How does Europe go from 100 years ago to be able to invade and attack any country they want to now being irrelavent on...

How does Europe go from 100 years ago to be able to invade and attack any country they want to now being irrelavent on a global scale?

Countries such as India, Indonesia and China. Literal third world shit holes can easily invade and annex most European countries.

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How do Jews do this?


Two mutally-destructive World Wars

Why did your country start it?

The 2 wars and the fact that the US took advantage of those massive wars to take complete control

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Same way Europe was irrelevant when Rome existed and Rome enslaved Eurofags. Circle of life bro

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1. Left real, concrete Christianity
2. Killed themselves in two consecutive world wars
3. Became ultra cucked and hedonistic

It didn't

Jews, and checked.

Brain drain from Europe to the US after ww2.
Now I'm the only smart European left.

China could always crush many smaller European nations throughout history. England, Germany, Russia & France can still turn any country into a smoking crater if they wanted. Not much has changed in this respect for a long time. Honourable mentions to Spain, Greece, and Poland. Europe as a whole is the most formidable military force in the world and if a war were start today between Asian and europe it would be no contest whatsoever, nukes or no, Europe would dominate . You are dumb.

Also, these shorts on YT are fugging great

imagine the lag

Because they realized that their higher purpose in life is to serve the BBC. That's why God created them.

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Because hwites are docile, pathetic and easily subverted. This entire board is one gigantic COPE for this simple fact.

LMAO wamg, shut the fuck up before i take out your entire lineage out with my bare hands

1. Lurk Moar
2. Racial networking >> Control over corporations >> media propaganda directed at destroying White peoples ability to racially network >> spreading degeneracy and dysgenic behavior

You mean the 3rd biggest economy on the planet?
You mean the 3rd most popolous country on the planet?
You mean the 2nd biggest and most powerful army on the planet?
You sure love to discard the European Union and all of their agreements and "unions" when it suits you, little morsel.
But then what could i possibly know, a country with 1/4th of the population of Italy and barely half the GDP surely knows better than anyone else, right?
Piss off, chum.
Go hunt kangaroos or poke abbos with a stick.

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niggers wont suffer to fuck their own women. what's that tell you.


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>Britain has declared war on Germany

>Britain has called Canada into the war
>Britain has called Australia into the war
>Britain has called British Raj into the war
>Britain has called British malaya into the war

Now because all of these countries around the world are in the same war it is considered a world war.

>Britain did not start the war.

letting women and third world invaders run your country has this tendency.
>masculinity bad
t. USA is in the same bost

remove the reddit "incel" term, trim the seethe and cringy jpegs a bit and you'll get something worthy of saving on a meme folder.

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>being able to easily annex european countries


Because of the false dialectic of Americanism and Bolshevism.

This デス

If you want real life meme

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Even if Britain had stayed out they are wars involving Germany, Italy, France and Russia and all of their colonies you brainlet

The other countries got guns too.

France only joined because Britain joined.
Russia did not exist as a country.

Societal advance has been severely hampered by socialism and international neo-liberalism. Especially since WWII, western nations are wasting a huge amount of GDP on "progressive" social policies, and even deliberately handicapping their own citizens in favor of foreigners.

Liberalism in all of it's forms must be defeated, until then our societies will crumble until they can no longer stand.

btw, I call BS on the idea that China, India or Indonesia could ever conquer a European nation in a military sense.

Lol commie starve.

France joined because of their Franco-Polish alliance
Russia did not exist but the USSR did
No need to be a pedant

Rome is Europe.

Replace liberalism with what?
Do you know that liberalism is the cornerstone of your nation, the set of ideas that your fundind fathers fought for?
The problem could be the infiltration of liberalism and the laissez-faire of the people towards their liberty.

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The Allies started the war. If they didn't declare war there wouldn't have been a world war. It's just that simple.

Yeah I got redpilled on the Hapa spammers not too long ago. It also kind of takes the wind out of the pic related meme, since they also spam the BBC slides to demoralize because of the same reasons.

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What constitutes a world war in your eyes?

What do you think all the military the Natsoc were building was for? They wanted war. Its in the Germans blood.
At the end they played themself, their ambitions defeated. They over-extended their line of supplies and quite frankly they ran out of ressources like coal, crude oil, steel...
They thought they could defeat the whole world alone. They almost did: GG wp bo re.

Using their completely braindead retard golem the Anglo

Fund france and napoleon to kill the HRE and let jews into the vatican hence VATICAN 2 at the start of the 1800's.


Liberalism is literally just the lowering of standards. It's what the word means.

It's not a viable way to run a country, it can only destroy a working one.

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Milton Friedman

HEILige numerals

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Left cant meme, the joke about commies starving is good because it's true, "get better material" is a cope

You fucking retards destroyed Germany over a chunk of POLAND the size of what, Rhode Island, then gave Poland to the Soviets and were rewarded with the reduction of your Empire to a Cuck Island sized rump state.
I wish Scotland won independence just so you SHITS could be humiliated a tiny bit more.

> too high taxes, too much bureaucracy and red tape
= less innovation and economic growth, many of our best run away to the US
> too much degeneracy
= lower birth rates
> white/ European guilt from WW2
= refugees welcome, weak military, people don't take pride in/ identify with their nationality

The balance of power shifts with economic strength. Europe has been largely stagnant while the east has made huge gains. The US has an economic model which keeps producing hugely successful innovative companies which has saved them from the same fate.

If you control the brain, you control the entire thing. Take out the brain and the entire beast collapses. Someone figured this out and used our Western tolerance and openness to new ideas against us. The answer isn't to fly back in an intolerant direction but hold the middle. As per usual.

>invade Poland, a sovereign nation, after annexing Czechoslovakia and Austria
>"why are there consequences to my actions?"

Europe is filled with small countries. It was matter of time until larger countries like Russia or America take over. Divide and conquer.

Your country went to war with them too

This is who agrees with *ngloid cope about the irreversible damage their grandparents who are rotting in hell did.

Europe chose democracy, internecine conflict and co-prosperity, instead of world domination. Now they have large populations and economies to grow and sustain them.

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I am Italian-american and none of lineage fought in either world war, that is why I do not feel suicidal shame, I do not consider myself a true part of this abomination and I will be proud when it collapses.

How is Europe irrelevant and which country should we invade nowadays?

This makes no sense. India wouldn't be able to invade Europe for a dozen reasons. China wouldn't attack us, either.

What army do we need when America spends trillions on their military budget to guarantee our welfare state?

Are you people stupid? Europe doesn't project military power because we don't need to. I'll go for a walk now and have a beer after. The weather is too nice for this nonsense. Glad I'm not in India and shitting in a street or in China where I have to treat my corona with muh traditional Chinese medicine.

Where the hell would you rather be right now?

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I bet you feel that sting everyday when you stare at your deformed face in the mirror, dontcha mutt?

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so tiresome

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>It's what the word means.

No this is not what the word means. Liberalism means: Liberalism, political doctrine that takes protecting and enhancing the freedom of the individual to be the central problem of politics.

What do you want to replace liberalism with?
And in which way is it the lowering of standarts?
You seem to mix causes with consequences. The problem is not the doctrine (btw I do prefer other political doctribe then this one), its the subvertive element that plague that concept. Even if we change systems, and we didnt cast out the subvertive forces, it will comeback and compromised your new system again and again. Jusqu’à ce que mort s’en suive.

Only a total reset will change this.

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What game?

Your demon nations (Israel, America) will not survive to the end of this century.

Well. It’s a good thing we are going through just such a reset now with this pandemic

Hearts of Iron IV

Germany and Russia destroyed us

Spanish Flu did not accomplish it. I hot world war would be the only method possible but I fear all that will happen is white people will die in the tens of millions again while our enemies might lose hundreds the ration will make any outcome except total genocide a net loss within 1 year due to birthrates.

That's what they said LAST century.

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>2nd biggest and most powerful army
Neither the US army nor the Chinese army is your personal army, eurofriend.

Sad but true. We also have a traitor problem

Wrong. The United States Marine Corps, which is a minor branch of the United States military, is bigger than most of your armies.

Huh? White birth rates exploded here following WW2. ThAts where the baby boomer generation got its name. We can hope that massive numbers of whites will do the same after this virus. Those digits are concerning for this outcome, however

I hope you're just there on vacation because with faces like those you shouldn't be talking, either.

America is overrun with niggers and spics. All those other "relevant military powers" exploit their population to pieces.

Why would anyone think that makes a country relevant? Move to North Korea if you like the military power so much. That's all you'll have there.

I'm glad I'm not in India, I'm glad I'm not in China, I'm glad I'm not surrounded by Jews, I'm glad I'm not in some Baltimore nigger infested ghetto.

Europe is nice right now. In a few decades it will probably go to shit again, but right now it's pretty damn nice. Some of those American liberties would be nice but it seems they only exist on paper these days, too. You get locked up for every shit in 'murica. You can't even have a fucking beer and you need to hide it in some retarded brown paper bag like a fucking alcoholic street urchin.

Fuck America. Fuck China. Fuck India.

I'm glad I'm in Europe. Prost!

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Good Estonia independent, like Hitler promised.

Like the fine gentlemen before me so wonderfully elucidated.


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The Soviets didn't invade Estonia so we didnt attack it

this cartoon was so redpilled

The European union
Which is run by the

why do you only have 8 division, no man power and no factories

Because I gave Germany all my guns and man power.

after france fell hitler offered white peace. 13 times. 13 fucking times. WHITE PEACE. that means no territory loss for you. no more dead whites. peace.

but churchill refused. howmany times did he refuse? thats right: 13 FUCKING TIMES

fuck brits

No dynasty lasts forever, and yours is not writing itself the best checks.

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The beer thing is a local law, but every locality just chooses to have it
Except New Orleans, apparently.