Is there a bigger fraud than (((Stephen Yaxley-Lennon)))

I've just been following his latest bullshit story, about those lads in Hitchin.

>Just so happens to be in some random town in Hertforshire
>Just so happens to stumble across a group of migrants harassing an elderly couple, one of the most horrible things anyone can do, which plays into the whole "IMMIGRANTS BAD" narrative
>Coughing and spitting at them which is conveniently topical given what's going on right now

Literally every video and story of his has the same plot: coincidentally encountered immigrants doing something bad, heroically stands up to them, gets into trouble with police. And he's been making shekels for years off these clearly fabricated stories. Typical kike, getting rich off lies.

Attached: jewishdude.jpg (640x481, 37K)

Other urls found in this thread:

This literally happens everywhere. Youre as much as Kike as he is if you pretend its staged. He might be profiting off it as you claim, but he wouldnt need to stage fuck all. Its literally in your face in every town and city in the UK. Kys.

Idk mate but he’s one for the fight

sure but if you confront them for real (rather than staged jew LARPs) they lock you up for good. he is baiting people who actually care into thinking they can get away with defending themselves and lulling the moderates into a false sense of security because they have a figurine "fighting for them"

gee, kike enthusiast tommy kike robinson doing something deceptive...

>Its literally in your face in every town and city in the UK
Can confirm. Used to live in London and it wasn't unusual to see niggers, muzzies and the scum of other countries strutting around like they owned the place, being cunts to natives.


Attached: The New Phariseeism - Anglo Phariseeism - London - Toronto.png (583x936, 626.21K)

Might have been more believable if it was in a big city rather than some random town in an overwhelmingly white county. The kids in the video look like South London roadman, what were they doing in Hertfordshire? Oh wait, Mr Yaxley paid for them to appear in the video.

Also he LARPs as a (former) football hooligan. Why can't he LARP as an articulate, bookish guy who just so happens to be working class? That's right, because for years the media have used the football thug archetype to demonise the white working classes.

He's put on this persona to make British nationalists look like thuggish chavs and give them a bad name. But keep being good goys and await that one shekel to be deposited into your account.

>(((Avi Yemini)))

I think he's Italian

He's not. He's all about making British nationalists look bad by portraying them as chav thugs.

I'd actually, dare I say it, say Paul Joseph Watson is a better and more genuine figurehead because at least he's somewhat intelligent and articulate.

Isn't Paul a new tho?


Does the kike Watson, battle on street hooligans, or just scamper around mms talking points?

>I am all about making British nationalists look bad by portraying them as chav thugs.

Fixed it for you btw.

He's from Sheffield so probably not.

Who has the pictures of Yaxley-Lennon looking like a complete GRIDS ridden homo standing atop a Merkava? OP is 100% correct: """Tommy Robinson""" is a fake as it gets prop of the powers that be.

I'm sure I saw refering to pasta non chalante in one episode.
That's when alarm bells rang similar to those bells in the Vatican.

I have stopped immigrant kids harrassing the elderly on a weekly basis until i moved away from the ghetto.

How is he fake tho, apart from his name.
He seems to stand by what he spouts.

What planet are you on? Stop trying to downplay he severity of the situation. Typical jewish trick. Same shit as all the nothingburger fags who have encouraged people to not look after themselves and handed the state the totalitarian control that they all want. And who the hell are you to speak for Nationalism? I welcome ANYBODY who supports or helps nationalism. And guess what, thats all types. You want to exclude certain people because you 1. Fundamentally want to weaken nationalists everywhere
2. Have a false idea of your own self importance.
3. Want to pander to media image.
What next? Should we all watch porn?
Jew through and through.

Your mom is a bigger fraud. She promised to swallow all my cum, every single drop. But she took it all in her pussy because she wanted a mixed baby.

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To be fair he does lives somewhere around those parts.

>Stands on Israeli tank in the Golan
>Stands for what he sprouts
If you think of Yaxley-Lennon as an Israeli stooge who stands for leading foolish MIGA/T_D types to hyper-Zionism, sure.

He picks fights with randos (who yes, should not be there in a broad sense, but are not doing anything in the immediate), acts like a victim, and shills for "Israel." He wears Mossad shirts, gets sprung from jail, and has a constant stream of shekels flowing in. He acts like a poor man but is really not.

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He was in jail for b.s. though. I am not denying he is isralshit.
Cunt shouldn't be in jail for pointing out the obvious and retaliating.
If you identified as a Jew, what would you consider a correct cause of action?

Precisely right, Brit bro. His whole act is intended to be collapsible. All of these LARPs come with a sort of self-destruct button in case the actor gets a little too confident. Those handling the Alex Joneses and """Tommy Robinsons""" employ caricatures of targeted population (e.g., Southern redneck and hooligan, respectively.)

But, even if the paid actor doesn't go off the reservation, he serves the purpose of constantly demonizing said group (in the case of Jones and "Robinson", that group is loosely White heterosexual men, and in Jones's case, vaguely Christians.)

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Why are we still talking about this Jew shill. Fuck that move on. You can see he's getting more desperate in his vids and subjects. Nobody listens to this shill anymore. He's outdated and left with a death sentence hanging over his head. He's moving to Israel soon to pedoville where he belongs. Let him go in peace.

Dude is so hot I'm having a borner

Aussi bro, he was given a D Notice and risked causing a mistrial of actual pedophiles just to boost his name. Even in the USA, we have reasonable restrictions on what media can report on regarding ongoing trials so as to limit the potential tainting of the jury pool. Yaxley-Lennon, in a publicity stunt, violated the D Notice and was perfectly willing to risk the pedos getting let off due to a technical mistrial.

That is hardcore scumbaggedness and quintessential (((tricks))). Also, no idea about what in the world your "if you identified as a Jew..." comment means.

Nah man that dude is a dick.

I saw Tommy Robinson at a grocery store in Hertfordshire yesterday. I told him how cool it was to meet him in person, but I didn’t want to be a douche and bother him and ask him for photos or anything. He said, “Oh, like you’re doing now?” I was taken aback, and all I could say was “Huh?” but he kept cutting me off and going “huh? huh? huh?” and closing his hand shut in front of my face. I walked away and continued with my shopping, and I heard him chuckle as I walked off. When I came to pay for my stuff up front I saw him trying to walk out the doors with like fifteen Milky Ways in his hands without paying.

The girl at the counter was very nice about it and professional, and was like “Sir, you need to pay for those first.” At first he kept pretending to be tired and not hear her, but eventually turned back around and brought them to the counter.

When she took one of the bars and started scanning it multiple times, he stopped her and told her to scan them each individually “to prevent any electrical infetterence,” and then turned around and winked at me. I don’t even think that’s a word. After she scanned each bar and put them in a bag and started to say the price, he kept interrupting her by yawning really loudly.

>I serves the purpose of constantly demonizing said group

Fixed that for you

I honestly dont care about Tommeh, he's a side show. Stop complaining about him and start something better.

Attached: IDF section, Action Francaise expel Antifa from Lycée Montaigne Paris 6, 2019.jpg (1024x768, 136.34K)

He lives in North Luton. Hitchin is like 15 minutes away.
> Try harder fag

He's a kike

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>He's all about making British nationalists look bad

Your government officials are letting Muslims rape little girls .. it’s time to be thugs

Ecclesiastes 3:1-8

D notice, mistrial of pedophiles.

Hello I'm exposing elite pediophelia.

Give us upbaots cunt.

The one group he won’t point fingers at is the politicians shagging kids. Look everywhere but there

>Also, no idea about what in the world your "if you identified as a Jew..." comment means.

Update the database
= antisemitic pro Israel nigger fucker

B..but he believes in lizards.

Pedo nation.

mudshit detected


He's 100% run by jews now, as in his PR is literally managed by kikes straight from Israel, but I think the lad himself is basically genuine and just terminally naive.

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Terminally naive, how so?
How would you go about a percived threat?

the absolute state of hertfordshire.

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pretty sure he had to move from Luton for his safety. I think he's in a nearby village now with all the money he scammed from people.

Paul Joseph Watson is a whiny little bitch who makes dissidents look cringe. Normies will see him and be immediately turned off, same with Tommy Robinson. They're all about making us into a laughing stock.

It's the jew thing, he's still convinced they're his greatest ally just because zionists exist who are "nationalists" in a manner of speaking. Somehow, he's completely blind to the fact that kikes are at the forefront of every "hate speech" and "anti-racism" initiative that has repeatedly got him btfo and imprisoned, and were instrumental in pushing the open borders and infinite muslims that created his cause in the first place.

Attached: tommy robinson jew defender.jpg (500x375, 43.54K)

Lennon is a british name btw!

I watched a talk on him a while back by some figure from an English nationalist org. The guy is tied up left and right with very unpleasant zionist media/activist/shill types. It was very detailed with names and dates. Put me right off.

Fucking controlled op
How do you still not know this? Anyone employed by the rebel is a part of the Jewish subversion of right wing ideals. (((Ezra lavant))) did a good job stoking the flames of mudslime hate and obviously never mentioned his tribe.
Lauren Southern
Tommy Robinson
Gavin Mccinnes
All have been proven to be bad actors, gatekeepers, and snakes. They all came from the same place.
Fuck jewish subversion
Fuck kikes
Fuck tommeh

I dunno Israel nationalist are fairly closed border as far as I can tell. Sure there are some kelargi plan elitist jumping on Jew bandwagon as some type decisiveness amongst common people.

I still don't understand how he is at fault for standing up for abused children and elderly.
And how this makes him a enemy at all?

His target demographic is 18 to 22 year old sub 90 IQ incels who spend half their time jerking off to BLACKED and the other half ranting on YouTube comments and on Chinese frog breeding forums about how immigrants are bad and taking all the white women. Not bad I'd say

Kill yourself faggot

>my target
Fixed that for you.

Ah the MI6 asset. Wonder where his fellow asset is Anjem Choudary?

many names and details for anyone interested in this topic

What's this guy's underlying message? Smells like a asset.

>Its literally in your face in every town and city in the UK
this, can confirm
also, OP kys.

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If this is the new Hotler, he fucken sucks.

He's jew apologist filth.

He's tracing documented connections between groups like PNAC and the EDL and much more. All verifiable information. I don't know much about him, he's a long time BNP guy I guess. The relationships that he outlines in his talk is why I posted this. Anyone already interested will recognize many of the names he brings up. If they're new to you, file them away in the back of your mind because you will come across them again if you're paying attention and looking into things.

Don't be silly.

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In a functioning society citizens are valued above foreigners who hate you. It shouldn’t matter who started what. An altercation occurs, the niggers get arrested. Pure and simple. All non-citizens and niggers should tread on eggshells.

>How do you do fellow whites?

Attached: Avi Yemini parasite.jpg (836x836, 192.5K)

He beat up a nigger and a shitskin and it's caught on video so I gotta say pretty based. Shit's not staged retard.