Be me

>be me
>swipe on every woman in Perth
>still can’t get laid
What do I do

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try dudes

I get matches like a chad and I still can’t get laid. Wtf is my problem


the problem is, every guy is doing exactly the same as you, so the girls only choose the ones that are the most attractive out of the lot.

stop being a fucking coomer.

It's over for you unfortunately. women don't find you attractive due to your genes. consider cosmetic surgery.

Anyone who cant get laid on tinder right now needs to up their game

I havnt been fucked this month since college

Since you guys are alright ill give you my line thats slaying it right now

>hey have you heard of flatting the curve?
>id rather be flattening your curves

Also im 6'5" and have a hugr dick

Good luck out there user

Do poos have tinder in India?

I imagine having a toilet and shower gets u laid

>asexual waste of space

Perth is chad central. Try bali then nigger

Get a diary and fuck off to Yas Forums

I don’t fuck Asians

stop "dropping redpills" like a shizo

fuck off cumskin faggot

Been told by psychiatrists that I’m not but I think you’re right

loser detected

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Your insults mean nothing, everyone wants cumskin

Can you make a profile without having Facebook yet?

Its good advice, it means nothing to me if you ignore it. Im just flexing on you incels desu

>Be me
>Before I settled
>Get laid at least once a month with a different girl using tinder
>I mostly talk about tinder with chicks I meet or other girls
>They don't understand how my numbers are so low
>Get on Yas Forums
>Basically a Chad
You guys are out of the loop, lol

If you want sex, use escorts.

After you has sex you can then focus on the finale solution.

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why do your women fuck niggers then?

Go to prostitutes

White American guy in india. I used tinder and fucked a few punjabi sluts

This is the shit right here mang.

I get matches up the ass, with cuties that are 7/10+ yet the only bitches i actually manage to fug are 3 slampigs.

Probably doesn't help that I don't wanna drink and that's all these crazy hoes wanna do.

Prostitutes are better anyway

1. Be Chad
2. Make 6+ figures a year
3. Be over 6’1
4. Workout three times a day
5. Respect women
6. Be open to an open relationship (but only for her)
That’s all you need to do to get a 3/10 female whale or lower, and if you think that’s too high of standards than you need to have sex, incel.

Try bumble. I got a couple matches, even asked a girl on a date and she accepted. I never followed through though because she was so fucking boring. I knew even sex would not be worth the agony. I think the other user is right. Might just have to go gay.

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I'm from Perth and Tinder there is total shit, not to mention women too. They're either money grubbing status seekers or bush pigs with very few in between. My advice is to get out of Perth and fuck bitches overseas. It's what I did and it made me realise how fucked up Perth girls really are.

Have you prayed to St Black Ops 2 Cel yet today brother?

Like every profile messes with the algorithm and in turn you don’t show up to as many other Profiles
I’m sure you very handsome :)

im pretty sure it's just perth girls, theyre all on tinder just for some self worth boost, 1/5 will actually message back imo

>be me
>get many matches on tinder
>girls message me first
>usually just "hey"
>without fail, blow it every single time
it almost hurts more that they give me a chance to fail lmao
I do better with drunk bar sloots

Get an escort

Isn't Bumble worse? I thought the women on there just want dudes with high paying careers?

Thats actually just a meme on pol, despite massive amounts of virtue signaling most white women avoid niggers

Lol apart from tv only damaged trash go for niggers. Turn the American tv off.

Just wait until April 2 when roasties miss rent payment. You'll be able to buy their ass on the cheap

Yep, white women are the lest likely to date out side of their race

Maybe, only been using it for two or three weeks and not much to show for it. I can see I'm getting likes but I can tell they are slags. I paid for a week of being able to see who likes me. It was all fat chicks and I'd rather fuck a trap before a fat biocunt.

Have you tried exciting them with sexually charged jokes?
Or are you more if a dick pick person

95% of the women fuck 5% of the men.
Its over, buddy boyo. It never even began.

Improve your facial bone structure.

Perth girls have standards out of this world.
t. 25yo kv

it's not so clear-cut. I've been on tinder in the past and I get a fair bit of attention from women there. I usually can sit back and wait for the messages to come in as well. But most of the women quickly reveal themselves to be either totally vapid or psychos, and of the few I decided to meet in person, it was clear that they usually used profile pics from 3-5 years ago. It's rare that a woman will use a current photo that represents closely how she looks. So eventually I got rid of it, I realized I've had more success meeting women in everyday life anyway.

If you swipe everyone tinder assumes you're a bot and notifies no one. Try again but ignore the bottom 30%

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try fucking a chink or a nigger. Not people but you'll get laid

Standards out of this world combined with being shit tier women

Wow lol I swipe left on all the ugly girls lmao I have 27 girls that swiped on me and I curved

>what do i do
an hero

>real life
But how? You know how there's that unspoken rule at the gym of not talking to other people? Well it's like that here for all of society. People only go out with their group of long established friends and absolutely do not want to be approached.

This. If you swipe left on everyone, you get shadow banned. That's probably why you're not getting any likes at all. No one is seeing you.

Dude, go drink with them. Dont have to get drunk or anything crazy just have a beer or something like a whiskey water if you're a man. Drinking is a social thing for me. I never drink alone, only with others like at parties or whatever

What are the chances of me getting a cute Asian girl.

stop being fucking retards, be normal they're easy marks.

if youre not absolutely disgusting which is 90% of you and if you act somewhat normal chances are if you meet up with one of those sluts you'll probably get fucked unless youre too far gone into the red pill or absolutely repulsive.

stop being weird cunts in public, hide your power level.

that rule only applies to the bottom 95 percent of men

There's a new Tinder setting that let's you change locations.I changed mine to NYC and then London.
All the memes about bong women were so true.

Endless if you go to their country. Asian women are dripping for white cock

Try Alice Springs.

Not true. I swipe left to every girl in London and I get endless matches for weeks. After then Tinder 'lowers' you on the list so you have to buy boosts to get matches again.

That's a rule for ugly people though

What about on Tinder in Australia?

Stop being a degenerate looking for whores

If this is real show pic and maybe we can give tips.

I've seen some truly ugly people in this country. I can say objectively, I'm not among them. Just a run of the mill white guy.

Come join to watch sexy asian women

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Your best bet is either being a university student or setting your location to university areas. Although the asian students there are plentiful, they usually stick to themselves and don't even speak english.
I don't rate your chances trying here mate, but going overseas is BOUNTIFUL.

What memes?

you're ugly as a motherfucker. Just accept your lonely existence and stop trying

Modern women are so disgusting. Wish I was gay desu.

fuck off, noseberg

Good luck with that now!

>What do I do
Stop looking to women to validate your life, user. It only leads to misery.

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Get a picture of you with a female friend, or just some random bar thot. Your matches will go up.