The martian 500+ IQ

John Von Neumann 500+ IQ often described as "The Martian" by other hyperbrains such as Einstein and Fermi

”You know, Herb, Johnny can do calculations in his head ten times as fast as I can. And I can do them ten times as fast as you can, so you can see how impressive Johnny is” — Enrico Fermi (Nobel Prize Winner in Physics, 1938)

Hans Bethe (Nobel Prize in Physics, 1967) about John Von Neumann:
“I have sometimes wondered whether a brain like von Neumann’s does not indicate a species superior to that of man” —

aryan supremacy at its finest

Attached: JohnvonNeumann-LosAlamos.jpg (982x1274, 582.83K)

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Holy shit

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yea its fucking crazy the power of white genes

>my ancestor :)

keep dreaming mongolian

What is this bait? He's a jew.

He was Hungarian you fucking retard untermensch

Religion is not ethnicity, punk.

>aryan supremacy

Fuck yea. Any recommended reading on this big brained boi?

Forgot pic

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I'd rather have a full head of hair than 500 IQ, honestly.

>jews are white when it benefits me

Every time.

>Jews are white when it benefits them


never won a nobel prize though

I'm sure you don't even know elementary algebra, stupid low IQ.

Shut up kikes he was a jew who consulted demons for secret knowledge just like every other famous jewish intellectual.

Stupid mongrel bitch.

he was a jew but a based one. he was decades ahead of his peers in terms of knowing where science was headed.

Fuck off kike, he deserves the gas chamber, just like you.

But he has brown eyes and therefore not white

He was also a jew

he was a fucking catholic with blue eyes

"von Neumann was baptized a Catholic in 1930."


Attached: john-von-neumann-1903-1957-hungarian-american-mathematician-physicist-computer-scientist-polymath-T1A450.jpg (1083x1390, 94.65K)

muh shnobel prize


Dude lived a tormented life. Imagine having a brain that won't SHUT THE FUCK UP when you're trying to rest or sleep.

chinlet - not white

>hyperbrains such as Einstein

Einstein was a "Jewish" homo who was a suckboy at sex parties for the rich and depraved.
He worked at the patent office and stole ideas, and because of his suckboy homo status, he was credited with the inventions and ideas he stole.

Ask Kay Griggs.

Einstein didn't treat his women like trash because he was a genius, he did it because he was an ultra misogynist - a male homosexual.

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>Dude lived a tormented life. Imagine having a brain that won't SHUT THE FUCK UP when you're trying to rest or sleep.
I don't have to, I haven too.

most probably we cant even really comprehend whats its like to have a 500 iq, its literally 4x higher than what an average clever person has

fuck you

T. jose from south cali with his 97 iq thinks he has it like von neumann, kek

>John Von Neumann
Is Hungarian.
Hungarians were considered by Hitler as honorary aryan (just like Japan) and not true aryans because of their Magyar origin whose ancestors were asians.

its bad enough having a 150 iq and watching NPC reality unfold

The mind is like an ape, it has to be controlled.

The human brain, when engaging in bicameral use, has more processing power than any quantum computer that can be made.

Learn to meditate and be good people. You can do it!

Unless you have murdered someone or raped a child. Or tried to torture and murder someone.

4/10 shitpost

So what

because of his work on the Manhatten project
he is easily the more intelligent human that has ever lived
>inb4 he's s kike though

I know it's tough in my own case. Shit wants to ramble on at night. Have to drink some beers to quiet down.
That dude must have lived in some insane moonbattery-level annoyance. Most people with that type of intelligence go full-psycho from the noise.

If you cannot immerse yourself in the culture of human society, you may have above average intelligence. If you can do calculations really fast, you may have autism.

>raped a child.

The penalty for raping a young girl child still in her fathers house (who has not been betrothed) is to keep her and pay her father.

Heretic white-man scum.

You seek to drive YHWH's kingdom from the earth. You deserve whatever you get (corona-chan included, you white-man piece of shit)

>>>>The Torah explicitly allows men to marry female children, including in cases of the rape (tahphas) of the girl child: Devarim chapter 22, verse 28. Key words: Na'ar (child (hebrew masoretic text)), Padia (child: padia+philos = paedophillia (greek septuagint)) Puella (young girl (latin vulgate))
>>>>Nachmanides points out that a child may be called na'ar from the moment he is born.

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>>>>>The Torah explicitly allows men to marry female children, including in cases of the rape (tahphas) of the girl child: Devarim chapter 22, verse 28. Key words: Na'ar (child (hebrew masoretic text)), Padia (child: padia+philos = paedophillia (greek septuagint)) Puella (young girl (latin vulgate))
>>>>>Nachmanides points out that a child may be called na'ar from the moment he is born.

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“He’s a Jew, I’m going to pretend to be clueless and act like he’s white. This is soooo funnnny, I am king comedy”

t. Nigger

White-men are dog-like heretics that reject YHWH and worship "MUHHH WHOOOITE WUUHHHHMAN"

>>>>>The Torah explicitly allows men to marry female children, including in cases of the rape (tahphas) of the girl child: Devarim chapter 22, verse 28. Key words: Na'ar (child (hebrew masoretic text)), Padia (child: padia+philos = paedophillia (greek septuagint)) Puella (young girl (latin vulgate))
>>>>>Nachmanides points out that a child may be called na'ar from the moment he is born.

As you say

Na'ar means child in ancient hebrew.
>Nachmanides points out that a child may be called na'ar from the moment he is born.

>Naar is the same word used to describe Rebecca in Genesis 24:16.
Yes, Rebecca was a child when she married Isacc (according to Rabinnical sources). This checks out.

In the Septuagint the word is rendered as Padia (child) (padia+philos = paedophillia).
In the Latin Vulgate the word is rendered as Puella (young girl).

In Devarim chapter 22 verse 28 it is about tahphas (rape, taking a city, etc), not "consensual only" white-man+whiteWUUUHMAN white-permitted woman-respecting sex.

It is the rape of a girl child, which YHWH rightfully allows and has the man keep his prize.

>Deuteronomy 22:28 refers to a man who seduces and fucks a young unmarried woman. It basically prevents pump and dumps. Do goys think pump and dumps are good or something?

No it does not wh*toid. It explicitly speaks of a man who _RAPES_ (tahpahs) a CHILD (na'ar, padia, puella) female. He keeps her: as it should be.

You white scum oppose this, you are heretics who should be eradicated to the very last man.

> “Eesh” and “Eeshah”, husband and wife.
Wrong again, retard. There is no "husband and wife" as you whites understand it, you subservient matriarchal species.

There is simply man and woman (female)אִשָּׁה, and the man's possessions. The man is refered to as ba'al in Devarim (lord, master, ruler, same title given to gods) of the female.

Oh, and the hebrew in Devarim 22:28 does NOT say "Naarah" נַעֲרָה , retard. If you actually read hebrew it says "Na'ar" נַעַר . Na'arah נַעֲרָה is only by implication because a moment later it does say ishshah אִשָּׁה , you fucking retard: the child (na'ar, padia, puella) becomes the man's female (ishshah).

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Einstein was a Jewish scam, the theory of general relativity was discovered long before Einstein "invented" it, and his reputation was mainly because of an advertising campaign.

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White men are scum

"don't meditate if u like young gurls!"
"Same as killing and torture!!!"
(because it "tortures" MUHH WHOITE WUUHHHHHHHHHMANS mind to imagine there is something better than her)


>>>>>The Torah explicitly allows men to marry female children, including in cases of the rape (tahphas) of the girl child: Devarim chapter 22, verse 28. Key words: Na'ar (child (hebrew masoretic text)), Padia (child: padia+philos = paedophillia (greek septuagint)) Puella (young girl (latin vulgate))
>>>>>Nachmanides points out that a child may be called na'ar from the moment he is born.

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I see

You have a real talent for ruining threads.

I’ve never heard about him.
We are so brainwashed by the kike media, it’s really sad.

good point

>Von Neumann was born Neumann János Lajos to a wealthy, acculturated and non-observant Jewish family (in Hungarian the family name comes first. His given names equate to John Louis in English).

Sooner or later, you'll have to settle for neither.

William James Sidis was smarter

>aryan supremacy at its finest
His hair isn't blonde!

>Von Neumann was a child prodigy. When he was six years old, he could divide two eight-digit numbers in his head[14][15] and could converse in Ancient Greek. When the six-year-old von Neumann caught his mother staring aimlessly, he asked her, "What are you calculating?"[16]

Def would've been incel in 2020

Lol. He was Jewish of course.

>tfw have 140iq
>tfw no noises in my head
feels good man

leo szilard was the smartest of them all.

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oh i guess he was dumb then

The great white hope turns out to be a Jew. Shocker. Sorry smooth brained goyim.

I wonder what would be possible if you could clone a von Neumann from his DNA?

Did he have any kids?

doesnt matter if he was a jew or not

his ethnicity is aryan and he had blue eyes

the great white hope still reigns nr 1

Jews in academia either research useless crap nobody cares about (sometimes overhyping it), steal everything or just sit their fat asses doing absolutely nothing then take all the credit for it.
They also engage in typical jewshit like sabotage, drama, spying, stalking...
von Neumann even stole his computer architecture from another undergoing project at the time.

Just a daughter

Her 2 kids

Fuck you and burn in hell stupid kike shill

Guys heckle the kikes out of Yas Forums or else they'll keep hogging it and post jew fucktarded shilling in it

i think when you get into this super-genius range you're more likely to be dealing with someone who has figured out how to cope with it. certainly the pic in OP looks like a man with some inner stillness, but i may be wrong, i dont know much about him as said

>t. 155 iq somewhat sane guy