Brit/pol/ - stinking hangover edition

>More than 900 deaths in a day in Italy

>Wuhan partly reopens after lockdown

>Tesla donates hundreds of ventilators to New York

>OneWeb blames pandemic for collapse

>Lockdowns continue to suppress European pollution

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feel like shit

The mrs and I have developed some seriously degenerate fetishes since we have been together. We are now into farting (her sitting on my face and farting). She also wants to watch me fuck another woman and wants me to own a haram, but we are going to leave these two just to fantasy. Unfortunately.

Hair of the dog enet

How does a 30 year old man still at home get a gf, im not ugly or autistic and just came out of a relationship how fucked am i, cant afford to live on my own at the moment. .

Inb4 cumlover makes a very funny joke about dogs

If lum isn't your waifu your a munter

Clean your room.

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>muh 3.4% death rate
why is every country reporting 10-30x that number? the netherlands has a 99% CFR right now.

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get a cute babytrans GF, they will love you forever.

im not drinking anymore
smoked too much as well
feel like ive got coronalungs

3 weeks will turn into 3 months, 3 months will turn into 6 months, 6 months will turn into a year, a year will turn into 2 years, to 3 years, to 5 years, to 10 years, to 10 years, to 50 years, to a century, to millennia. We are never getting off this ride.

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how many units did you drink lad maybe its alcohol related.

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Did you see him too?

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Lifting weights and listening to Wagner lads

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Stop doing drugs

>babytrans GF
wtf is this noncery

and if she follows through accidentally, what then?

Is dog nice? A Chinese woman told me it tastes better if you skin it alive

8 tinnies. 550ml 5.6%

to be honest i never used to go out except to go shop anyway, nothing has changed for me

tfw no trad emo gf

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see who?
i beat everybody at some card game

coppers are ruining everything with their new laws.
dying lakes black ffs.

Dunno if they'll keep everyone in lockdown for 6 months, but our doctors rota has swapped to an emergency one from Friday and it's expected to last for 6 months plus we're expecting a second peak in November so maybe it will go longer. Hope the yanks have a cure before then.

babytrans doesnt mean underage ya dumb hick, it means a tranner still starting out her HRT, generally 18-21.

Shit happens, as they say.

>Miss me now
>Back in my day there was no brexit, no corona, no financial crisis, no anger over immigration.

Things just got better

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His vid with her talking about jews is such kino for so many reasons

Aye cos that were funny weren’t it

A day everyday?
Same, work and shops is all my going out the very rare restaurant.

260 dead bongs

>Coronavirus fuels boom for coffin-markers after undertakers stockpile caskets amid fears UK death rate has still not peaked despite 759 lives lost since outbreak began

>I wish it were 2007 again
This but unironically.

Interracial relationships are nothing other than the manifestation of a sexual fetish. It's not about love. It's not about romance. It's not about companionship. It's just sexual degeneracy and the inability of the degenerate in question to control his or her disgusting urges.

Uh no, I'm just telling you what a nice gookinese woman told me about her traditional food

What do you think these words mean
What do you think love is

1 burnt down house.

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You should have listened to us and sucked some limes.

>Britain’s coronavirus death toll is expected to be reduced from 260,000 to 5,700 as a result of the country-wide lockdown, researchers have said.
schizo cope incoming

Only carry what you need
Allotments are good for shelter in the winter
Use whatever skills you have to do jobs/work for food or washing
Don't congregate with other homeless, some will take what you have, some are sick and should be in care.

No, I had my sleeping bag set on fire once but I wasn't in it. And I've been dragged down the street a few times while being in my sleeping bag, you learn not to zip it up so you can get out when this happens.

Not any more fren, hope never to be again

no, fucking hell

I am sorry I hope you are well now

>as a result of the country-wide lockdown
Kek, nice damage control. It's absolutely nothing to do with the original projected numbers being total bullshit then?

Absolute vampires for doing that

Do you honestly believe it's impossible for people of different races to feel emotions for each other? Because that is fucking retarded
>inb4 OMG OMG LE KEKKEK KEK, I'm not in favour of mixing either

>Imagine falling in love with a disgusting slant eyed gook
Christcucks are pathetic

It’s reduced because 64,994,300 have already died.

>85% CFR and rising
that "research" is nothingburger cope

The double-edge to this sword is that it will make people ever more willing to give up the freedoms they used to enjoy in favour of perceived "safety". There is now literally a mandate to turn us into a Stalinist shithole.

another car crash of a take from this bender

sorry m8 i regularly see patients that tell me they have a bottle of vodka a day or 2 bottle of ciders.
in that case maybe it's something else maybe its coronashit wait a few days

I’m stopping replying to you because you’re a spac

Everytime I go out for a night out in the town, I always give a homeless chap 20 quid and tell him to spend it on whatever he wants. Last time I had to wake the guy up to give him his money.

Enjoy your eliot rogers

reminder that love doesn't exist and all human relationships are transactional

the lockdown won't help in the long run. infections/deaths will skyrocket as soon as they stop it. reminder that the uk strain has an 85% death rate.


Why would the whole world governments(literally everywhere is locked down, including 3rd world shitholes) want to turn into a stalinist shithole when the west literally blew out eastern europe out the water ages ago.

Anyone who read the imperial study already knew this. Which is why the government started locked down.

Shut up happooner.


tbf, i have 4 tinnies most days.
not 8 though. much regret

>subjective experience don't real
wow no shit, you're a deep thinker like rick from rick and morty

what are you babbling on about schizoid

How can I be more british?

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livestream from berlin

we should send the expeditionary force to teach them a lesson...about social distancing.

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Probably true, but the two people involved need to be compatible anyway, otherwise the relationship won't last, regardless of race.

What transaction does someone get from wiping their disabled love ones arse? Scat fetish?

Fucking this. I've rediscovered my burning hatred for the British public. Not only will they put up with stalinist bread lines and enforced business closures, but they'll fucking BEG to be locked up indoors by big daddy Johnson

>you can’t want what’s best for someone

You’ve got the wo’s

When Monggoth gets doxxed, will his unveiling be funnier than Millennial Wews? Also you now remember that wews got bullied out of his home and fled the country because some reporter knocked on his door to talk lmao.

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You have to live in Britian no two ways about it.

Drink tea.

Kek, so many seething yellow fevers
Face it, only pathetic whites go for slants
Carers allowance

Has anyone been exposed harder than researchers and doctors so far during this boogaloo?

get some pliers pull out some teef, wear a baseball cap (weird I know)

He’s so cool

>12% "recovery" rate

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there are lots of plausible things they could get from that. avoidance of being shamed by their community, the continued kindness and companionship of the individual they're caring for, inheritance. etc.
i don't even know what this means

Well freedom didn't help Italy, Spain, and it's not helping us either. The boot should've come down sooner China style. None of this Boris literally begging people "please lads stay home".

Become acutely aware of class differences, drink tea, care less about politics.

I ma mate and thank you, I hope you're doing as well as can be expected in these bad times we are having.

Drunk lads having a lark, the good people I met outweighed the bad and those are the ones I remember most.

Thats very nice of you fren and if you're unsure they don't buy booze or drugs then buying them something to eat and drink would be helping them more. Like a meal deal.

Because there is no record of whether people who are not hospitalised, recover or not.
If you look at the box next to that, you see that 95% of confirmed cases are mild and consequently people recover without any medical intervention

World health organisation

neil ferguson is a panic mongering remainer shut in boffin schizo and should self isolate until he dies

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What if they don't apply for it?

never go within 2m of other people even after the virus is beaten.

Wow. Now that’s what I call a virus.

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can we stop with this "mild" meme? even "mild" infections come with pneumonia and organ damage. close to 90% of the closed cases in the UK have resulted in death.

>modelling novel viruses is difficult, which means people can get things wrong, therefore researchers and doctors are bad
Modelling is difficult as you cannot model the world as it is, you can only make approximations based on assumptions that are only as good as available data. Applying science to social systems is very much an art.

yeah i mean we need to work on getting tests done lol

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“It was a bright cold day in April, and the clocks were striking thirteen.”

Over the next 5 years In the UK at least the realization that it's over will begin to cripple the indigenous population and I imagine the "fast collapse" phase after the "slow decline" will begin as the reality of the Office of National Statistics demographic data begins to filter down to the masses post 2021 as they realize the native collapse at 1-2% per YEAR.

For example by 2030 ~50% of all newborns, 45% of school children , 30% of the electorate and 162 seats in parliament will be invaders.

I imagine this will be the final decline phase and as the "tipping point" is hit in the 2030s the Jew will fully unleash the brown hordes starting with brown "points based migration" post 2019 election (fake conservatives ''victory' ) and "climate refugees" punching into the last indigenous enclaves in the nation.

Corona and the death of the boomers and the bagging of patriots by the military lockdown ("Corona deaths") will accelerate this plan and the brown prole mass will vote for tyranny and the clique will just say "well 'you' voted for it".

It's done.

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>Marking a dramatic one-day rise from 769, Public Health officials have said another 250 people across the UK have died in the last 24 hours.
lads pretty sure we are going up faster than even Italy did

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Show me one example of that ever happening

got a 33yo with corona in my hospital. I'm 35..

'wanting' is totally meaningless. you might 'want' one thing while actually doing something different. you will do what you have most incentive to do, not what you want most.

>we are being forced to have fewer children and its all immigrants fault ;__;

>Thats very nice of you fren and if you're unsure they don't buy booze or drugs then buying them something to eat and drink would be helping them more. Like a meal deal
I don't care if they buy booze and drugs and get some hours of enjoyment to mask the pain. It's up to them what they want to do with it. My responsibility ends the moment I give the money as far as I'm concerned.

I'm hungover anyone make a full brekky want to share some?

Their won’t be a population in 5 years you ming, corona will kill us all!

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>Tanks roll into Chinese cities
>Soldiers going around in ambulances with hazmat suits and guns
>The city is sealed off and has a military grade viral military lab facility in it

Put this into your model you fucking nonce

Except thats unironically correct

I bet it because norf memes, they were so bad that god decided to punish you
But honestly it because UK is overpopulated due to migration, is has dubius honor of being on the same level of density as asian shitholes

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I had it the week before last.
I'm older than 35 by a good margin and have smoked cigs/weed for decades, how come I shrug it off easy yet others are collapsing over it?

Well that’s the good thing about the super woo. It kills by percentage not by volume. So any large community or group will be scaled down as much as the next. As Long as what comes round goes round.

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Mad innit lads? How they can keep us all locked indoors with drones but can't do anything about Pakistani rape gangs they have names and addresses of.

Lmfao what do you mean incentive
What about the millions of facts that bear witness to people consciously going against their own incentive
Diving on a grenade etc etc

Of course you can want whats best for someone outside of incentive, in fact that is called LOVE
That is it’s definition

Fuck him in the ass

shame they didn't tell us this before we shut the whole fucking cuntry down

British people are a bit dirty, and our approach to illness in general is quite rough. British doctor's response to most illnesses is to wait and see. If you go to a doctor in almost any other country they will prescribe you medicine at the drop of a hat.

Tfw these kinda girls are basically extinct

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Literally my mum looked after her dad in Iraq when all other sibilings f'ed off and barely visited she got the same will as everybody else. People do a lot for family.

Anyone have a link to this from a reputable website?

This but unironically


that's because whites are majority nonces or something.