Why are we no longer on top of the world anymore? Everyone is surpassing us

Why are we no longer on top of the world anymore? Everyone is surpassing us...

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Need a black man in charge

What do you expect from a majority Hispanic country

Why should we be helping the world when we need to help ourselves?

I'm OK with this. We'll get to retire and let China be the new world police that everyone hates. Worked well for all the other past hegemonies. I don't think British people miss controlling the world for example.

Yeah and Merkel is the leader of the free world, right?
What a waste of digits.

>Laughs in 800 military bases in 70 countries
>Thats 70 countries we are cucking at the moment

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because Drumph

>source is some grainy screenshot of liberal propaganda outlet

Why does this matter? We led the planet & still were hated.

Millitary strength decides who is king, Yanks have bases in just about every nation.

The US has the collective firepower to make that call on everyone else's behalf.

If they say they're number 1, they're number 1.

If they say the Dollar is the best, the Dollar is the best.

There's a long line of geopolitical bodies of those who argued, so shut the fuck up and piss off, muzzie VPN faggot.

Just another liberal wet dream article

Rome thought that as well.
The parallels between the fall of the Roman empire and the fall of the USA is quite similar.

The US is the only thing propping up globohomo so this is nothing but a good thing. Yas Forums is a bunch of retarded magats though, so naturally they're upset.

Why should I threat wishful thinking as fact? The fact is that the US is the world leader and I don't see any other nation taking is place anytime soon.

Ja Rome bla bla bla just stfu dude

Fall of the Dutch grip over SA is pretty sad story isn't it?

This is an article written by a non american.

We produce too much unique and useful shit to lose our position to a hardly concerning virus.

Who could...

>Millitary strength decides who is king, Yanks have bases in just about every nation.
How does military strength even matter anymore when a slew of antagonistic nations each have their own hydrogen bombs? The only wars you can wage anymore are against tiny isolated regimes like all the ones the US has invaded or otherwise subverted and instilled revolts in during the past couple of decades.

The US will fall one day, all empires fall, but now is not the time yet.

This. Let China babysit Africa and the Middle East. America can go back to focusing on itself and space exploration and cool shit.

>People blame trump but not his advisors.

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the media is actually shilling this shit. lol

go eat bats chink

We produce nothing but hot air and bullshit. It's our #1 and #2 exports, respectively.

It's starting, it has been for the last 40 some odd years.

You'll finally have your excuse to force white gentiles to have sex with you or die. You should be happy.

wheel of fortune, retard

...That's also what Rome thought.

It's funny the GOP is run by literal christian cultists. What a joke.

Because we didn't pick someone who is aware of their pan-tran-bi-sexuality who is also some shade between brown and black. We picked a person who only worries about prosperity and selfishly protecting our nationalistic values. We really can't let orange man get his hands on the vaccine, it's just too dangerous.

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weird thing is the US is actually one of the leading countries in handling the virus. they've got less deaths in the same stage of the outbreak than france, china, italy and likely spain and the uk

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Such as?

>letting communists run the world

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chinks and euro trash have been saying this for decades. Still not true.

There's a few factors my homosexual friend.

The coronavirus is a red herring. The real issue is the price of oil and what currency oil is being traded in. The US military after decades of war in the ME can't keep the world using the dollar through the barrel of a gun forever. There are only so many niggers we can import too.

This is how empires end. It's been 242 years few empires last over 250.

A lot of communists will surely die in the process.

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get this fucking orange disgrace out of office and put a real adult in FOR THE LOVE OF GOD

So covering up stuff being overly oppressive like China is the route to go.

Also why is no one slamming Merkel on the failure of the EU to help Italy and Spain? Is she not the new leader of the Free world? Germany basically is the EU and they're doing nothing

Because you have turned in to a country that can't poo in the loo

Built for bbc

Seriously. Liberals are happily spreading chink propaganda because BLOOOORRRRMMMPPFF.

Thanks USA for paying for our military security. We appreciate it and spend the money on our citizens.

>let Ameriniggers overrun your country
>turn into 3rd world shithole
I think I've seen this movie a few times.

>Millitary strength decides who is king
USSR was so militarily strong it needed the entirety of nato to be countered, didnt help it much
What use is biggest military if everyone is willing to resist you violently? Youll never have enough troops to forcefully occupy everyone, murkan bases are diplomatic efforts, not military ones, those bases wont hold a day if nations they are inside of decided to drive them out with military force, so they are there only because leadership of those countries agrees with it

the us controls the waterways excluding areas of the south china sea
>as long as trade is halted we lose our power
its temporary get your head out of your ass

Not to mention that the US is at an all time high of political divide... an internal conflict would also erupt if the US decided to slam down the iron fist.

Sure thing, chang. We believe you

It’s China’s turn obviously. Hopefully the world enjoys sucking the onions sauce off of China veiny dick. The U.S. is going to colonize space. Get fucked.

Just gonna leave this here.
Ignore if you are a shill.

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Im stationed in DE atm, and no, we are not here for you

>meets another german girl on tinder that wants to get knocked up

>losing its power

every other country is doing extremely shitty, USA will always be number 1

"Why are we no longer on top of the world anymore?"

Because US is divided by race. Even the working white men can't carry the welfare burden and what it takes to be world leader

>The U.S. is going to colonize space
China is also going to colonize space, they just sent a hover to the dark side of the moon, there will be competition for world hegemony, neither democrats nor republicans wants the US to lose hegemony, I will just sit and watch, I root for the US though, because it has freedom.

>Fags shilling for American
Lol who could of seen that cooming

This correlates with why “feminist” chicks love to be sexually degraded and woke white guys are cucks. The left literally fantasizes about losing.

>no u
Brainlet down.
Anyone else?

COVID-19 confirms
>Italians are not white