Silvid race

Is it true that Silvid native Americans have R1a and are connected to Whites and ancient aryans?

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Distribution of R1a marker in non mixed native Americans seems to overlap with the spread of Native American Silvids...

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And Mongols.
Group 1 is Inuits, group 2 Native Americans. They Genocided the copper culture isolationists who did not mix during migration.

Are the true line of ancient aryans which is why the Rothschilds attempted to wipe out their true rival using their largest golem.
Sloppy Job.

That dude has a weird looking head lol

has nothing to do with politics, fuck off OP

Rather R1b. It is common among Iroquois.

Whites were there first. Then Asians came through the Bering Strait and raped all Whites.
"Native" Americans are all rape babies.

Another Silvid
He looks even more Norse

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Native Americans come from old Siberians, of course at some point some guy tapped some siberinigger pussy

White are a mix of Proto-Sillvids and northern Cro-Magnons

Basque, Viking, Solutrians, irish and other europeans made there way to north America and breed with many east coast native groups. Mikmaq is one that sticks out.

I thought they were abbo mongoloid mutts like SEA.

r1 is not r1a

> Whites were there first

Found the Mormon.


So you be telling me they wuz Ivanz?

Found someone who doesn't believe in kike lies.
Solutrean hypothesis.

>Solutrean hypothesis.
Completely discredited.

Yes. Natives were based. If our ancestors could have fused Native Earth Living with White ingenuity and technology we would have a utopia

Compare this an ancient Indo-European and a Kalash man from Pakistan to the Silvids. They all look very Proto-Aryan

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Tfw you realize ancient Greeks were part pajeets.

Also the Kalash (who have ancient Aryan customs) practice Potlash just like Tribes in Canada's Northwestern territory do. Both must descend from Afontova Gora, the mammoth hunters amongst whom was found the remains of a girl with the first allele in Homo Sapiens for Blondism.

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Yep, proponents of Clovis first theory don't BELIEVE in Solutrean seafaring and also BELIEVE that X2 haplogroup was already part of the "Native" American gene pool. We were also told that Solutrean hypothesis is RAYCIS.

You got me.

Ancient Aryan ancestors from Ukraine and Kazakhstan

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>has nothing to do with politics, fuck off OP
You bots are getting alot better at imitation.

Wrong, Serbians definitely are turk rape babies.

What a terrible fucking photo.

can't find my folder for them but there are some Beringa Indians who have blonde hair.

Even the wikipedia page explains how it's bunk. You're trying to draw wild conclusions for literally no sane reason. Yes there were many migrations into the Americas, that doesn't validify retarded theories though.

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Apparently many native Americans in Canada also get to 6'6" similar to the height of Indo-European bodies discovered

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They don't have R1a, unfortunately, as far as I'm aware of, there are only old studies about their Y-DNA and they did not go further down than R1, would be actually interesting to check for subclades.
In any case, the link is known, it's ancient north Eurasians. "Aryans" themselves, if by that you mean copper/bronze age populations of the Russian steppe, were very rich in this sort of ancestry, both in their east Euro hunter gatherer side and their caucasus hunter gatherer side.

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I just told you what's on kikepedia.

"A recent Canadian documentary promoted a fringe idea in American archaeology that’s both scientifically wrong and racist"

Sorry if I don't believe in what cucks do, no matter how many schools they attended.

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Only northern pajeets.

you shouldn't believe anything, look for evidence

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They want to censor things like this because it is too close to Indo-Europeanism and Hitlers concept of an Aryan Master Race. The native Americans bit is sketchy but they hardcore have censored things like Scythians and the like. They even tried to claim the Steppe origin of Indo-Europeans was bullshit until a DNA study in 2015 showed that 75% of Bronze Age Europeans ancestry from the Corded Ware (who Hitler saw as master race) came directly from the Yamna zone. Aka they basically proved Aryan invasion theory. Native Americas is where it gets a little kooky but the other stuff is hardcore censored since the 60s

Obviously niot. They don't look European for one percent even


There are lots of brown Greeks shown and people like Socrates look southern. Earlier Med peoples were even more brown with long curly hair.

If you learned that from Asha Logos just know that he has an agenda, as do a lot of the people like him. They aren't doing what they're doing with good intentions.

That said you're also correct, other people also have stupid intentions. It's good that you're not buying into the Solutrean thing though, because it's so fucking flaky. There's no genetic link and the whole idea is based on cave men tools and other sketchy things.

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There is no evidence. There are only theories and hypotheses.

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now why would you put faith in theories with no evidence?

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I would colonize bottom-right. Bring up the Métis population a bit

ANE wasn't Caucasoid, it was just WHG without the CHG and ENF, I don't think a pure WHG would look Caucasoid on its own.

I think that's Greta last Halloween.

she looks like Greta ie a potato missing chromosomes if you didn't notice

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Europeans and Asians migrated here and mingled a long time ago.

lol no, ANE had little to do with WHG aside from both sharing ancestry from paleolithic Europeans, putting the cart before the horse there, the oldest ANE are much older than WHG, CHG or ENF
ANE is ~3/4 from an early European source, Sunghir-like, and the rest an early east Eurasian branch
WHGs probably emerged from Gravettians

They use the swastika too

>has nothing to do with politics, fuck off OP

This is why you don't fall for the Asian girl meme.

In desperate need of BLEACHING. Where I'm from there used to be a law that you would get 50 acres of extra land if you married a native girl

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Something to consider. Proto-Indo-Europeans had contributions from two contributing populations, one from europe/west eurasia and another is is associated as being further eastward. This eastern contribution undoubtedly would have contributed to injuns.

There was on particular migration up through central asia around 20-25 kya that very well could have lead to the peopling of the Americas, or at least contributed to it's stock.

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yeah there are plenty. its uncommon, but not rare. they're still all alcoholic scum though

>or at least contributed to it's stock.
It's important to understand this. There wasn't simply one migration in over Bergina. That's bunk.

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Do you mean Andrew Jackson was working for the Rothchilds?

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fuck this captcha im fucking done

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Some tribes do, some tribes are more mongoloid. The one that do likely intermarried with whites more easily.

Correct, there were multiple wave all of varying groups.

prairie niggers are not white
theyre cannibal gooks