Dear religious people

Dear religious people
Do you ever get tired of praying to a God that never answers?

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Shinto is pretty cool

Atheism leads to hedonism and psychopathy.

Thats what happens when you forget and abandon your race
Race is everything

How can you delude yourself into thinking your religion is true? I kinda want to be religious.

We are student doing test, teacher shouldn't help

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Spotted the Kike

What do you think prayer is?

I dont see a teacher, class dismissed

>star of David

Nice try Schlomo

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Talking to yourself

I don't think my specific region is the right one. I don't think there's any "right" religion. I think praying to SOMETHING and being one with nature is key. I found religion when I was going through intense grief, and it has really made me feel better.
>race is everything
no, I don't believe that anymore. I think character depends on the individual.

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Yeah I also never see relevant teacher during test

I wish animism was still a thing elsewhere in the forld. Same with Tao.
The only decent religiom that has any sort of spread is buddhism.

>no, I don't believe that anymore. I think character depends on the individual.
Why are christcucks so hopelessly bluepilled

I used to be all ~white pride~ but then someone in my family was murdered by a fellow white person. It was the ultimate blackpill.

That's a loaded question. I would try to give a proper response but an enlightened individual such as yourself doesn't need it I'm sure.

What is your religion?
I wish paganism was still big

I'll take that as a no then?

no actually it's like a huge turn on actually

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I guess catholic. the stories of the saints and sages inspire me.

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My God answers, of course my God is an annoying asshole who’s sole purpose is to fuck with me. From small to large scale fuck overs my God won’t ever fucking leave me alone.

Buddhists don't pray, we meditate.

this boi gets it

i was raised without religion
what even is praying, actually? what do you say to an omnipotent being who can read your thoughts anyways?

For the Hindus, people have the knowledge that they have a true nature, but people are misguided on what they take as their true nature. This is why the Hindus say that people are already enlightened, they just do not know about it... The true nature of people is not the 5 senses or their objects, it is the mind, the cosmos, or later their deification of this, ie their Brahma or their Buddha, and when people realize this they are enlightened. The way to realize this is by relying on material objects which purify their minds, like sounds, logic, mantras, little beads, amulets.

Then people ask the usual question ''why the cosmos produce things which do not know that they are the cosmos?'' ie ''why are people not born directly enlightened? instead of being born unenlightened which produces lots of suffering?''
So far the Hindus have no answer to this ''question of evil''. The Hindus keep replying ''people do not know their true nature'' and that's their answer...

Mahayana is hinduism where they replaced brahma with their new idea of buddhanature. Things have a true nature this nature is just the primordial mind or the mind of a buddha.

in Buddhism, people do not have a true nature, people are not the cosmos, people are not Brahma, people are not Buddha, people are not their mind, people are not born already enlightened. In Buddhism there is only craving for pretty things and pretty ideas [ie the idea of having ''a true nature''] and lack of craving for pretty things and pretty ideas. People get enlightened when they stop craving for those. The way to get enlightened is to purify the mind, however not with objects like the Hindus do, but with the mind itself, ie all the time checking [with the mind] the behavior of the mind and then viewing the mind as it really is, which is anicca, dukkha , anatta, which triggers dispassion, which triggers liberation which triggers knowledge that dukkha is ended.

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>to a god that doesn't exists

praying to a god

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go out in nature and share your sorrow or happiness with god/ancestors/spirits/whoever is listening. Prayer gives you a peace of mind you feel hopeless. Even if you don't believe anyone hears you, just use that time to let your heart out.

But he does answer, memeflag. Jesus Christ is LORD of all. The LORD is our Savior, Comforter, and Brother.

Prayer means a lot of things to different people, it can mean asking a God for specific things or practice of trying to align your mind with the will of a God. I've heard it described as an ongoing dialogue, or an internal discussion that interacts with the concept of God. When I was a practicing Christian I saw prayer as a method of seeking guidance and wisdom from the sliver of the living God that exists within our own conscience. I'm sure other Christians would think this is blasphemous, and attribute a similar experience to supernatural intervention.

When I did it I would open myself up, trying be humble in the face of my petty worldly actions, thoughts, desires, and flaws. I would ask the real question at the root of all of our struggles, why we must suffer in ignorance. If I truly opened myself, I would be met with an answer that I knew was true in my heart.


If this life was always easy and everything always went the way I wanted it to, then I wouldn’t grow stronger/better as a person and my happiness would be hollow.
When what I want is the RIGHT thing, then my prayers are always answered. And when it isn’t, then the RIGHT thing happens instead.
I can say that not once thing in my life was the WRONG thing to have happened, excluding my own mistakes— every event has been an irreplaceable contribution to my character, and I would not change any of it, even the difficult parts.
Basically put: God will give you a hard life path which is intended to make you stronger, and so you can therefore reach higher happiness than otherwise possible.
The purpose of his plan is to help you find your own strength and goodness within yourself— he’s not going to do everything for you, because that wouldn’t be in your best interest.
So yeah, if you act like a pussy, and look at your life in the same way a pussy would, then I guess your prayers are ‘never answered’. But real men always find God.

I took a shit halfway through writing this.

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He did answer, though?

My god answers me by giving me amazing luck and to get out of every situation that will affect my way of life. I've had random checks in the mail for $100 for birthday money that was sent 2 years ago show up exactly when I needed to pay my water bill. Several other examples I can give. Its either a God that has a plan for me or I'm extremely fucking lucky.
>driving my dodge avenger that hasn't gotten break changes and I don't have insurance
>sliding off the road after a winter storm and hitting a huge rock that bounces me back with no damage to the car
>never pulled over despite 6 year old expired tags and my oil hasn't been changed in 2 years


ive been praying for corona chan to come for 10 years
in your face faggot! God answers!

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weak/strong theology. Is there anyone more basic than an atheist at this point using simpleassed 1990s talking points against 2,000-4,000 year old religions that have been debated for centuries? But no, some 12 year old Nihilist with a web browser will be the one to take em down.

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>Atheism leads to hedonism and psychopathy.
At least we don't pretend to hear your gods telling us to put the baby in the microwave.

What did he say?

It's a pity the leaders of the buddhist sects are filled with a bunch of nihilist morons.

what are you even talking about?

>fellow white person
Ok Joomer

Buddhists still pray though..

Buddhism isn't a god-based religion.

>Prayer means a lot of things to different people

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>Buddhists don't pray, we meditate.
This isn't true for 95% of Buddhists in the world.
You base Buddhism on a modern Western invention.

yoooo dont ever put buddhism and judaism on the same chart again holy fuck judaism isnt even a religion its an excuse

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Maybe if you'd listen to yourself first you'd get an answer, nazi

I was religious until about 17.
I remember all I ever prayed about was toys and shit. Id just pray and ask for something, and id say that if he gave me it id never ask for anything again. And then id never get it because in retrospect i was just talking to myself and not actually doing anything to get what i want.
Im glad as hell i didnt carry this into my adult life. I cant imagine not actually realising i need to work to reach my goals and just talking to myself, not ever acomplishing anything, just hoping god would give me what i wanted.

He answered my prayers and destroying NWO and degeneracy with Corona. What more to ask?

The virgin athiest and the chad theologian

What nihilist Buddhists are you talking about? I mean there are a few but it's certainly not common.

except most people who pray don't ask for material things.

You can get the attention of cosmic entities and ask them for stuff, and you'll get it IRL if you do it right.
I wouldnt reccomend doing it though.

You are going to get yourself and others killed, upkeep your fucking car you idiot.

>mother puts her infant in the microwave
>says god told her to do it
How do we know the difference between you and her?

How can you do it?

>Atheism leads to hedonism and psychopathy
>I talk with an omnipotent god and pray bcs the omnipotent god gonna help my on my daily shit

Sure the atheist are the hedonist psychopaths not the faggot who telepathically talk with munchkin overlords believing that he is helped by him just because a 2000-year-old book created by farmer coomers in the desert said so

FUCKING hilarious, they waste their time and not only that, they even pay money for some made-up bullshit. How stupid can they be? Kek

lmao this is such an r/atheist talking point.
>a christian woman did something bad
>therefore religion is false
here, you dropped this.

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Pretty sure God has answered my prayers.

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Everything is material to some degree. Praying to cure yourself of cancer is praying the tumor goes away. Praying for a raise is praying for more money. I was praying for materialistic things because i was a kid. As an adult i would be praying for, as an example, a raise, instead of actually putting in the work to earn the raise. I would end up without what i wanted because i would be relying on prayer and not working to get what i want.

>A christian person does something bad

>I was religious until about 17.
That's kind of late to lose religion, but I forgive you because you're American.
I think I realized religion is a meme age 12/13.