Attached: Безымянный.png (611x647, 22.45K)

Not my lardy-sharty boiis :(

Not even bad. We'll see next week

This is the best karmic justice for those smug pricks. The best part is they’re bending over backwards to deny it just so they can agree with their orange daddy and their favourite centre-right libertarian e-celebs, all the while it’s overflooding their hospitals and killing their people. Truly a great way for the American Empire to die.

>all the places being ravaged by the disease are liberal urban centers

Attached: guess again.png (610x455, 217.52K)


Why are Canadians so bad at English?

This, fuck mutts

>Yanks are shit at banter so that makes them smug pricks
hmm that's also shit banter leaf

What's your point? Europe has over 20,000 deaths, including over 9,000 in Italy and over 5,000 in Spain.

>Less deaths than Most European countries

>overflooding their hospitals
You seem to be behind on people posting videos of empty hospitals.

Only Americans say "center" instead of centre

Attached: 1565220090993.png (488x463, 28.16K)

Thank god, i hate this country

Watch what happens two weeks from now, it's get really bad.

>Colour me stupid

I can't wait until we tell China we're never paying our debts and instigate a war where we get to nuke their disgusting fucking country back to the 3 sovereigns and 5 emperors. There shouldn't be more than 8 Chinks in the whole world.

With a huge homeless population.

Attached: 1487396472335.jpg (653x477, 190.77K)

It's mainly Jews.

Looks like it's slowing down boys

most of those 100k have not resolved yet

The homeless have an advantage because they're not locked up in closed quarters spreading the disease.

I hope everyone in jew york gets infected

Baste and a apocalypse pulled

Shut up you drunkard, we all know that China has way more cases, probably close to a million cases and over 100,000 deaths. Your Putin is lying too, there is no way that you only have around 1200 cases. We are not stupid. How many roubles did the KBG pay you to shill?

its just a flu nothing to worry about, the stockmarket is going up

Lol, not even the normies give a flying fuck. Who’s even crying about this here besides Jews/news? Who are you trying to insult, retard?

More people dead, less money to give them.
It's a win-win for the goverment.


>1% death rate
>better shut down the country

>lost 3 years of gains in 3 weeks
>b-but highest point gain in a day ever!1!11
Learn how the markets work

On a rare occasion I have to agree with an american jew, nuke china for what they have done


just buy at the dip like I did, I made over 100 euros in 1 day and sold everything

I feel like we constantly forget how many of us there are. Cut the population of the world literally in half and you still have way too many people. Diseases are supposed to happen.

Yes american, the virus stopped being deadly today.

1717 / 329000000 x 100 = 0.00052

Fuckin gordon gecko over here

tbf its conservative boomers who are dying out.
Liberals are typically younger and thus have higher survival chances.

I'll buy the true bottom when the DOW is somewhere between 6k-10k about 2 months from now.

бaзeд aнд peдпиллeд

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Never thought I'd ever say this, ever, but...

based leaf

There are a over abundance of chinks and niggers fuck off.

>1.7% kill rate in a third world country

SOMEONE wake me up when it's ACTUALLY happening

still better than losing thousands you dumb bong

I did not even buy murician stocks, only the local ones

nooooo not the wopperinnos
not the wopperinos greaserinos noooooooooo

Attached: dead wops.png (367x185, 4.31K)

9 in 10 people here are fresh off the bus beaners, we'll just get more.

yfw it was only 8 years ago that these "conservative boomers" voted for a literal commie muslim nigger

When you think about it, given that obesity is the no.1 risk factor after being over 80 years old, it's going to be absolute vicious carnage in Murica in the next month.

Digits confirm mutt deaths to exceed 50k by end of April.

Been screaming wait 2 weeks for 2 weeks now.
Worse than qtards these faggots

You can bet on how many people will die from Coronavirus with coronacoin $nCoV

Attached: yourealreadyinfected.jpg (286x176, 10.07K)

this, I support you mutts

lol just because you don't test for it and kill people in quarantine doesn't mean you don't have the disease in your country Vlad altho you are most likely a chink under VPN.

And to all those assholes who called me an arab on pol over the last few months: oh look 0 deaths, looks like it's good to have some shitskin DNA in your blood, it provides resistance to this bat flu

Attached: 0_kills.png (298x198, 5.05K)

The virus is wiping out NYC and the left coast.
Nothing of value is being lost.


COVID is most deadly to people with pre-existing conditions. Given that Russia leads Europe in AIDS and alcoholism it's going to fuck you hard you fucking retard.


ignore his bait ameribro, we all know that the KBG is hiding the true figures in russia just as the CCP is doing in winnie pooh land

More people didn’t die from car accidents during that time

80% of the people who died from corona where overweight.