Man convicted of murdering woman and her nephew 24 years ago 'kills the daughter of one of his victims' after being released on parole
Man convicted of murdering woman and her nephew 24 years ago 'kills the daughter of one of his victims' after being...
Das wat dey get for slavery
Is she related to Edward Snowden?
NEVER relax
So happy I am so far away from that degeneracy.
He dindu nuffin
He a good boy
>Lewis drowned when fleeing from authorities, Crittenden County Sheriff Mike Allen said in a statement.
Left out this good tidbit.
That’s too easy of a death for him
maybe releasing nigger murderers from jail was a bad idea after all
Its what niggers do
post a link that doesn't require payment you dumb fucking nigger
now thats dedication, was it vengeance for something?
He didn't swim so good.
Daily Mail doesn't have a paywall you mong.
why would you release someone locked up for 24 years?? obviously they're going to be crazy and vindictive
>hey this nigger killed people but let’s let him out
>whoops he did it again
>our bad!
Everyone involved in this niggers release should be executed
This. I want answers people.
Drowning is one of the more unpleasant ways to die, but yes I agree, too fast.
Niggers gonna Nig!!!!!!
How long till the people awake?
Niggers belong in Africa with bones stuck through their bulbous noses.
Now u no dey be settin dis gud boi up, no way he win down der n keeld dis yt ladi rite affer jail, dis b all sum bix nood boolsheeit
>Lewis drowned when fleeing from authorities, Crittenden County Sheriff Mike Allen said in a statement
1. Kill white people
2. Can't swim
Please do not perpetuate racial stereotypes bigot
The nephew was a guitarist for Moloch.
Why can't niggers swim, it's easy.
Why did white supremacy have to force him to do this?
Very high bone density and dumber than the average canine.
You should be allowed to take parole boards to civil court for their failures.
He killed 2 people why the fuck did anyone let him out??
>nigger kills
>gets released for some reason
>he served his sentence
>anything less than death wasn’t justice
>gets out and first thing he does is murder a relative of the victim
>judges aren’t responsible somehow
Hmmmm. If only someone was capable of something constructive in Minecraft.
thanks OP
found a heartwarming story thanks to your link
>Israel Carreras, 40, died Friday due to complications from coronavirus
The warehouse worker fell ill after attending a dance party on Miami Beach earlier this month
>Carreras' partner, Franco Conquista, stated that his boyfriend's breathing became so strained that they resorted to using sign language to communicate
But that makes it harder to get whipped into pointless anger, user.
i want to make a simple website that has all TOLL PAID related news articles
if you know any, let me know here
it's worse
Lewis was just 17 when he pleaded guilty to killing McKay and nephew, guitarist Lee Baker, in 1996. He was sentenced to 28-and-a-half years for the killings.
Baker was a well known guitarist in Memphis who was associated with such acts like Moloch
That's what happens when you allow apes to enter your country.
this. why are murders being released on burgerland where you do 10 years for kissing your 17 year old gf on your 18th
you know...this is why we have the death sentence... hoooly fuck retards.
Niggers are the real Virus. Why are they not eradicated? For real?
Well this proves it, niggers CAN follow through.
>Lewis drowned
Seriously though why can't niggers swim?
Jew lawyers. It’s always Jew lawyers.
Duh. You're locked in a cage for decades. You think you're going to magically get better and love people again?
Huh, I guess whatever spell summoned him specified he needed to wipe out the bloodline.
It was probably the fucking judge that wanted his black cock.
Niggers are soulless animals so no
""jew"" lawyers, yeah it's never one the same stupid fucks that looks back at you the mirror is it?
Rat species, and I'm not talking about your boogeyman
>Why can't niggers swim, it's easy.
>Seriously though why can't niggers swim?
>Very high bone density and dumber than the average canine.
What was the reason for the initial crime ? Perhaps the latest victim was his previous gf ?
>Sheriff Allen told Dateline there were reports that Martha had been in touch with Travis Lewis during his time in prison, as well as after he was released.
>“I think it was her mission to find out what happened to her mother, and to find out if someone else was involved,” Sheriff Allen said.
Well thats fucking worrying
bongs are sheep
Prison is stupid. Immediate execution is smart.
Hello newfag
Way too much code and NLP in this story.
He was obviously murdered by the cops, wich is good
>Nigger acts like nigger
Fuck that piece of shit. He’s an unintelligent megalomaniac who wanted fame and glory. The man is weak and stupid and hides in an authoritarian country while deriding the US for invading privacy. A weak, immoral, hypocritical piece of garbage is all he is. Contemptible slug