/mob/ - Mark Of Beast General - Thinking Past Bill Gates Edition

>everyone crying for vaccine (you are here)
>vaccine arrives
>microchip tracks vaccinated
>vaccinated (chipped) enjoy preferred social status
>Revelation 13:17
>non vaccinated slowly bled out of society
>law requires microchipping of all newborns
>return of Christ

Seems like this deserves a general beyond the "Look what Bill Gates admitted to on Reddit."
Once the "vaccine" arrives, how will they convince non onions-boys to get it?
>offer discounts on everything for the chipped "because we care about the health of this country"
>general media/entertainment propaganda aimed at discrediting the unchipped and mocking them
>institutions slowly start banning unchipped from their services and platforms

What else? Any and all thoughts on the incoming Mark of Beast welcome.

Attached: marked.png (796x597, 217.29K)

Other urls found in this thread:


Undermine corporate/civic hegemony and all this cuck shit goes away.

Who cares? Just get the chip.

>put copper coil op top of chip
>pump high voltage pulses through coil
>chip is now scrambled and rendered inoperable

Those who get the Mark of the Beast are banned from Heaven.

Says who?

The guardians of heaven, Shitstein.

>put copper coil op top of chip
>pump high voltage pulses through coil
>chip is now scrambled and rendered inoperable
>Refused entry to TGI Fridays

>The guardians of heaven told me
Take your meds schizo

>tampering detected
>this threatens public health
>this is illegal

My take:
The Bill Gates thing is probably not the mark of the beast, but serves a purpose to that end.
If a number of things come out that have us crying "don't do it! It's the mark of the beast" and it turns out they weren't really the mark, it will soften people up for the true mark of the beast due to the "boy who cried wolf" effect.
My advice is still to avoid any mandatory vaccines or optional/mandatory chips, but I would advise against *insisting* that this is the mark of the beast

your meds, take them

>says who?
Well, it's in the bible.

>Refused entry to TGI Fridays
Fuck me, off to the binfire then innit
you got proof officer?

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Good, I hate that place

>he doesn't understand parable
>unironically schizoposting
Shitstein, hide your circumcision scars, please.

good jew boot licker. How do those jew boots taste?

Revelation 14:9-10

Makes sense. Good input. Thank you.

>a reasonable take from a mutt
Colour me surprized

I wouldnt say banned from heaven maybe the chip disintegrates your soul taking the ability away from getting to heaven acience behind the madness ya know?

Fuck bill gates

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Audio version for you chipfags



They could offer money, nor lile the Trumpbux, but an actual universal income only fpr those rhat are chipped

How do you dodge a lazer?

It damns you

>all those typos
sorry, I'm drunk

Now, chips or not, mark of the beast or not, whatever, anything with Rockefeller involved is bad

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>hey user no worries, you don't have to get microchipped
>haha forcing microchipping would be totes illegal
>sorry user, this establishment only serves the chipped. gotta think about the health of our patrons
>sorry user, our bank only serves the chipped, we built our new system around the chip infrastructure
>sorry user, HR says you shouldn't come into work anymore, work space is only for the chipped, gotta think about the health of our employees
>sorry user, we're eliminating your position
>sorry user, we can't serve your accounts anymore, please alert us when you have an account at an institution we can transfer it to
>sorry user, cash doesn't exist anymore
>sorry user, sorry user, sorry user

Gates's chief vaccine monger gave a TED interview a few days ago, haven't had the will to sit through it yet. Used to worked for the CDC, then the Rockefeller foundation, now Gavi.


Mark of the beast is enforced Sunday worship the chip is how they plan to enforce it.

Ok jew

you leave for the mountains, fields and away from the cities.
The mark will be forced by law and those who refuse will be imprisoned, fined and forced to take it again.
If you are a Gohan and wait for the last moment, you cannot dodge it.
If you are a Piccolo and see the signs its gonna fire, find a bunker, a place to hide for 3 years.

>TFW particular individuals are unscannable

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What we are witnessing is a global coup by elites to implement a new world order where they will rule unopposed. While Coronavirus exists it affects only elderly and is a bit more virulent form of flu.The hysteria blown by the mass media and social media agents served to justify extreme measures like lockdown which will NEVER be revoked and will stay with us.
Further measures will include:

Compulsory vaccinations-said vaccines will lower test among certain groups and lead to sterilisation. Scientists will decree that it was a price worth paying and white people were violent anyway.

Digital currency-all your money will stored online and controlled by authorities. As will your expenses and where you are spending money.

Digital ID-to use internet you will need to use a digital id confirming your real life identity. Anonymous posting and usage of internet will be banned in name of fight against "fake news about coronavirus". Without record of your vaccinations in the digital id employers won't hire you and you will be banned from travelling and public spaces. All non-state and non-corporate cryptocurrencies will be banned.

Spread the word, look behind motives. Do not believe what media tell you.

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even a blind hog can step on an acorn once in awhile. appalachian humor. so glad people are thinking endgame not worrying about toilet paper. that crap is embarrassing

how does she put that on, or is it a one time outfit type thing?

theyve been chipping in china. 5g activated bill gates foundation developed it

Could you even call that an "outfit"? Seems like you take one step and the whole thing would just disintegrate

Lol you guys really don’t get it. You will not be asked to put a physical chip inside you. Think. What uses chips? Phones, cards. The entire system will be a one world monetary system which you will use as an app on your phone “China already tested out and does this, even in rural areas” or a card you will have to use. No trading of paper money. This is why it was said nobody will be able to buy or sell without it.

tell me more, please

So if God tells you in the bible do not try and find or discover the day of his return, why would he also punish you for getting "marked" pre-rapture/antichrist's ascent

what happened to randy weaver and waco was a test run. there were several other seperatists that got taken out also.
this is why theyve been destroying natural resources to make it difficult to live off the land. thought fl was a haven but out of control development has destroyed most of the ecosystem here.
its been building up to this.

>Chip still functional as marker to deny entry to heaven

Looks like you didn't think this one through

i'll make sure to take the mark then

There is no sin beyond redemption. All you have to do is repent.


Why not just use a phone app like the Chinese do? No need to be chipped at all. Wechat. WePay. AliPay. etc

>surgical implements, whiskey/topical novacaine
>rip chip out

Just have them allow the reasonable option of using a microchip card ID instead.
Biblical mark of the beast apocalypse averted.

surely they can't include a chip small enough to fit into a hypodermic needle right? How can I differentiate between the pure vaccine and the one with the chip? Is the chip a separate implant from the injection? If I get the vaccine in my upper arm, that's not technically my hand right?

You guys do realise that your smartphone/browser is the technology of the beast?


>Cross-device tracking refers to technology which enables the tracking of users across multiple devices such as smartphones, television sets, smart TVs, and personal computers.

>More specifically, cross-device tracking is a technique in which technology companies and advertisers deploy trackers, often in the form of unique identifiers, cookies, or even ultrasonic signals, to generate a profile of users across multiple devices, not simply one.[2] For example, one such form of this tracking uses audio beacons, or inaudible sounds, emitted by one device and recognized through the microphone of the other device.

All that it takes to get into heaven for Christians is accepting Christ. No?

Even then why would a tiny piece of metal completely nullify the infinite incomprehensible graciousness and mercy of God?

It won't happen, why do you need a chip in you anyway?

And you probably won't be able to inject any sensible chip stealthily as additional payload.

People will just get vaccine without the chip.

Did the bible say that the Mark of the Beast will run on linux, windows or ios? don't recall reading that. dumbass idiot

How stupid and delusional you idiots are. Findin connections on every possible shit. How pathethic is your life when your inner voice is affirmating the nonsense and crap you are imagining?

Don't anwser. I already know.

It also specifies in your right hand or on your forehead.

ctrl f + "digital dollar"


In one of the biggest markets in Kiev only half of vendors have card scanners and even then they work half of the time so I still have to bring cash when I go shopping. Maybe this shit will work in places like commiefornia but clearly you can just go to your local farmer market and buy in cash.


It's not the mark of the beast. You can't unknowingly take the mark, it defeats the purpose if it's unknown.

>Take the chip, goyim

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