Reminder that the (((elites))) convinced the world to just give up all our rights and imprison ourselves because of a...

Reminder that the (((elites))) convinced the world to just give up all our rights and imprison ourselves because of a virus that's seemingly as lethal as the flu. Not only are the vast majority not fighting back, but many people here who are "redpilled" are getting cucked and aggressively defending the bull. This is by far the most embarrassing hysterical overreaction in modern history, if not all of history. You disgust me.

Every single country in martial law style quarentine that doesn't rise up to fight the government might as well castrate themselves.

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Other urls found in this thread:

based high test milker posting no quarantine fuck giving american
you are cool by me

Imagine being this stupid.

Covid 19 is more dangerous and contagious than the ''flu''. The whole point of quarantine is reduce the impact in hospitals. ''Flu's'' are predicted each years so the hospital's are well prepared unlike the cornavirus. If people were as dumb as you then the virus would mutate and cause more harm. The economy will pick back up fairly quick once the virus spread levels off. People like yourself are a problem to society and encourage the government to step in because of stupidity.

Conservatives/Libertarians really have become braindead as a result of WuFlu. Rest in peace their brain.

You literally don't understand what a pandemic is.

Fuck your ''muh rights''. Your existence violates the NAP. If you breath in my presence with your toxic breath, you might kill me. I don't like that, sweetie.

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Tits of gtfo

Honestly this.
As soon as the covid-19 crisis started I was interested to see Yas Forums's reaction.
Imagine my shock when The counter culture capital of the internet marches in lockstep with the government

To be fair he posted the photo of his mother

Prove I have toxic breath. I'm willing to go with this and leave the house as little as possible for a few weeks to see how it plays out, but I'm also not just sitting back and whacking off and not paying attention.

She needs to cosplay as Tsunade

''Lockdown''. It's a temporary soultion to reduce the spread of virus and to save more lives. Dumb stupid cunts like yourself would complain if the government done nothing and watched the virus mutate and kill more lives.

Is that Meghan McCain?

Shoot the television

Why do the chink and Jew faggots who infest this board think they can force the “the virus is fake” meme?

8 + chan report

i do not believe that coronavirus actually exists

Grab your pitchforks and torches and
Let's Go Get Them!!!!

i should rephrase and say that i do not believe that covid-19 exists. of course coronaviruses exist

I wouldn't mind flattening her curves if you know what I mean

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There are always coronaviruses in the population. I wonder if the test for coronavirus is specific for any particular coronavirus.

Let me guess? You're a fucking stupid incel who spends all his time online and 'thinks' you're more woke than the majority of people? Your conspiracies without evidence are right but the people with common sense are wrong?

You must be British.


The burden of proof is on you.

It'd be a comedy if every single lolbert gets culled in this covid-19. For your personal narrative, try to claim that media has overplayed it (despite media denying it exists for 3 months). Read less 1984 and study more how liberal elite tyranny actually works. Liberal systems are terrified of taking authoritarian action, because that is what works and they want to keep up the illusions of liberal supremacy.

Attached: WaPo.jpg (1295x1769, 659.54K)

Shut the Fuck up you hysterical faggot
>ooh, it's a little harmless virus, let me bend over for you Leroy
Stupid cunt

look at you unthinkingly repeating the talking point...whos a good slave, whos a good slave, you are, yes (you) are!

Killing your T.V. is unironically the best thing you can do for yourself.

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The kikes and the chinks want us to panic. It's the level-headed real Americans who aren't panicking.

Source on this being as lethal as the flu?
According to my calculations, Covid-19 is 100 times more deadly than seasonal flu.

Annabelle Rogers

I would live off of her milk

yeah but do most people actually NEED to go to hospital if they have WuFlu? based on my extremely anecdotal knowledge, it doesnt seem to affect healthy people too bad. Also what do hospitals do for you that you couldnt do at home?

Yeah I'm sure they are enjoying losing all their stonks

Stick a tube down your neck that's connected to a machine that breathes for you

There is no 'martial law style quarantine' I can go wherever I want at any time and do whatever I want. The fact is the government does not have enough agents to enforce anything like what you are saying.

Fed glow nigger at least post a non fat chick for the bait, already assumed you were a diversity hire overweight fake blonde confirms

The funny part all you dumb cunts is that when explain something so simple that they perfectly understand and agree with, they'll still emotionally be in denial and have zero counter arguments as to why they disagree. Instead you'll get insults like kike, jew, shill, boomer. Grow the fuck up you stupid cunts. Your daddy's may not be around to give ye an ass whooping but i sure would.

Their economy is being fucked retard. It's best thing to happen in long time. No one of the is safe too. This is God changing world.

Imagine being a government bitch. I’ll be taking my doggie on walks, faggot.

Most healthy people with no underlying symptoms probably wont but, they will have to isolate to reduce the spread of it. If people don't isolate then the virus will mutate again which has already happened. People can end up getting serve and critical systems so they will never medical attention and need to be hospitalized. The same people who complain about the government trying to reduce the spread of the virus, praise china who took a far more extreme measure. People worrying the ''economy'' but haven't the knowledge to grasp basic fucking things. The only thing the government robbed people off is their stupidity.

''Doggie''? Anyone who calls their fucking dogs ''doggie'' is a fucking bitch!

My state isn't locked down. I refuse to cower in my home. Most businesses here are open like normal. Influenza kills 290,000-650,000 every year and no one is the slightest bit affected. You sound like an effeminate panic monger. I'm young, healthy and don't give a fuck about this manufactured paranoia. Maybe if you hit the gym, you'd spend less time being so scared.

Bet my doggie is smarter than your doggie.

Holy Fuck you are a parody or a shill either way go and starve to death

Make sure you lick every door handle you see

The number of deaths by flu each year are expected and the hospitals are prepared and predict the outcome. Covid 19 however is more dangerous and is mutating people of stupid ignorant fucking burgers like yourself. The hospitals won't be able to cope with the high rise of patient's so some will die unnecessarily. The gym is for narcissistic fags like you who to sit on your phone and struggle with anxiety and insecurity. You'll never be able to fight faggot so deal with it.

t. basedboy

Literally done exactly what i was talking about. Even said ''shill''. Listen here faggot, if you have no argument about the topic then be a good boy and fuck up. Because all you can talk about is shit unrelated to the topic.

Go kiss a Chinaman

You’re a retard, and Italy is a garbage country.

Congrats on hug a chink day.

>American intellectuals

We don't know how deadly and dangerous is Corona virus. It may be common flu or it may weaponized HIV shit that will melt you lungh over years.

>so we'll just let everyone be infected and hope for the best!

She is literally built for BWC

>might as well castrate themselves
>implying that the west is not already castrated

If 10% of the above video is true, there must blood on the streets. But there is no a single drop.

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Not being able to tell the difference between an Italian flag and an irish flag is another example of the stupidity of Americans. If any country is going to be affected the most by this then it's going to be America. Goodluck with the medical bills burger.

Idiot, do you have an idea of the loss in lives and ruined lives of the mass house arrest? It's an economic suicide and if it does not end in a week we are going back to cannibalism and full Mad Max. Fuck you and your hysterical fear of a fucking cold.

>1 post by this ID
This is how you know this thread is garbage.

I didn't think there was any way this place would buy into this bullshit.

How many of you even know anyone who knows anyone with this? Don't you need to see something with your own eyes before you give everything away? They could be telling you crab people were invading Florida and you'd still be panicking if the tv and internet told you to. 95% of you have seen NOTHING irl.

The economy is fake so nobody should be getting upset over this anyway.

The irony coming from someone who's country was the most affected by covid 19.
Stop with the stupid conspiracies. People are still allowed out but, only to get the necessities. People even before the pandemic spent alot of time indoors and oon the internet so it's nothing new to them. You're claiming it's only as harmless as a flu yet, many statistics prove otherwise. It's killing far more than the flu does. Things will eventually go back to normal but, isolation helps reduce and maintain the spread you dumb fucking pizza.

niggerball shut down. spic catch sports shut down. immigration shut down. the list goes on and on.

also OP is a fag and sage.

The economy is completely fake and going Mad Max for awhile would be good for us all

Ching Chow. Ching Chow. Ching Chow.
