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Yellow journalism is a disease.

>nooooooo you can't be held responsible for accusations you make about another person! how will they keep their jobs after lyinggggggg ?

Yes. It's called the first amendment you fascist faggot.

Fake news is shit CNN is shit CNBC is SHIT

fashus fahgot

>Sources say that OP is a faggot that regularly sucks nigger dicks


that's still playing nice. the closest he's come yet to telling it like it is is bozos and the post. these are sick people.

sure that applies unless it's calling up people's work and family for something they said on twitter. i know you don't actually believe what you say.

in other words don't shield these fucking scum just because they manage to crayon "journalist" on a name tag. especially when they are actually paid provocateurs and propagandists.

Some of these boomer memes ain't half bad.

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Our Founding Fathers would fucking hate Trump and all his jewish kin

We'll just do what you did to the second.
Find a obviously biased judge to overturn your constitutional right via precedent and then use the power of the state to enforce it.

i guarantee you also support the suing of alex jones over his sandy hook opinions

source: someone familiar with this way of thinking

When did media reveal their resources for controversies
Didn't Deep throat take decades to reveal

i wonder what ((( journalist ))) posted this

in a court of law you have the right to meet your accusers

>first amendment
The retardation runs deep with you

My Trump Steak finally came in the mail 3 years after it was supposed to be here. Its a rancid, thin, minute steak that was wrapped in tin foil that they spraypainted garish yellow/orange. I think it was supposed to be gold. Im not sure, are maggot eggs supposed to be in steak? I feel sick...

Because MSM cites themselves in a circle jerk of bullshit stories and the first lie is propped up by the following lies. The sources dont exist and the stories are fake.

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Hey they're welcome to use "anonymous sources". I just write unsourced material off as bullshit.

> three people briefed on the meeting

the correct way to word this is 3 people not in the meeting. but keep slurping that kike cock, bro

Where do you think you are?

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Jdjxbw k lslsknfj
Ndjsitv ij

When fucktard liberals don't live in reality.
'obama used espionage act to put record number of journalists in jail'.

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>sources say OP got fucked by a horse last night and infected with HIV

On a serious note, isn't book paper too hard for the ass?

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Yeah and then when someone says nigger you close your sòÿ face and your eyes when they get thrown in jail after getting beat up


Since when did every fucking journalist on the planet have secret info on the president and/or sources close to the president?

Don't you have bigger problems?

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He's not entirely wrong. You often find that the sources for articles today are other articles. You'll often have a scenario where one journalist makes a fake or inaccurate claim and is cited in numerous other articles. All of the articles will cite each other as sources to make the claim look more legitimate when in reality all you have is a circle jerk of (((journalists))) citing each other with no legitimate source to back it up. Happens all the time and people eat it up with no questions.

the media is the biggest problem
a virus comes and goes

It’s called libel laws faggot.

You like sucking big giant nigger dicks-my reputable source

No paper is too hard when it's your only option

This is hard to look at, at first I was like haha funny, then I noticed the book is close to the wall, I think of it must be heavy, then I notice the spackle under the tp roll and realize the retard already ripped it off the wall for the dumbass joke
-0 of 10

>Lamestream Media

What a fucking boomer...

The first amendment doesn't shield people from being lying faggots.

That is unfair. The author of this joke tried really hard and you are making fun of them.

I mean..he’s not wrong. 90% of journalists have no professional integrity and just write any old tosh depending on what narrative they want to push.

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they are all terrible. They are everywhere's on fb.

Very often they are large monologues of "back in my day"......"responsibility"......."Freedumb"

This. It's like the replication crisis of academia but ten times worse. If it isn't verifiable, it shouldn't be published.

Literally anyone can be an "anonymous source". I could call the New York Times right now and say drumpf diddled me when I was six years old and they'd run it as fact even when I wasn't even in America my whole life.

>This just in. Confidential sources have told me that OP loves to suck BBC.
They have been doing this shit though. Making up total false stories and then just saying "confidential sources" told them.

Journalists that use satirical sites such as Yas Forums as "sources" should have their credentials pulled or at least be ridiculed and excluded from the profession. This would be a start but i take a small amount of pleasure from all the "journalists" being laid off at the current moment. May you sleep in the bed you made.

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nothing will happen and news stations are getting bailed out just like malls, hotels, airlines, boeing, banks.

trumps a cuck who bitches on twitter and never does anything but he will sign off bills that dems shit on his desk

LMAO journalism in 2020 is make-believe bullshit, you can write any fucking shit and quote your ass for it and it gets published if it fits the narrative.

"Go out and hug chinese people to prevent raycism", "Don't buy face masks, goy, they won't protect you", "Why sucking niggers dick is the best thing you can do in quarantine", "Why getting your kids on hormone pills ASAP is a must!"

Yet you quote crime statistics on facebook - you get fired from job and go to jail for hatespeech laws.

1st amendment my ass.

>you can write any fucking shit
if you're globohomo.
if you're Alex Jones, and in first and always right, then not so much.

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>news stations are getting bailed out
everyone is at home so they have higher viewership than ever so please tell me why they need/are gettinga bailout (they aren't, btw)

OP is still a massive faggot according to sources familiar with the situation.

>first amendment allows you to slander and libel others by pretending you have a source

Quod licet Jovi non licet bovi.

lmao Trump is more popular than ever, suck it long and hard

I been told by very reliable sources that Op is hospitalized for severe infections caused by using rancid peanut butter on his penis to obtain dog fellatio. These sources say that Op is now dick-less (literally) and not expected to live.

Trump could skull fuck Oprah Winfreid dead on 5th Avenue and not lose any voters.

During the Kavanaugh hearings, senators were unironically submitting opinion pieces as evidence.

The Bill of Rights only relates to the government and its abilities to create laws. It does not protect for profit corporations knowingly committing fraud.

Everybody knows that the media just makes most of what it says up. Nobody believes the media any more. It’s why Trump won.

>the first amendment allows you to say what you want but doesn't protect you from the consequences of that which you say

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No, he’s right. If the only evidence in the story are “anonymous sources,” it’s bullshit that you should take about as seriously as a Yas Forums thread.

When they say " Sources close to the President" they are talking about the homeless guy that hangs around the fence.
Technically he is close to the President.