this guy fosters dozens of terminally ill british kids, what are YOU doing to help white people

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Other urls found in this thread:

Based Groomer.


the absolute fucking state of pedo grooming gang britain (it's just part and parcel)


based soon to be millionaire groomer

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Pedo vibes goes through the roof.

Society needs to collapse already. I'm tired of pedophiles using white kids to virtue signal

Not after the crowdfund site takes its cut
>let's pay some jewish company loads of cash so we can pay some muslim pedophile loads of cash

>they're gonna die so let me have my way with them so they can't talk

100% sure he is abusing them

>terminally ill british kids
Well they won't be testifying...

>foster children
>teach the ways of Islam

but he's been in more white pussy than you have. where's the lie

Thought it meant he knocked up a bunch of women with his diseased sperm at first.

that's "sired"

fuck me, reddit is full of gullible retards. this pedo sandnigger is undoubtedly having the time of his life with infant white lolis. he already has terminal cancer so he knows by the time anybody finds out, or if they find out that is he's going to be most likely dead.

Is by any chance the owner of kebabs restaurant?

Bunch of retards

You complain about fathers being accused of being pedos by sjws simply for taking pics of their children in the park but immediately jump to conclusions just because the guy is a muslim pol is so pathetic

glowniggers are panicking i see,
Q was right something big is gonna happen

Found the Turkroach.


I'm 101% sure so fuck off mate

You mean groomed.

T. stinky chinky dog eating bat soup broth slurping homosexual canadian leaf faggot untermensch

Unironically though what kind of faggot whiteknight simp would care if hes fucking them as long as hes actually taking care of them?

Funny thing, according to reddit, it is YOU who have pedo thoughts, because you pointed it out. This sandnigger is a saint in their eyes.

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Meh, sounds like he’s doing something selfless and helping the weakest unwanted sick children.... only teenage edgelords would identify this as bad.

Wow lmao

Next Level Grooming.

I'm gonna need details.
First off, where do those kids come from? Are they muslim kids? Are they homeless kids or what's the reason they need fostering?
Who processed and accepted the foster request to let a grown man, who's single and sick, keep kids that need intenstive care and that he had to "bury"? Have child services inspected this man and the conditions those kid live in or did they deemed that too racist?
Also, why "hide all child comments"? So they can't testify?

How many terminally ill kids can a muzzy pedo "help"?

Plebbitors are not worth trying to save. They think a 30 year old man dating a 22 year old woman is borderline paedophilia and is wrong, but will call you a nazi for even daring to question this man's motive.

It's not just the fact he's muslim. He's also hideous, bald, overweight and has clearly given up putting any effort into his appearance at all. Zero chance he has a wife or is in any relationship with all those kids around as well. So many red flags that many pedophiles fall under.

Do you know what widowed means you fucking dumb nigger?

> finds out he has cancer
> begins foster (raping) british lolis by the dozens
this guy is like the breaking bad of pedos

>Canadian garbage on the rise again

Why would I ever want to help white people?
My fellow white people (women and leftists) ruined my life and destroyed this country. All so they could attempt to elevate the affirmative action subhumans to positions they do not qualify to hold.

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You're on Yas Forums defending a pedophile. I wonder what your father would think if he were to read the argument you're making.

Being windowed as man doesn't mean you need to give up on women and go after lolis. Dilate.

They're not his kids.

That’s Bc they’re either mentally retarded or they are bots and shit.

sorry friend. I agree with you. I just started to hate Yas Forums for the first time ever, since 2007.
Fuck Yas Forums. What a bunch of massive hypocrites.


Thinking he is kind to them should be punished with the death penalty.

>You're on Yas Forums defending a pedophile.
Yes I know.
This is literally a site for pedophiles you election tourist.
>I wonder what your father would think if he were to read the argument you're making.
Both my parents know, I'v let my mother know I'm not marrying a roastie non-virgin whore and that the only way I'll ever consider getting in a relationship is by grooming a little girl into marriage just like our ancestors did for all of history.

Fuck you kike

We see thru your lies.

Back to Yas Forums you fucking faggot. This is a nazi board.

This honestly makes me fucking furious. As if it wasn't bad enough that these poor kids are orphaned and dying of cancer, now they're being sexually abused in their last days by a smelly old muslim pedo. I want this guy to be fucking tortured to death as painfully as possible. Reading this has literally ruined my day

Man, imagine being terminally ill, an orphan & now molested. Tough break for some kids. Sick world.

That's what Jimmy Fixit did too, visited sick children in UK hospitals and raped them. Then he would pop down to the morgue to fuck dead kids (probably trophies kept on ice for him). John Cena does the same.

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You can be a father without being the biological father

pornhub is full of rolemodels for this

I donate exclusively to local support facilities.

>back to Yas Forums
You do realize that /new/ and old Yas Forums was old Yas Forums right?

And when the older kids are brave enough, they'll probably start talking to anyone who'll listen about what really goes on in that man's home.

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Back to your shithole country

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Kys retard. My grandparents are foster parents and non of the children they fostered called them "dad" or "mom". They all called them by their first name. They fostered 9 grade school aged children. 7 niggers kids & 2 white siblings who's parents died.

OR, the guy just likes watching white kids die.

you're welcome
he's just living his best life, y u gotta h8

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Remember, they can't tell on you diddling with them if they are dead. Mohammad is a 4d chess champion. He gets all the cunny that he desires and he will be hailed a hero for it, based

If this was a white man in the Philippines it would've definitively raised some eyebrows. I don't think Duterte or the philippinos would've taken it lightl. White reddicucks would've been alarmed too, most likely.
But muslim good, not suspicious at all.

I mean, it's a man that's terminally ill taking care of kids all by himself. That alone would've been reason enough to look for alternatives.

Grooming for what, the grave?