Forget the lockdown, India alone will cause the destruction of the world

Attached: 8A2DB4C6-D160-4126-9F47-5DA7A2F6F8F8.jpg (1581x1705, 1.44M)

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most of those people don't even have enough money to cross state border, meanwhile you niggers are going around the world

Yeah that's real rich coming from a faggot white cuck who was out partying even when the outbreak started so white cucks have probably spread this virus more then poo's

This will redpill normies on race. People will only trust their own people. Not to mention half of the Indian population dying would be incredibly for the environment.

Sounds like a giant win-win to me.

Veryl rich coming from an imbecil who cannot make quantitative estimations in his minds eye. Population density of continent x inhabitants per square mile. As if a few isolated incidents in USA could even begin to compare.

Super pooper

Poo in loo
Poopy pootel
Pootel poopinder
Poopinder singh
Pooty pookesh
Pooja pooswami
Pookesh poomar

There’s still time to become a superpower right? Like it’s still 2020 if India can manage to become one it will still count?

India actually needs a culling, theres too many people over there.

fucking ameritards

good. I despise indians.

nah, they going to just destroy themselves

>no link
OP is a massive faggot

>flag checks out
The only people who obsessively scour through indian twitter are overseas pakis.

India doesn't exactly do "government" well. Look at their traffic laws, body disposal standards, electrical grid codes (or how they are enforced.)

India learned democracy from England, but not "order".

tl;dr the poo is not in loo

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Why did Indians ruin all internet websites?

killing mutts and aussie would be more effective, you wouldn't have to kill that many people too

Attached: 1200px-CO2_emissions_per_capita,_2017_(Our_World_in_Data).svg.png (1200x847, 202.98K)

Come and try it, poo.

Per capita is misleading because there is only one earth where those emissions go to and highly developed nations always see less birth rates. Total emissions per nation are far more relevant.

Don't worry the """""""heat""""""" will kill the virus. :^)

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From the thumbnail I thought it was a street filled with garbage, turns out I was correct.
Also imagine the smell.

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Ask the toothpaste
You want to decrease pollution by killing people, would you kill a guy who lives off on what he grows on his land with his family of 6 or a sand nigger who drinks oil like water.and has two kids.

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>Poo in loo
>Poopy pootel
>Pootel poopinder
>Poopinder singh
>Pooty pookesh
>Pooja pooswami
>Pookesh poomar

you can kill 150m americans and have as the same result as killing everyone in india
1.3bn, thats what i was trying to say

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>Also imagine the smell.

Attached: bartleby.jpg (385x550, 43.79K)


>Friday afternoon in London.jpg


Indians press their groins into each other when they are waiting in line in

Its childish, they are riddled with an inferiority complex that if someone cuts in front of them it causes a huge ego hit and challenges their place in the world

Attached: indians-wait-in-line-12.jpg (450x291, 29.31K)

What a decadence.

Indians are OK with public groping between any gender.
>feels good on my lund so why not, auntie?

You know what else is misleading? Borders. Whiteys have more population than us yet they cry about muh white grnocide and Asian "overpopulation". Only thing you got is more land. Not for long.

based. we could do with a culling

>imagine the smell

mmm spotted the pakistani

Oh I thought it would be cow peepee

Weak little corona virus will die in India. What chance does it stand in an open sewer? Corona virus is a disease of affluence

keep seething patel,enjoy the fruits that the white man gave you

Attached: acid-attack.jpg (715x442, 43.46K)

this india needs a 1 poo policy for population control

Depopulating India wouldn't kill any people at all.

I'd cream my pants if India had the coronavirus. They probably do but don't bother recording the numbers on the world tally.


Attached: ShitSat India.jpg (913x718, 87.29K)

t. Paki

Wait isn't that a picture of Pakistan with sandnigger squiggles that you just posted?

I don't think that's entirely true. A single person would infect a certain number of people around them, based on a finite amount of virus that they expel that others inhale or are otherwise exposed to. Then, those people are not immediately infectious, it takes at least a day or two to be able to spread from a new infection. So unless that group of people continues to gather... If only one person in all of that picture is infected, not everyone in that picture will come out infected, a very small relative number will.

anywhere in pakistan india etc you find shitholes that look like that basically.

brazil can look the same too.

What the fuck do we have to do with poos in India?

Attached: cope.png (1052x233, 58.67K)

No that's Indian electrical line in a neighborhood, waiting to catch fire.

no fucking way

Your country deserves to be glassed poo

90% of the people in the picture look like youngsters. Ideally they SHOULD get corona and become part of herd immunity.
Daily reminder that HERD IMMUNITY is the only long term solution for corona. Lockdowns can only delay the inevitable. Never trust a single thing China says

Obviously a lot of these emissions are from cattle ranchers and not pure industrialization.

Bullshit most of the co2 released is from China and India because they have no environmental laws. And where most of the ecosystems are being destroyed along with Brazil.

nobody gives a fuck.. Indians despise you too inbreeds

looks like an opening event of a new top tier street. All these people waiting to test it

Attached: indiia_the_usual 1.jpg (640x480, 126.2K)

Attached: indiia_the_usual 2.jpg (1024x768, 197.03K)

your country needs to exterminated inbredo...

Attached: indiia_the_usual 3.jpg (622x466, 87.2K)

lol!! More inbreed seething... White man didn't gave it.. Indians work hard and pay for that shit

Poo perfect

>nobody gives a fuck.. Indians despise you too inbreeds

Then why cuck yourselves by speaking a white language on a white computer network and flooding into white countrie

None were made by you or for you. Why not just leave whites and their platforms alone?

They only do this in spring? pfft, lads and slags in england do this all year round.

Why do third world cities always seem so crowded? This is noticeable even on a local level. The areas of London with the largest numbers of shitskins always have packed streets like in Whitechapel.
Do shitskins feel an urge to just wonder around aimlessly?

Try that telling to muslims in India... They have been dragging this law in parlament for 25 years!!!!

>your country needs to exterminated inbredo...
pretty stark solution to your overpopulation tho amrite?

You cuckadian queer. Hindus invented critical thinking and many of the technological forefronts .Tell your fat white landwhale mother to stop doing yoga her cunt smells like potato salad.

Porkishitstani detected why are they so bitter about us beating the crap out of and enslaving muslims . So fucking transparent .

>Why not just leave whites and their platforms alone?

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flooding into white countries!!! The fuck inbreed.. White countries made it impossible for other countries to live.. Any country making progress and degenerate inbreeds sanctions that country,, bomb em,,, This is pure degeneracy...You take 200000 while kill 2000000 from that country....

Street shitters didn't invent the English language or the internet, they didn't invent Britain, Canada or the USA so why can't you leave us be?

curious, where do you pajeets keep your women? every time i see a picture from india its legit 30,000 dudes running away from one mountain lion, or 10,000 men piled together doing jack shit
do your women just blend in with men?

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What did Canada do to your country that means you must now abandon your own country and people to shit in my streets?

you guys ever think the the good guys lost WW2?


But 2 child policy is coming.. It will take 15 years to population to reduce..

Indians have a highly specialised version of the Japanese 'chikan' to keep the women in their place at home.

>cartwheel defending his disgusting country

Lmao, why even try

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Hockey fingering cunt , your tech and healthcare is heavily influnced by anceint Hindu remedies and tech. Your inbred muh.... language is pathetic too since you cant speak multiple tongues due to your low iq. School shooting and watching your mother suck off Tyrone is what you invented .

Look at this florida man having sex with his cat , nice try amerimutt you filth are the most obsessed with degenerate behavior. Glad see your shitstain nation being bled out from corona. We were already raping you in the job market .

Cucked turk shitstain detected *
>your country

ahahah lol you gender fluid effminate limp dick queer . Its our country we dominate you in all fields and your insecurity and bitterness is showing . Your women are LITERALLY blowing there back out for our men . We are more alpha and smarter than you suicidal depressed white roaches.