Roveredo] he would have a more secure place." There, in Roveredo, in the
Jewish headquarters, the wealthy Jews had assembled with their lawyers; already
on the 24th of September, Ventimiglia could report to Hinderbach that "the
advocates of the Jews have appeared before him, in order to defend their case. . ."
Moreover, they put forward the proposal that the trial documents be turned over to
them; they, the Jews, had given him to understand at the same time that they would
procure the remedies for the restoration of his, the Legate's, health!

Attached: Simon-n-c-12.jpg (276x371, 49.81K)

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Tom Hanks

Adam Sandler.

On the 1st of October 1475 Hinterbach complained that he has seen through
"the intrigues of the faithless Jews and bad Christians," who "having been bought
by money and presents, win over the minds of the princes and of some prelates
and draw them to their side. . .The Jews and some doctors [= university scholars]
sit at Roveredo where the Legate also is staying under the pretext of poor health.
They are seeking to diminish the documents and make them disdained
(extenuare et floccipendere). They consult on a daily basis in Roveredo. . .they
seek to win influence with the Doge (Mocenigo of Venice - we will yet have
occasion to return to his machinations!), so that he will intervene for the release of
the Jews still imprisoned. The Jews were looking to bribe all, and already, so one
hears, they had managed to obtain much from the Pope and some cardinals at
Rome; but one could hardly believe it. . ."
The priest (!) Paul de Novaria, a Jewish spy, had slipped into the Bishop's castle
and for two months copied the trial documents, since Hinderbach had not
delivered these to the Jewish attorneys. In a trial convened in connection with this
[i.e., the copying of the documents by de Novaria], this "priest" admitted to having
been in negotiation with the Jews of Novarra, Modena, Brescia, Venice, Bassano
and Roveredo for the freeing of the imprisoned Jews. He had advised removing the
grating from the ditch so that the witnesses could say that little Simon had fallen
into the ditch and been swept away. . .He had received funds from the Jews with
which to bribe the valet of the Bishop, so that the former would poison the
Bishop; 400 Ducats had been promised to him, should his plan succeed.

Attached: Simon-n-c-11.jpg (273x371, 49.08K)

>It’s a historical event though!
It’s a historical lie.

It would be like being mad at Germans for committing the Holocaust. It didn’t actually happen, people just get mad thinking it did.

Things like this give me hope.

Attached: 1585348356064.jpg (750x920, 108.66K)

The Bishop's Secretary, Gregor, had been assigned the leadership of this part of
the trial. At the beginning of the trial the accused priest refused to confess orally,
he would only do so in writing. In an unguarded moment, he cut off his tongue
"scaplro liberario -- thus, with a pen-knife -- and threw it into the toilet. . .The
same priest Paul had still been hired to poison the city magistrate of Trent, Hans v.
To give the trial against the ritual-murderers yet another twist, through a shameful
maneuver (promises of money, a hoax involving a letter of safe-conduct) a
completely unsuspecting incorruptible Trent citizen by the name of Anzelin was
lured to Roveredo, held prisoner in his quarters by Ventimiglia against all law and
tortured daily so that he would accuse a Trent couple (Zanesus Schweizer) of the
child's murder! Later, this unfortunate man stated that the Papal Legate inflicted
upon him a "painful interrogation" (= torture) so that he would say what he knew
nothing about. . .For the most part he was hidden under a bed; only when Jewish
visitors had come was he allowed to emerge. Every evening Jews came to them to
consult with the Legate. The Jews had often counted out money. Finally, because
nothing could be gotten from him, he was released on condition that he would say
nothing about the incident!

Attached: Simon-n-c-13.jpg (273x343, 46.1K)

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Just read the wikipedia article for him. Was acquitted and became famous.

Since this scandal, too, had proven ineffective, Ventimiglia grasped at a final
remedy: on the basis of forged instructions ostensibly from the Pope, he attempted
to pull the entire trial illegally into his own hands with the removal of the Trent
authorities, indeed, his presumption went so far as to forbid the Trent Bishop any
further proceedings against the Jews, under the threat of excommunication and
being denied entry to the church; Ventimiglia encouraged the Jews to admit
nothing, and told them that they would soon all be at liberty!
But "in these long, hard struggles for truth and justice" (Deckert) Hinderbach,
who was surrounded by German men who were impervious to Jewish bribery,
finally came off the victor. Through his energy a trial procedure had been made
possible, which can stand as a laudable exception before history and its research
and which can still, centuries later, supply us with the most valuable material.
At the end of October 1475, Hinderbach gave a report about the exact
investigation, the capture of the guilty, their consistent confessions, and their just
conviction to all eligible princes. He possessed the courage to designate the
"investigation" which the Papal Legate had begun, concisely as well devastatingly
in his accounting, as curruptam inquisitionem.

Attached: Simon-n-c-14.jpg (266x335, 45.03K)

Unironically based and fucking redpilled.

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Holy shit I just read the whole story. Pretty dark shit with a semi-happy ending.
Spoiler allert

The kikes burned alive

fucking kek

110 by the end of the Corona Pandemic

Attached: giphy-3.gif (360x180, 1.19M)

Ventimiglia had finally dug his own grave: his "mission" had taken on such a
scandalous shape that the Pope had to leave him to his fate, good or bad. The
populace had risen against the Legate and mocked him in derisive songs as
Caiaphas [i.e., the High Priest who plotted Christ's death] and as "pseudoantistes
Judaeorum" [antistes, the Latin term for a temple overseer or priest; thus: a
pretended high priest of the Jews] much to the anger of the Pope. "But it has
displeased the Pope that his Legate has been everywhere convicted [i.e., in the
judgement of the people] of injustice, that satires and epigrams have been
published against him and that he has also been mocked pictorially. Hinderbach
would like to put a stop to this in his diocese" (documents). At the end of 1477 in
an energetic letter, Hinderbach asked the Pope "to make an end to this scandal at
last. . .all are rebelling against this, and he (the Pope) might want to appoint
another man Commissar, who would be a friend of the truth."

Attached: Simon-n-c-22.jpg (238x369, 93.8K)

You're about to get some yous

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>150 burned at the stake?
They burned 1500. They burned more than 1500 tens and that's terrible..

Top left with looks like F1 driver Daniel Ricciardo