Why is her accent so thick?

Learn the fucking language, dirty yurotrash

Attached: D647E405-76DA-4E35-AA37-DE496632439F.jpg (620x691, 81K)

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the fuck is wrong with her lips

what language

Don't talk shit about FLOTUS faggot. I will fight you dude.

only a woman would think to operate a trigger like that

That's a black man. Look at the lips

stop talking shit. Q will find and exterminate you.

Mommy has one of the sexiest voices I've heard not gonna lie desu senpai


It's simple: orangutans have a thing for orangutan lips.

This is the most reddit post on Yas Forums for a month.

That is one of the most masculine transexuals I have ever had the displeasure of seeing.

Trump #1 got it from a catalogue.

legit tranny


'she' is a tranny.

Why would you let a woman do the fighting?

I know people (Internet wise) who grew up in States as teenagers and they speak no much better than I do.

Scandinavians etc force pre-school kids to train pronounciation, otherwise it doesn't work

>caring about the wife of the president
Do you whinge about your plumbers wife too?


She's slavic. What did you expect? A banjo accent?

she speaks 5 languages, how many do you speak muttburger?

You? Been in /pol since 2007...

and other safe technologies...
yeeaaahh yeeeaahhh
we are all in this together

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america's hot mom

Attached: 1567830094726.webm (716x462, 1.46M)

not gonna lie she looks like a female bog with her face

I've been here since yesterday. Someone in r/KotakuInAction recommended it to me. This place is the shit!

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I wanna stick something Thick inside of her. I literally came as I watched that video. Damn she's sexy.

>white knighting a Slovenian whore
New low.


how does it feel that one worthless slovenian whore has more status in your own country ? she also has more power than you and lives on your expense on your tax dollars in white house ?

lmao you amerimutts

Ngl it feels kind of bad now that you mention it

I interrupt this thread to bring attention to the fact that Joe Biden fingerbang-raped an aide in a hallway in 1993.


Thank you for your patience and understanding.

You're doing god's work, user. I still want to see Biden take the primary, though. The presidential debates with him are going to be off the hook.

Next level shit
Fuck that pussy grabbing simp shit
Finger rape is much more based

Yas Forums didn't exist in 2007

what a shit body and horrible face

> be rich and famous
> live in NYC and have access to the most beautiful women in the world
> marry a Slovenian tranny

Judgement via numerical razzle dazzle.

she still got bleached ^^

She is fluent in five languages
Slovene, English, French, Serbian and German.


The cunt speaks 5 languages, I bet you're not even well verse in English yourself let alone a second language

>Fluent in English. Mmmm no.

two of those are not human languages

> “well verse”
> white knighting a Slovenian whore

French and German?

Nice try, obviously the slav "languages"

Vlad discovered a new kink?

Attached: hack_putin.jpg (960x960, 124.96K)

Ok ahmed. have you forgotten your untermensch "language"?


english and german

Nice try slav, but you are still not human ^^

hello non-white :)

ouch. Well, it felt like that everyday knowing my tax dollars were funding Israel's wars and niggers and spics to literally replace us. The only silver lining was knowing they were killing Middle Easterners and Central Asians with that tax $.
My turn, how does it feel knowing that one of your women is the top whore of the world?

She sounds like what americans sound like when speaking other languages

She smells like vanilla.

t. kike

>t. russian slav rapebaby
you are not white either ^^ don't pretending to be human

Attached: dtNJUge-BrI.jpg (824x1024, 189.9K)

>MIGA tard projects

feels like just every woman who is non-virgin - i want her dead. imo if woman isnt virgin and isnt with a man she lost virginity with she should be culled. they are nothing but whores who cant raise family properly and are thus unneeded

this world is over. i hope everything goes to shit soon as possible

>people say all Croatian slavic woman are hot
>FLOTUS looks like a tranny

How is it possible that we had two First Trannies in a row?

nice try non-white

>nice try non-white
>my grandma wasn't raped by a bunch of tatars from red army I'm 100% aryan n sheet

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unironically posting a slav

top kek

she is definitely a soviet spy and that mission is to conquer the usa by corrupting the president. mark my word mutts

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amen. world is lost