Unironically, should I read Atlas Shrugged to pass some time during quarantine?
I once read someone say on hear that anyone already posting on this board won't learn anything new from it. It is worthwhile?
Unironically, should I read Atlas Shrugged to pass some time during quarantine?
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There are better works to read than this romance novel. My top picks:
Aristotle’s The Politics
Plato’s The Republic
Nietzsche’s Thus Spake Zarathustra
The Holy Bible
Read the fountainhead instead
i liked the fountainhead better
Fountainhead is far superior. She wrote Atlas Shrugged because people didn't understand The Fountainhead. lol
>Unironically, should I read Atlas Shrugged
It's a good book.
But since you say things like "unironically," it will probably go over your head.
I’m listening to it on audible right now. I recommend it. It’s a great story, great distraction. Socialism BTFO
I read it some years ago.
It's pretty neat, I liked it. It's only up to you to make your destiny what you want it to be user.
john galt's speech
>Rand was born Alisa Zinovyevna Rosenbaum (Russian: Aлиca Зинoвьeвнa Poзeнбayм) on February 2, 1905, to a Russian-Jewish bourgeois family living in Saint Petersburg.
Don't waste your time with this jewery. Read Mein Kampf instead.
I’ve been reading it over the past few months and I’m pretty close to finishing it. I’ve been enjoying it
the book is way longer than it needs to be, but honestly i felt like she was really good at describing "scenes" and "atmosphere". Too bad she was stuck on idolizing the dollar, i didn't really care for the ending much. Overall its worth a read if you are prepared for a very long book, by a skilled author, you may not like the overarching topic or the ending. Worth a try if you have the time and patience.
People say that movie is shit, I have the book but rarely touched it, sadly I judge books off of their movie counterparts
>I once read someone say on hear that anyone already posting on this board won't learn anything new from it.
Anyone posting on this board would learn something by reading an ikea pamphlet, so please, just read.
I've read it and it was cool, it's extremely exagerated but you can feel where she's coming from. She has this magical power where while you're reading she's 100% right and you can't disagree, and the moment you put down the book you go "Wait a minute, what, no"
Somebody once posted a list of political books and i fell for the meme, ignore my crosses
All women are dumber than all men so therefore this book is dumb because it was written by a woman gross
OP's book suggestion is basically Mexican soap opera with elements of pseudo-philosophy
the whole narrative even goes against all premises of a capitalist system it tries to elevate
Based af
I've read part of it. It's surprisingly well written and it pretty easy to read. Philosophically it's 100% a reaction to the Russian revolution and communism. With a fair number of NPC or strawmen characters.
For passing the time, there are worse things to read.
Read Erectus Walks Among Us.
She was a kike. Read anything else.
Read "The Road", it's more relevant.
The Fountainhead is better
>starting with "unironically"
Dial 8
She was a Libertarian for the Goyim, Neo-Nazi Jewish Supremacist for Jews. She was a good writer, but keep that in mind.
both AS and TF are based fantasy fiction by an imaginative lady.
10/10 recommended.
Unequivocally based
Not relevant . Corporate tax rates have declined by more than half since Ayn was a thing .
It’s a shitty book.
relevant user id. lol.my
oh lands, my first double double. ty. bows.
The only people who speak against the work, have ether read it and dont/ refuse to understand it, or havent read it and parrot the 'critiques' of the former.
ts a good story. Worth the read.
Atlas Shrugged is truly the Great American Novel. The Democrats today literally act like the villains from it.
Kek has spoken.
Read Starship Troopers. It advocates for a libertarian society that doesnt encourage everyone to be a greedy juden. Being a Randian post ~2015 is cucked and cringepilled
>(((Ayn Rand)))
Gas all Jews
The Holy Bible
Confessions (Augustin)
Institutes of the Christian Religion
Only a sith speaks in absolutes.
Jews promote Mental Illness of Libertarianism (Anarcho-Capitalism) to “goyim”
The fact that the writer was a speed freek is something I've never been able to get past. How can the amphetamine state of mind, thoroughly unnatural as it is, produce a proper vision for the rest of us? Something grounded and durable? Popular with kind of leadership that has delivered us into the present day state of affairs I gather.
Ayn Rand is unknown in Europe.
literally wut
Nigger that video doesn't exist.
Just watch the three part move on YouTube. It is/ was free with commercials.
fountainhead film is excellent
music, everything
characters are 'fucking weird'
reviewer @ the time
the music in the gary cooper/patricia neil film 'fountainhead' = max steiner
it really is exceptional
You could read that.
Or if you want to use your time productively, you could read some real philosophy and not the cringiest dumbest book written.
Up to you to chose, I guess.
But natsocs are all faggots.
Everyone should read it, but lord does it go on. Russian writers have no concept of brevity.
Ron Paul admits: Individualist Libertarianism is pro-Jewish and anti-White to the core
But playdoh is retarded.
She fucking hated libertarianism, Rothbard included. She wrote libertarianism off as having plagairized her work, and the objectivists have for decades predicted the libertarian movement to be the failure that it has become.
That's interesting. Cuckservative neo homo capitalists here like Marco Rubio and (((Allan Greenspan))) are known for praising ayn rand.
The White traitor Ron Paul confirms the National Socialist allegations that have long been made against the Jewish ideological poison known as Libertarianism. This Jewish disease preaches individualism for all non-Jews so that separated weak “goyim” can be outplayed by the united congregation of the cohesive and conspiring Jewish tribe.
“Any kind of racism or anti-Semitism is incompatible with my philosophy,” Paul said in an interview with Haaretz…
In other words, Paul admits that his philosophy, namely Ayn Rand’s (Alisa Zinov’yevna Rosenbaum) Anarcho-Capitalism, is pro-Jewish and anti-racist (anti-White).
part 2 please op :3
It’s incredibly repetitive and could probably be edited to 1/3rd it’s length without losing anything of significance.
But, it’s an enjoyable story. If you want a full understanding of objectivism I suggest listening to it on audiobook while doing productive shit.
Well...it will pass time.
You can skip whole chapters in the middle and probably won't miss them.
It's okay.
It is the ultimate libertarian fantasy novel.
Keep in mind that Alan Greenspan was a Rand follower.
Ayn Rand (Alisa Zinov’yevna Rosenbaum) is considered to be one of the founders of Libertarianism. These monsters keep pumping out new political ideas and solutions which are just the same old Marxist garbage repackaged and sold by these carpetbagging Kikes. Jews are purveyors of smut and filth. The only way to stop the flow of poison and disease is to apply rope to the throat of Zion. Hang these rodents!
>Unironically, should I read Atlas Shrugged to pass some time during quarantine?
It's a decent book. Without reading any comments, I already know half will be "something something Ayn Rand bootlicking Jew lolbertarian degenerate" or something to that effect. Atlas Shrugged and The Fountainhead are basically comic-book renditions of objectivism. The characters are all larger than life. The protagonists are flawless heroes and the antagonists are unbelievably vile degenerates. But she nails the personality types you find on the extremes of political philosophy. Libertarian narcissists driven by the thrill of accomplishment and competition. Communist totalitarians driven by the desire to control the world and bend it to their whims. You won't find too many fiction books praising capitalism, so if you're interested to see how one could pull that off, you should give them a shot. And the quality of writing is on par with Stephen King. Meaning, good enough to paint a picture and get a point across.
this.. read the fountainhead and maybe skip through to galts speech if you feel you have to know what AS is about
You should unironically read Mein Kampf, it's not what you think it is.
The illegal Jewish occupant and colonizer of Austria, Ludwig von Mises, is called a “great economist” by Ron Paul. The so-called “survivor” Mises should have been executed by the righteous German National Socialists, but was a slippery slimy snake who unfortunately got away. He relocated geographically and continued poisoning his surroundings like all other rootless cosmopolitan Yids do who are allowed to be peacefully exiled. Instead of realizing how Jewish expulsion is ineffective, and instead of calling for complete extermination, Ron Paul starts crying and feeling sorry for the Hebrew vermin, portraying them as innocent victims. The treasonous White back-stabber Ron Paul openly confesses that he regards Jews to be his role models:
“Ludwig von Mises, the great economist whose writing helped inspire my political career, was a Jew who was forced to leave his native Austria to escape the Nazis. Mises wrote about the folly of seeing people as part of groups rather than as individuals,” Paul said.
“Oy Vey, feel sorry for him, he narrowly escaped zee Nazis. They were going to transform this poor Yid into soap and lampshade for no reason.”
The illegal Jewish occupant and colonizer of Austria, Ludwig von Mises, is called a “great economist” by Ron Paul. The so-called “survivor” Mises should have been executed by the righteous German National Socialists, but was a slippery slimy snake who unfortunately got away. He relocated geographically and continued poisoning his surroundings like all other rootless cosmopolitan Yids do who are allowed to be peacefully exiled. Instead of realizing how Jewish expulsion is ineffective, and instead of calling for complete extermination, Ron Paul starts crying and feeling sorry for the Hebrew vermin, portraying them as innocent victims. The treasonous White back-stabber Ron Paul openly confesses that he regards Jews to be his role models:
“Ludwig von Mises, the great economist whose writing helped inspire my political career, was a Jew who was forced to leave his native Austria to escape the Nazis. Mises wrote about the folly of seeing people as part of groups rather than as individuals,” Paul said.
“Oy Vey, feel sorry for him, he narrowly escaped zee Nazis. They were going to transform this poor Yid into soap and lampshade for no reason.”
>OP's book suggestion is basically Mexican soap opera with elements of pseudo-philosophy
Turns out most people don't want to read Adam Smith for fun, yet they vote. I'll take the capitalist Mexican soap opera over Stephen Colbert.
>inb4 yeah but they shouldn't vote / need to read better books
Sure, that'd be great.
>the whole narrative even goes against all premises of a capitalist system it tries to elevate
How so?
People shit on her writing but I found it quite good. There were lots of very poetic scenes and she was good at imagery.
Today I frequently see stuff and I’m like “shit, this is just like atlas shrugged.” Leftists going hay for any kind of disaster where they can take the helm and look like the hero, and then processing to fuck things up just to satisfy their own ego and agenda, among other things.
Why is this shit always in steps? Why can't I just start with something from tier three, I'm not a fucking retard?
part 2 is more meme material because the guy that made the original list ran out of actual knowledge, books in part 1 are the ones worth having a read.
I personally reccomend "The wealth of nations" and "spirit of laws", and if go into it with an open mind "das kapital" will make your arguments mean something
No one know Ayn Rand and objectivist """ philosophy """" in France. Then again, that may be due to the fact that we have philosophy courses in high school and that even a 17yo student would not take seriously someone that don't even understand basic philosophical books or authors. It's not simply that this bitch is retarded when it come to producing concepts, it's also that she didn't understand at all, classic authors such as Kant and try to refute them while not having a single clue about what they say.
I learned her existence very lately while hanging out on the anglosphere internet, tried to read Atlas Shrugged to see what it was all about. I never cringed so hard. Don't waste your time with this bad litterature.
What movie has been better than the book?
>She fucking hated libertarianism
I wonder why.
>the objectivists have for decades predicted the libertarian movement to be the failure that it has become.
Yeah objectivism definitely won out in america, we suck israel's cock, have gun control & have let jews get an absurd amount of control over the economy, rand got what she wanted.
This is Mike Mahoney og Goldsilver.com reading an amazingly relevant exert.
don't read Jewish authors that have the intention to enslave the goyim in their pet ideology that they don't even believe in.
thanks I've read Animal Farm and 1984 and really enjoyed them. I've never read any non-fiction philosophy books before because they have always looked quite daunting.
It's a long read with a slow start. I put it down years ago but picked it back up on audio, which is perfect for commuting.
It's a good redpilling book. It had the same effect that Yas Forums has, your bullshit detector becomes incredible heightened during you day to day interactions with the NPCs of society.
This. I did like Atlas, but the fountainhead is less sci-fi and less about a love story. The protagonist is less of a faggot than Galt and Taggart as well. So yeah, go with fountainhead.
ayn rand is a jew who was against a nation-state for Whites but for a nation-state for jews.
She was fake and a liar.
Kek she didn't even believe in her own quote when it came to Israel and Zionism
As a writer, Ayn Rand was a mediocre novelist that made a few scifi potboilers.
As a philosopher, Ayn Rand was a mediocre novelist that made a few scifi potboilers.
>reading a book written by a Jew
where is the support for greed within -any- of her works...? Quote it...
...Ill wait
>I learned her existence very lately while hanging out on the anglosphere internet, tried to read Atlas Shrugged to see what it was all about. I never cringed so hard. Don't waste your time with this bad litterature.
What's cringy about it? I want to hear your critique. Specifics please.
where is your evidence?
that is because you only know jewish writers.
if you want to join the big boy club then you need divorce yourself from jewish economics and learn Aryan economics