Boeing layoffs after taking 25bn bailout

This is your country on MIGA.

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Why does your title say Boeing and the tweet say United?

It's all plane shits

Breaking news: (((big corp))) thinks of you as subhuman cattle scum and not a single person will every do anything to stop them aside from bitching on facebook

As much as i hate them, it's hard to imagine why they would ever change when they literally get away with everything. The world has become so docile and cucked.

yeah wtf i love violent commie revolution now. not memeing. fuckung companies and their government cock holsters need to be drawn and quartered

>Bunch of morons
Blows my mind that there exist people who do not see that these fucks know exactly what they are doing and make a ton of money doing it.

Hysterical fucking morons

Boeing should just exclusively make warplanes

Corporations are required by law to produce the maximum profit for their shareholders, child
Thank the Jewish dodge brothers

USA will be destroyed after this pandemic and this is a good thing.

Meanwhile niggers, women, and minorites are more privileged than white men. I get it...not every white man is an ubermentsch and doesn't deserve honor but what about the 1%ers like me? My blind hair and green eyes will go extinct at this rate

USA destroyed = USA becoming Brazil lel

That don’t even give af at this point, we own you, we’ll fuck you right in front of everyone and take your money while you can’t do a damn thing to stop us.

>finally other countries can be as shitty as mine

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No, seriously, kill your nearest CEO and HR department

>A leaf

Why are you laughing? Have you ever been to Brazil? Are you retarded? You should be literally shaking, you dumbfuck.

Cucked Americans will defend this topkek

This fucking company and all corporations needs to cease to exist. French Revolution II when?

cool it with the anti semetism bro

favela porn is my favorite.

just sayin.

take the money back but not the actual cash take their planes, and their licenses. have the military operate all commercial flights

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This. Fuck these greedy pigs

I'm already a peasant. Shit job, surrounded by minorities in a bad neighborhood. It can't get much worse for me. I will adapt. Richfags in their gated neighborhoods in LA should be scared.

If your people were smarter, Brazil wouldn’t be such a shithole, so I don’t trust your prediction.

just to be safe I guess.

OP is both fake and gay.
OP is a sperg for mentioning Boeing when the Tweet mentions United Airlines.
Please fact check me if I'm mistaken, but it appears that part of the aid deal is there are no layoffs possible until September 30. Read the article:
United said to their staff that if business doesn't pick up by then layoffs will be possible. This isn't necessarily a bad thing: you don't want the government funding a sector of the economy that isn't in major demand indefinitely.

>It can't get much worse for me.
spoken like someone without a good imagination.

>blames congress and not the companies

Who do you think controls congress?

Unless we're talking about civil war and famine(which lets be honest is unlikely), it can't get that much worse. I've lived without power for weeks.

trump is a retard.

When are we going to learn that companies NEED TO FAIL.

The problem is when they fail China buys them.

>25 billion keks
You could buy a complete airline with that kinda money. Also its literally just an 32bit integer so chill

that's what you fuckin do you take the money and run. See ya later suckers good luck with unemployment

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It can still get worse. It can always get worse.

Why didnt they get 25 billion in stocks?
>Serious question

Thank you for the only nonretarded post.

Holy shit. Lufthansas market capitalisation is 4.36billion
So you could theoretically aquire lufthansa and 4 more equally sized airlines
Thats a few thousand airliners and a lot of other shit

>required by law to produce the maximum profit for their shareholders
>by law

Most american corporations are broke (except fang/tech and berkshire). The economy was doing great just moments before the virus hit so companies spent all their spare cash on dividends and buybacks and pay-raises.
if a company isn't making money, it cannot pay employees.
besides, it makes sense to lay off people when the government provides unemployment benefits.

Yea this is Ford v Dodge, one of the most very basic legal decisions in all of business law
Why are you lying so confidently? What the fuck is your problem?

This. The only companies that go out of their way to hoard cash (e.g. Apple) are universally criticized and usually targeted by corporate raiders.

>virus hit so companies spent all their spare cash on dividends and buybacks and pay-raises.
actually not completely true, many spend money on acquisitions and capex, and that is where the majority of their spending always is. But if one spends money on capital expenditures expecting future growth in demand, and the demand falls off a cliff due to a virus, then all that capex is essentially wasted.

Damn straight!
At least they'll crash on the enemy then.

>inb4 they hire some of the 850,000 H1Bs trump just approved

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With money our (((business men))) gave them!

Quit now, uneducated teenager


How much are the airlines paying you to say this bullshit? There is no way to spin this in a positive light. They just swindled the U.S government and more importantly, the people of this country.

Shut these fucking planes down. Ground them all. All they do is shrink the world and bring niggers and chinks into the country. Multiculti planes full of sub-humans. Fuck you for defending that. Work elsewhere.

Sounds like mitt Romney designed the bill, designed on the vulture capitalism formula...

Get money, fire everyone, sell everything to china


If you provably dont you will get sued into oblivion by shareholders

>United Airlines market capitalisation in 2019 = 22 billion
>significantly lower now at 8 billion
>Could have bought the complete airline with still enough money left to pay everyone 10k monthly for 17 months.

Please Yas Forums tell me how they can justify this "grant"?
How did they reason this through? HOW -
Did they pay in google gift cards too?

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Morons? No they only morons are us because we haven’t strung them up yet. They themselves are simply evil and parasitic.

Bbbbbased burger

why are states giving out cash with no strings attached?
even the chinese dogs hand out money to corporations with really clear demands.

>Boeing is the same as United Airlines
The awesome power of the Canadian intellect.


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Normally I despise berniefags. But just this once, lets team up and take these faggot CEOs down. What do you say Berniebros? Truce?

They should just sell their stock to the goverment (if any 'aid' is supposed to be given)
That way they can keep their company alive and pay it back later - or loose the percentage of their company permanently.
Its easy as fuck. Management can change until one day someone competent leads

Think of the poor billionaires.
>It has to be corruption, right?

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Holy shit, Japan is angry too.