90% of which are going to be above 80yrs old and/or with severe prior illnesses.
This is compared to the common flu which has a 0.12% death rate, but typically infects many millions each season.
90% of which are going to be above 80yrs old and/or with severe prior illnesses.
This is compared to the common flu which has a 0.12% death rate, but typically infects many millions each season.
Forgot, the RKI estimates 4.5% of the infected require treatment in a hospital, but only 1% in ICU units.
Yes, it's the biggest nothing burger in history. So what's happening while this is used as a smokescreen?
>we're going to be fine, unlike the Spanish or Italians
Yes, keep convincing yourself of that Germany...
Vaccines my nigger. Digitalizing money, work and education.
Russian blood saves Germans from death by Corona.
You mean a flu that is 5 times worse than a flu and spreads several times as quickly AND there is no established treatment for it?
Modern society is virtualized, and will continue along this trend. "Never waste a good crisis" is a means by which virtualization can be accelerated.
"In an important sense individuals are no longer citizens, eager to maximise their civil rights, nor proletarians, anticipating the onset of communism. They are rather consumers, and hence the prey of objects as defined by the code."
>Source: government media.
>Information (if not garbage right away) obsolete in 1-2 days.
>worst case
The actions taken to "prevent" it are grossly out of line with the damage it would do without them.
Understandable argument if you hate your boomer parents.
"As of 9am on 28 March 2020, a total of 120,776 people have been tested, of which 103,687 were confirmed negative and 17,089 were confirmed positive."
"As of 5pm on 27 March 2020, 1,019 patients in the UK who tested positive for coronavirus (COVID-19) have died."
According to covid19info.live
cfr = 1019 / 17089 x 100 = 5.96%
recovery rate = 146 / 17089 x 100 = 0.85%
The uk has some of the best healthcare in the world and still nearly 6% of people who catch it are dying, and not to mention we've only just arrived at the 'boom' phase of this pandemic.
This is not a fucking nothinburger
>The uk has some of the best healthcare in the world and still nearly 6% of people who catch it are dying
That's 6% of people confirmed to have the virus, not 6% of people who catch it. There are potentially millions more who have already have it but don't need hospilization.
By comparison, the yearly flu mortality rate is calcuated by guessing how many people got the flu in total, not only confirmed cases. If it was only based on hospilizations and confirmed testing the yearly flu death rate would be scary too.
Bottom line is people are going to die from this and it will be a "thing" every year. Not just this year. "Global society" will adapt, the machine will continue, and the "dawn of a new day" will present itself. Virtualization of the industrial society isn't going away, its accelerating.
>6% of people who catch it are dying
You mean 5.1% (761/14754 -- notice it's dropping) of people *confirmed* to catch it are dying.
What this guy said In the U.S., 10% of people *confirmed* to have influenza die.
The reason those numbers are so high is because the vast majority of cases are mild and are never tested. Tests are disproportionately given to those with the most severe symptoms and most at risk of dying.
Es ist einemGar-Nix-Frikadelle!
thats exactly what we are seeing everywhere! oh wait....
the RKI is pretty much the official gov think tank on corona
Influenza: 50,000 cases per week in Berlin alone
Corona: 50,000 cases nationwide in total
How is it spreading quicker???
>total of 120,776 people have been tested
Here is the problem, mate. We have tested over a million, so we also cought 10 times more cases, mostly mild once.
If you tested like we do, your death rate would be 0.3 percent like it is the case here.
>The reason those numbers are so high is because the vast majority of cases are mild and are never tested.
>we just magically know these people have covid
who is spreading this stupid meme?
>The uk has some of the best healthcare in the world
Spotted the NHS drone. Did you go clap outside on Thursday you absolute faggot?
British death rates are so high precisely because our healthcare is one of the worst in the developed world. Just look at how many ventilators or MRI scanners we have per million people. We even lag behind Turkey and Russia.
What we have is a Cuban-style system that focuses on preventive and palliative care, that's why you can find a GP practice around every corner but very few well equipped hospitals. Our MRI numbers are so embarrassingly low the OECD doesn't even rank us (data.oecd.org
so fucking stupid
> worldometers.info
it's like counting number of deaths from war when it only started yesterday,
>53,340 men deployed
>399 dead
Italy had one patient at day 1. Look at where they are now.
That's like saying a tsunami isn't so bad just because the water is drawing back a bit and nothing happens anyways.
it's retarded people like yourself that have blown this thing way out of proportion. thanks
Just a flu bro
How many infected people it took to infect 50,000 people with influenza? How many it took for Coronachan? Much less since barely anybody has been visited by coronachan YET.
The point is that despite all measures, we still have 50,000 influenza cases in one week on one city.
If corona were as infectious as influenza, we would have millions of confirmed cases already.
>Forgot, the RKI estimates 4.5% of the infected require treatment in a hospital, but only 1% in ICU units.
So the worst case is based on not having the hospitals overflowing.
and you dont? Incubation time is a bitch and you dont get millions of people infected by influenza in a single week
meanwhile in spain they stopped treating the older people because the lack of capacity.
1k death in 1 day
Actually we havr about a million influenza cases per 10 days in Germany.
>using the total deaths / total confirmed cases formula, inlcuding the communist numbers
LMAO what a cope
Five times a nothingburger is still a nothingburger
>Comparing disease transmission between cold distant aspies and handsy weirdos who greet each other by making out
The point is that Spain and Italy likely have 2-5 million infected each and probably as many who already recovered who had very mild or no symptoms. That’s why they were overcrowded in the hospitals.
I can't find this estimate on the actual RKI site
>If corona were as infectious as influenza, we would have millions of confirmed cases already.
Are you stupid?
Coronachan might not be more dangerous than the flu, but since it's so infectious, it can make too many sick at once for the hospitals to manage.
>we would have millions of confirmed cases already
according to what calculation? based on what model? how come influenza doesn't overwhelm hospitals worldwide even though it has been around not for 3 months but for decades?
based aristotels
Of Germany's confirmed & resolved cases, meaning confirmed cases that have had time to reach a resolution of either death or recovery, 6% died.
In the U.S., the annual death rate of confirmed & resolved influenza cases is 10%
These numbers are so high because tests are disproportionately given to the most symptomatic people.
Correcting for this bias, it is estimated that the true mortality of influenza in the U.S. is not 10%, but closer to 0.1%.
The true mortality for covid-19 in Germany is similarly likely to be much lower than 6%.
searched and found from this year influenza had 80000 cases in two weeks only.,where you got your info?..
>The point is that Spain and Italy likely have 2-5 million infected each and probably as many who already recovered who had very mild or no symptoms.
Yes. A lot of people died and will die, because the just the flu guys used models based on the flu. Coronachan is probably not more deadly than the flu, but far more infectious than though
currently digging. in their daily report they say .6% die
going to get worse when corona spreads and hospitals are full
The RKI changes what it says on a day to day basis and based on the weather it's so reliable.
I agree that 6% is an overestimate due to lot of reasons. On of them for instance is that this process is very dynamic, it take much longer to recover than to die so you get counted as dead much quicker than you get counted as recovered. But my point is, this will have much worse outcome on every country than a flu, regardless of whether people panic or not.
It is much more infectious than influenza since nobody has immunity to it and also death stats are much higher, maybe also because we lack immunity. If coronachan persists for years then it might become just like a flu, you get it every now and then and recover. But this initial impact will be nothing short of a disaster. People that don't see this are brainlets
Test comment
It's deadly, you're being bluepilled into thinking it's not. Average time from onset to death is 18.5 days, so a lot of the current confirmed cases are yet to die. Total deaths / total confirmed is naive fucking formula to calculate the mortality rate of an ongoing pandemic, you need to account for time to death/time to recovery.
>you tested positive
>The uk has some of the best healthcare in the world
The Saudis shit on it.
its not going to get worse. theyre going to start admitting there are millions of cases and stop testing and people will calm down and recover at home instead of wasting time and risking real illness at the hospital
cant find ops source
but what I did find was a fag report and unsurprisingly they have AIDS.
47% of fags don't even know if they have AIDS or not. They don't care to do regular tests
Good one lol
Pic related age of patient changes drastically
>and also death stats are much higher [than influenza]
I don't know what stats you're referring to, but I would argue that your statement cannot be confirmed or refuted at this stage.
Again, mortality rate of confirmed and resolved cases of covid-19 in Germany is 6%. The mortality rate of confirmed and resolved cases of influenza in the USA is 10%.
So you can make the case either way depending on which country's stats you use. It's all so early and dynamic right now.
>It's deadly, you're being bluepilled into thinking it's not.
No. We know from Italy it kills about 1% when the health services break down.
0.5% without that happening is a reasonable estimate.
>Coronachan is probably not more deadly than the flu, but far more infectious than though
I wouldn't say it's far more infectuous - it's probably quite similar.
The problem is that unlike the flu, which some people are immune against due to having recovered from a recent infection or having been vaccinated, there are no immunities within the population against corona - so it can spread uninhibited.
i still found no proof osf this everywhere i go i got germany got this number to 80k nationwide in two weeks +-
Expect our stats going to explode next week.
Germany = muttland: the post
Your assumptions are all about to be blown away.
the biggest joke right now is that mega coorps announced they wont pay rent because the state forced them to close their stores
>critical group is among the least infected.
Why are people baffled by our death rates again?
Worst Korea stats, look it up. They did intensive testing. Testing random people on the road. Look it up.
good to know you need no help, keep to yourself.
Once more illustrating the need for robust testing, especially in the face of the cock-fucking epidemic currently not only in Germany but worldwide
0,5-0,6 would mean around 300k dead when 70% of the country gets infected. the flu has like 200-2,5k confirmed deaths a year.
there is a reason why fags aren't allowed to donate blood.
even in the porn industry they don't test gay actors. By default they assume the actor is positiv
Fags are working hard to get the right to donate blood or simply tell them that they aren't gay. Faggots really get horny by the idea of infecting others.
>I wouldn't say it's far more infectuous
It's way more infectious, since the old models based on the flu, overshot lethality and undershot how infectious it was.
>the flu has like 200-2,5k confirmed deaths a year.
that is because most people already had it and the immune system can fight the common flu easily.
The flu spreads fast and wide every year but its not really dangerous. Corona is something new and nobody is immune to the virus
not politics
there's no need for robust testing at all.
people with even mild symptoms should self-isolate, the rest of the people with corona either end up in the hospital and get test or are in critical professions and get tested.
>pls test me sir
you have corona but no problem, stay home fagot
>yes i was already home, what from to do?
stay hat home homsex
>yes but i got tested wat now?
stay. the. fuck, home
>oh ok now i get it, i a bit sick, i sat home
yes, and learn english
That's because in Southern Europe they suck each other's dick and French kiss the cum into eath other's mouth for greetings alone, while in Northern Europe a simple nod suffices.
Why would 70 percent get infected? Also, I don’t buy the 0.5 percent, as there are tons of no symptoms infected we don’t test. At 0.1 percent and 5 million infected we get to 5000 dead which sounds about what’s happening.
news, world events etc.
Literally look at the rules of the board, kiddo.
I'd be very surprised if Germany made anything resembling making homeschooling legal.
... if school gets modified we'll probably end up with having to build a cell featuring 128 webcams to lock children up in for 12 hours every day.
After all the current system is: don't send children to school, police picks them up and brings them to school, loose custody.