>As per the patent, Microsoft states that ‘human body activity’ needed to mine cryptocurrency could be very simple.


>a brain wave or body heat emitted from the user when the user performs the task provided by an information or service provider, such as viewing an advertisement or using certain internet services, can be used in the mining process.


Attached: 20200328_064854.jpg (1080x1469, 446.8K)

Other urls found in this thread:


We cyberpunk now

Are you ready for your government mandated advertisements, Yas Forums?



Attached: Screenshot_20200328-064546_Samsung Internet.jpg (1077x1336, 586.83K)

what page in the bill? im currently reading it and want to find this section

Minecraft is your only salvation now.

i am not fucking getting chipped

bill gates needs to be arrested yesterday

Literal hamsters we are

You already are Brandon

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this is good for bitcoin

Now do me

Damn this the chip controller right here, give me a Test boost pls.

It was dropped from the final version. OP is a fag and this is a slide thread.

No chip no neetbux. The mark of the beast is here

Compulsory vaccines will lower your test levels and sterilise white males

This. Fuck this thread.

im in the version the senate passed. would it be in that one or was it removed even before senate voted on it?


Attached: sh.jpg (1673x759, 98.3K)

If it bothers people so much, why has no one assassinated bill gates? People are all talk, and bend over and accept it at the end of the day.

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7.8-1.1=6.7 they already got most of us user

Currency and advertisements. Why is lucifer such a faggot. This shit is so gay it makes two guys buttfucking look straight.

Then do it yourself and stop smack talking about it, also implying snuffing gates would change anything at this point.

because they see threads like this, see so many people feel the same way, and assume that surely one of those thousands of other people who agree with them will do it first

How very Black Mirror

Attached: blackmirror.jpg (1280x720, 226.51K)

I don't care, nor dos it bother me. It clearly bothers you, yet you do squat and whinge on the internet.

You are a waste of space.

I think is 2020, but we are in 1984

I hate Microsoft. A truly evil corporation. This makes the Halloween documents look like a joke.

This some matrix level shit, instead of batteries we are going to be block chain mining machine's

Minecraft is owned by Microsoft

Filing for a patent doesn’t always mean its being produced, remember the fucker that patented combustion engines, ford and all the kikes had to pay him for a while.

>Reminder that he flew to Epsteins Island
>Just like Nicola Junkerman who's company is providing "health surveillance"

based, hope they take away my eyes and give me cyberbrain sclerosis

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Why not just use the fucking watches and phones we have? No different than a chip. I would assume both could be cracked and exploited to gig the system.
Fuck it, bring it on.

>Why not just use the fucking watches and phones we have?
Because ID2020 wants to include your vaccine history in its digital ID and that wouldn't work as well if you replace the tech all the time

Its good for chainlink retard. It means fuck all for bitcoin.

>Getting paid for jerking off

What is the problem with this

Oh I get it
we're basically "the batteries" in "the Matrix" now

but basically, without the quotes.

Fuck u bill

ctrl f + "digital dollar"


Linkies on suicide watch as they being to realise that the shitcoin shilled to them by bots is absolutely useless and is being dumped

Unabomber was right. Just end this shit.

You misspelled shot.

Sure they did

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They should release Uncle Ted during all this. He was more right than anyone will admit.

>link has been shilled by bots and shills
>for three years
Are you dumb?

Coins haven’t been worth the metal they’re made from for hundreds of years, Amerinigger.

yeah... just like project dragonfly in china, or windows 10 and obamas patriot act, haha its never intentional or anything

Actual big brained take

>such as viewing an advertisement or using certain internet services

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That’s works against the goal at this point glonegro

pol is a board of peace glow in the dark

Attached: glownigger.jpg (800x459, 19.04K)

>board of peace
>responsible for over a thousand murders

>responsible for over a thousand murders

Attached: thatsbsbut.jpg (720x436, 50.43K)

mark of the beast included free with your corona vaccine. also chloroquine is now banned

Attached: 12411.jpg (556x702, 125.02K)

Why am I reminded of pic related?

Attached: 1.jpg (1240x760, 72.11K)


i've been here since 2011 and i've never seen violence condoned outside of Yas Forums, which is a satirical board as it states at the top

inciting or encouraging violence only ever gets you called a glownigger on pol

but you're getting paid 2 cents a post and are only familiar with reddit so i understand the attempt to shill but you fell flat

Fuck this

I rather die painfully from Corona

We are here
>Mine my currency ,microchiped cattle


>Publication Number

Attached: 666.png (1366x738, 90.22K)

Fuckoff back to Yas Forums scammer


You know simple WiFi from a 30 year old router can work as an MRI and EEG, detecting higher brain activity as well as a 3d radar for area topography...

>Higher brain activity is altruism, pure love, compassion, what we call seeking after god or following the holy spirit
>It results in high frequency/HZ neurological EM activity when both halves of the brain and body act in unison, in control by the person
>Love, kindness, intelligence, this shit just don't fly if you are trying to create a slave caste. The notion of good and evil leads to wrongthink. Wrongthink leads to rebellion against tyrannical authority.
>Rebellion leads to Moses bashing a slavemaster's head in with a rock when there is a surveillance gap.
>Look what happened last time. Except now the slavemasters say they were the slaves...


Rly lights up the sysnapses


Doesn't it? Ugh.