Do you think the elites are afraid of Nuremberg like trials in the future?

Where we make them stand up there in a room with a giant screen displaying all their crimes against humanity. With the whole world watching so they can see what fucking scum these people are.

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Honestly not that based what Jesus did

No, because they have too many self-protective devices.

They won't get trials.

That is just silly.

What they have done is attempted genocide.
Someday, they will receive punishment for their crimes. And so will everyone who served them.

it is God who will can deliver justice upon them people cant do shit because they are dumb af they are the same materialistic parasites as these executives they are utterly worthless anyway

>That is just silly.
Panic mansions and PMCs isn't that out of the ordinary.

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Imagine the long list of their evil doing being displayed in bullet point fashion for the world to see while they have to stand there all alone and do nothing. They would chose death over this but we will not give them that entry into hell yet.

more accurate image

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rich plebs are still just plebs they will laugh at you but they are the real worthless crap

1. Explosives are the Universal Key
2. I would LOVE for the elites to separate themselves from the chain of command. That would basically be the end of ZOG. You cannot run the world from a tv screen. People who do not understand how hierarchies work in the real world fantasize that everyone in ZOG down to the lowest bureaucrat is some sort of highly motivated "patriot" to ZOG but that is just childish. Most of the bureaucrats that keep things running are lemming clock watchers. The moment that the few Big Men in charge separate themselves from the chain of command and try to control the world from an underground base is the moment that ZOG begins to implode.

>They won't get trials.
Military tribunals of 12
The reason for 12 is that is what's required for summery execution order.

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Not gonna happen, bröther. They'd burn it all down before allowing anything like that, and it's too late anyway. Justice won't come in this world, but they'll be stuck in this world, degenerating further and further until they're just stupid beasts scratching around in the dark and fighting each other over crumbs

You vastly overestimate the power of a small number of jewish oligarchs who rely on the compliance of non-Jewish underlings to accomplish literally everything.
These underlings only serve the jews because they still think that their bosses are the legitimate authority. The moment that they start ordering cities to be glassed is also the moment that they begin hemorrhaging underlings.
Even the most despicable Gentile federal agents think that they are patriots.
Besides, in order to kill off all White people, ZOG would need to glass most of the northern hemisphere. All that would need to be done to eliminate jewish power is to neutralize just a half dozen densely populated cities.

The underlings are who I pray for to wake up and to find their warrior spirit. They will be a tremendous asset once freed of their chains I believe.
However some and those know who you are are irredeemable. God will deal with them.

This. Their guilt is established. Thoroughly.

A trial would just be an opportunity for them to use their greatest strength - Pilpul, or Verbal Judo - to weasel their way out of yet another consequence to their evil and malevolent ideology and agenda.

No. It should be - field applied quick DNA test - anything above 10% Jewish - instant field execution by pistol shot to the head. Body bagged and left on the curb for the commandeered garbage trucks to collect.

Garbage trucks then take their cargo to a large repurposed Forestry grade drum chipper. The resulting slurry is filtered for inorganics and then provided free of charge to the nation's farmers as crop fertilizer.

Failing that, it's loaded onto tankers and taken out to international waters. Ideally over at risk reefs or other biomes, and used to chum the waters. Hopefully causing a nutrient bloom beneficial to the ecology.

This. If someone tries to kill you, you try and kill them right back.

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You're not wrong.

It's been interesting following unusual seismic activity the last few years.

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God will have to wait. We'll deal with them first. Then God can do what he wants after they have been hanged from lamp posts or machinegunned into an enormous pit.

Nope, you are either too retarded, sellouts or have your hands tied to do anything.
Most of you are so demented and/or stupid I doubt you can still be considered Homo Sapiens.

>DNA field test to determine guilt
That's just pure insanity. I understand your frustration with the political situation but come the fuck on.

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I wonder who’s behind this post

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This is true, but jews know you are extremely retarded and superstitious so they invest a lot in brainwashing, mind control and cults.
You retards think they are gods or their bullshit is real or any other stupidity, you behave like complete senile morons and there isn't much to be done to fix this.
At least that's my experience in this shithole country full of subhumans.

Not guilt. Judaism.

Human history is rife with examples, from earliest records to present, of the horrors of Jewish cultural ideology. Something that has become intertwined and inseperable from their genetic makeup, and emergent behaviour.

Wherever there have been Jews, there follows strife, rape, sacrifice, slavery, ritualized murder and the perversion of society. All undertaken by those who believe they are the only real humans, while the rest of us are cattle animals to be Used.

They are the manifestation of the Great Filter. An inevitable phenomenon in the course of an intelligent species' development. A test. A challenge. The courage and price of overcoming and destroying them is the boundary between us and the Stars.

And until we realize this, we will remain doomed. And the Jews our captors, slave masters, executioners and torturers.

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Not even. Take out New York City alone and you've removed the majority of Jews in North America.

But you're right, a few others would have to go. Just to be sure. Please make sure Toronto is on that list.

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You need a psychopathy/sociopathy test and execution instead, it's possible, it's real and the dindu nuffins here get triggered when I mention it.

Jews might be unlikable or even harmful as a group but the idea that someone who had a single Jewish grandparent is an existential threat to humanity is clearly bullshit and based on a flawed understanding of history, at best, and just pure insanity at worst.

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naw, i think once in a flashing moment, once every aeon, they have a fear of God second, and then it passes .....

>you are extremely retarded and superstitious
>You retards think they are gods
> you behave like complete senile morons
I presume you're speaking about American evangelicals.
Firstly, they are dying. Coronavirus is killing them almost as fast as they are eating themselves to death. Praise the Lord.
Secondly, evangelicals are lemmings. Take out the TV and they will be ideologically paralyzed. Replace Fox news with pro-White content and they will become Christian Identity type people.
Still lemmings but ready to start shooting kikes for murdering Jesus.

Nope they’ll get military tribunals, and a death at sea off the coast of Cuba

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No, since an "elite" will be the ones leading the trials.

Nuremberg trials were fake and gay

And last time I checked larping casuals arnt allowed at Gitmo

Typical fellow leaf. Weak willed and facile.

And I say this as someone who would fail the test I am proposing. (Jewish great grandparent). I can definitely tell my mind works a bit like theirs.

And I am telling you, my fellow Canadian, that it really would take a measure as definitive as what I describe. Otherwise we would be dooming our children and grand children to the same miserable fate. Or worse, to having to fight and darken their souls instead because we were too cowardly to do so.

Understand something. I would paint my soul black, and willingly be the last body thrown into that chipper, if it meant I could fight for a future where humanity could decide it's fate naturally. Free from subversion or evil. Where children could grow up innocent and free from Jewish harm.

Do you think the alternative, doing nothing, is any better? How many Millions of our people will suffer and have broken lives? How many people will be killed or maimed by the results of Jewish control (ie. Mass shit skin invasion, new holodomors, etc.) Or by direct Jewish violence?

You do not fully understand what we are up against and how they see us. And what they have done on scales large and small throughout history, by their guiding principles.

If you did know, you would be standing right beside me, with the same resolve.

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You want clarification? When I say elites I refer to all those who Satan uses for his bidding. Whether Jewish, Freemason, Royal Families, Vatican, etc. I refer to their power structure. Some irredeemable some are not. Many want to turn on their masters but fear keeps them paralyzed. They are caught in a web where they fear us as much as they fear their masters. In their mind their is no good outcome. No side for them. Pray for their souls to wake up.

I understand better then you because I have three Jewish grandparents so I know exactly how Jews think and that's how I know that the idea of Jews being inherent genetically dangerous is bullshit.

Sure, many (perhaps most) Jews are degenerate parasites, but nowhere near the level of cosmic evil that you are alleging.

If you're so keen to embrace death, nothing is stopping you, but don't try to take others with you.


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ignore memeflags man

They are a "hydra" with many heads (muslims, catholics, commies, nazis, freemasons, templars, satanists, new age, rosacrucians, ...).
There isn't that much of a difference between each head in brainwashing intensity.

Take this well deserved (you)

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There's no such thing as collective guilt. You can only blame individuals for things they did, not what people who have similar characteristics to them did.

>have three Jewish grandparents
>not all of us are bad

Honestly user, I’ll err on the side of caution and just have all of you expelled from white lands.

it would be great if you assholes stopped worshiping them like gods

I disagree but it's understandable you feel that way due to the current political situation which is frustrating to say the least.

Steve O looked healthier in his last life

Would be shitting in their boots, the reason they try to restrict freedom and self defence. Video footage and proof is what you need to trial them in front of the sheep.

Remember. Moshe. You knew this was coming from the start.

You're right in a small way. Jews are more than just the great filter. They are part of the mechanism of evolution itself.

The stirrers of the pot. The parasites. The Evolutionary Fitness testers who bring low all the societies without a sufficient immune system to repel them.

Recycling unfit civilizations back into dust, leaving vacuums to be filled by the next contender. The hand on the great Darwinian meat grinder, in the context of developed civilizations with rules that can be exploited.

But the point remains that true success lies in identifying and destroying them as this factor. It is the breaking of the eggshell. The emergence of humanity into the greater scope of the universe. The price for taking those first steps towards the stars.

We will either defeat you utterly or we will fail. But the thing is, even if we fail. One day another people will inevitably succeed. And when the final Jewish throat is cut they will take to space and pollinate a thousand world's to start the process all over again.

I hope when your time comes, it is reasonably quick.

I leave you with some quotes from the Talmud.

>On the house of the Goy one looks as on the fold of cattle.

>Jehovah created the non-Jew in human form so that the Jew would not have to be served by beasts. The non-Jew is consequently an animal in human form, and condemned to serve the Jew day and night.

>The Jew is not permitted to consider the goyim as human beings.
>A Jew should and must make a false oath when the Goyim asks if our books contain anything against them.

>To communicate anything to a Goy about our religious relations would be equal to the killing of all Jews, for if the Goyim knew what we teach about them, they would kill us openly.

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>We need to kill the Jews to live some Star Trek fantasy
If you want to die in order to live out some science fiction fantasy then go for it but leave me out of it, I'm happy living here on Earth in the real world. You can KYS and then send the space super-Aryans to Mars and I promise I won't follow.

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What's so based about what he did?

You really aren't all that great at this are you.

What comes next isn't something I'm going to see. What I see now is thousands of years of subversion, ritual bloodshed, genocide, and literal evil.

I fight against that with all the tools available to me.

And you are afraid. All you have is words and lies. Things that exist solely in people's heads.

But once the reality of the Jew is understood - from their own ideological manual no less - all that becomes powerless.

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I prefer the scenario where you guys fuck off to the deserts of Mars, no Jews there whatsoever. Nothing else either.

Private military contractors?

Strange shit all over the place.

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There wont be any room for you in their world
Dont you get that yet?
Look how quickly they locked us down.
Wake the fuck up retard

I suppose history will bear things out.

Just remember something, Moshe.

I am a pretty average Canadian. Average job. Average family. Average education. Average town. Average life.

If I know what I know, then the average person must be approaching a critical mass of redpills.

So remember that. When you're getting coffee, or buying groceries or out for a walk. I could be the guy behind you in line. Or someone just like me.

You knew this would happen. It's the inevitable consequence of your genetic and cultural identity.

You will live to see the greatest Shoah of history so far. Be caught up in it. Subject to it.

That will do. For now.

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One thing that is being said is that the primary infection from Corona virus is the white rabbit.
The Virus that is spreading is the secondary infections.
If this is true and in fact the case it would be very easy to test people to see if they have taken white rabbit as primary infection markers would be present.
It would be the mark of the satanic child killers and their supporters. The mark of the beast.....?

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Bro you understand these fuckers are literally working with interdimensional reptillian a and shit right?


they better
people are going to die and they will take a rich fuck or their family member with them

Not enough. You'd just be identifying those who had directly partaken of human harvested adrenochrome. Basically the upper echelons.

You'd completely miss all the middle management and underlings. Not to mention all the other Jews who carry the seeds of future subversion in their genes.

Nope. Need to develop a quick, portable and definitive test that can identify Jewish genes.

Good Goy familiar types would obviously be harder to isolate but you could use a legal system and pressure them into giving up info and other familiars on pain of death or incarceration.

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>I have three Jewish grandparents
Please tell me some holocaust survival stories.
You must have some really good ones.
All my grandparents are / where actual Nazis and they say ALL jews are fucking liars.
Did your "good jew" grandparents do anything to prevent the lies of the "bad jews"?
ya didn't think so.

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I think just eradicating the talmud and all that practice it would be enough.
just give them a one way ticket to meet their leader in hell.

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You're missing the point Bruce.

Literally everywhere Jews have been. At all times and in all places of the world, they have caused strife.

It is an inherent, emergent behaviour. Genetic. Engrained. And reinforced by Cultural maladaptions.

It's not about preempting guilt. It's about identifying a common cause and addressing it.

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i think they are fearless. they manipulate the public consciousness so easily it's a joke to them. remember "impeach"? remember "kavanaugh"? the public's mind is a toilet holding only their daily long smelly turd.