Vape deaths was actually the virus?

Remember last summer when they were blaming vaping for sudden lung damage and death?
Is it possible it was Covid-19 this whole time and was either covered up or from ignorance?
Nobody seems to be talking about this.
They presented all the same symptoms and died just as suddenly.

Attached: blowing-vapor.jpg (800x533, 57.51K)

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no it was actually tainted thc oil

Shut the fuck up anti-vape shill you made this thread like 3 times already

People are saying that now. Probably the Chinese desperately trying to find a way to shift the blame.

I actually remembered it when i first heard about the lung xrays but then i remembered some kind of waxy substance or something was claimed to be in their lungs and so i dismissed it.

>Shut the fuck up anti-vape shill you made this thread like 3 times already
sounds more like he's an anti virus shill you fucking re re

All of the vape related deaths were from people vaping counterfeit weed cartridges.

If that was what so ever true their family members and the medical staff treating them would have become infected

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Yeah I'm just spitballing here wondering if the virus has actually been around longer than thought.
I don't think it was just from thc carts. That might have just been the excuse used to distract us or to regulate the industry

Can you say they werent for a fact?
Could've easily blamed it on the flu. Most people don't get the sudden lung damage.

The very old and occasionally very young are dying too, doubt they were vaping

Wtf this picture is on a billboard by my house.

>Can you say they werent for a fact?
Yes I can give now that we know how contiguous the virus is combined with the 17% death rate.

next question

>If its been around longer
Last winter I had a particularly bad case of pneumonia. Was bad enough that I was starting to think there was a chance I wouldn't survive it.

Vape deaths were cause by idiots using chinese shit.

Reading comprehension: get some you absolute mongoloid.

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Lol what vaporizers aren't made in China

Had the same. First time I seriously considered I may be dying. Took me almost 3 weeks to fully recover.

>omg my grampa dies in lung cancer on 2004 was coroma guys??



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I just pulled it off google images lol

niiger it was vitamin e acetate from thc cartridges kys you faggot

tainted adrenochrome, tainted vape carts
Make up ya mind

Want to fuck

Nobody sane is talking about adrenochrome.

believing the thc lies from the same people telling you corona kills less than 1%

>wearing a snap back
>that beard
How to look like an absolute faggot: 101

Nah, instead of COVID they died of faggotry.
It's finally turned fatal.

>Nobody seems to be talking about this.
Welcome to WWIII. It is having an odd start due to Iran's Ayatollah unexpectedly not shooting missiles at Israel after Trump killed General Salami.

So product from chinks get people sick?
Thanks for confirming that this is a weapon chang

Not sure what other niggers are vaping on to hurt themselves so badly. I just vape a juice made from tobacco leaf and treat it with a tiny drop of menthol to smooth it since the nic is high. One of the few ingredients used to make my juice is the same that you find in asthma inhalers. Just don't vape cotton candy nigger berry china cum and you're golden.

with what?

Probably so.

vitamin E acetate, because retards think thicker liquid = authentic cart

If I'm not mistaken I think vitamin e oil?? It destroys your lungs when vaporized.

Chinese semen

Shalom Uri

Not just people. My girlfriend ordered flea treatment for our six pound cat from eBay a few months ago, from a Chink store, and they sent us a package for cats but th vials were for dogs over fifty pounds which would have effectively killed our cat. When she bitched about it online they shut the store down. Chinks are the actual plague.

Thought I had a bad thc cart last January. Felt like I was gonna die/ never been so sick. Was too embarrassed to go to the hospital over a cart. Mom and cousin both got sick immediately after, cousin deathly sick too. Was definitely Corona symptoms in hindsight.

>When she bitched about it online they shut the store down
There's a rash of little online stores on cheap ass "strip mall" type sites that are similar, with stupid low prices, $20 mattresses & shit. They get a bunch of orders & then shutter & open another.

Stop doing drugs

I think you are on to something

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Reported for stupidity

vape deaths were caused from shitty extracts.

retards use butane and C02 at home to make their own cartridges and sell them on the street

>kys nigger
wrong, vaping will still give you popcorn lung faggot

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This is retarded to anybody that followed the story, the only similarity is that both caused lung issues. Ironically in this Chink attempt at deflection it was probably China behind the vaping deaths because if fucked up chemicals they imported into this country.

Only young people died when they vaped. If coronavirus was in the US, why didn't the elderly croak?

thanks frens

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Bruh, you don't vape and then one day out of nowhere youre in the hospital with severely damaged lungs and need ventilation.
They wouldve noticed something aint right before it got to that point.

I have been making BHO at home for the last 11 years. I can't even remember the last time I had a cold

rednecks have stills at home but there's still alchohol poisoning from nogs who make their own hooch

Somebody doesn't remember "bath salts".
Industries in the fucking US barely self-regulate, chinks don't even bother.

Still didn't die to a bioweapon with thc circulating system and "associated health risks to inhalation of controlled substances"

Dilate one last time before killing yourself.

Dude people huff butane straight out of the can and even after they don't have the lung damage these vap cases had.

I talk about it... and then my wifes son wants to lock me in a home KEK!

I also talk about how The Coof has been going on for at least 3 years and the medical community knows damn well it has.

Lol that's the best comeback you had "ur a tranny" I think the all thar vaping did a number on your brain.

>one thing doesn't do this, so therefore by the transitive property nothing else can do this either

Who are you quoting?


I think the vape transports it more deebly to the lungs.

My wifes son vapes. I told him he should stop.

He got VERY sick from [flu] this year

No i made the thread earlier today and did the research. This user is just going with what i initially presented.

>58 KB
>Vape deaths was actually the virus?

Deliberately spreading disinformation- which is what you are doing- is not just illegal, it's fucking disgraceful.

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The vape doesn't cause it I don't think. It just makes it worse.

The illustrious they noticed. They started giving ZPack for The Coof a few years ago.

Shut up Chan