How is it people were more intelligent in the 1300s...

How is it people were more intelligent in the 1300s, and realized the only way to stop the disease was to isolate everyone to which they did successfully. While everyone in 2020 is dying and finding it impossible to isolate from the fucking flu?

We are lucky corona is nothing comparable to diseases that have killed hundreds of thousands of people, regardless of age, many were killed by centuries ago.

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When the (((black plague))) came,europe still believed in God.
Now I don't know if we'll have Him on our side again.

Nah, I'm pretty sure more people died in Medieval times than right now, and that the black death was more deadly than coronavirus.

Sure, but everyone isolated and only went out to get food. This was how they recovered from the plague.

I thought British people had decent reading comprehension?

Because everyone is taught how to be a consumer , not basic life skills , and the west slowly but surely being filled with low IQ third worlders isn't helping the problem either.

Jewish people poisoned the cities well .
They admitted it in Trial .


>(((black plague)))
yeah the jews were behind that one too right?

>How is it people were more intelligent in the 1300s
Because unlike your Enlightenment bullshit education taught you, humanity is not on a linear progression.

Because society today is selfish, egotistical and everyone thinks that they are owed something. People during the medieval period would work together for the greater good because they realised it was the only way to survive and thrive.

Modern people have been corrupted by (((American))) consumerism and would rather die than stop consooming

Why can't they just live in their own country? Why do they become hated everywhere else they try to go?



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>Why can't they just live in their own country?
are you fucking stupid, leaf?

Wheres the proof? Jews were tortured hence why they falsely admitted (for the torture to stop)
torture isn't used because it often brings false information.

They didn't. They had no idea.

Every other people on earth basically manage to do it. If you have to invent a word to describe the fact that everybody fucking hates you then you are the problem. Literally nobody, fucking NOBODY has ever liked them.

> Spring Break duuuuude
>hug a Chinese brooooo
>herd immunity, lad
>it's a nothingburger
>why contain it?

You can easily tell why

There was not much to do outside aside from working most of the time. Now people are used to events, entretainment and shit like that everyday.

doctors carry a white stick.
the infected carry a red stick.

nobody has to be scared.

The merchant class propagated the disease through ports and jews poisoned the well.

66% of the European population died

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We have more freedom now as opposed to back then

>he didn't study /his/
Ask me how I know you're new here.

But 0% of the Polish population.

>isolate people
>people too scared to go to infected areas except plague doctors, who ironically ended up spreading the plague from town to town during their 'practice' causing more deaths than necessary
>plague doctors believed they were safe because they filled the beak with herbs that smelled good and got rid of bad smells that cause illness

/his/ is filled with jew worshipers, only shows your retardness.

>did it successfully
30-60% of Europe died lmao. also plague doctors came about centuries later so your pic is unrelated
also the black plague still exists and is cured super easily with basic antibiotics

The disease was stopped because it burned out in the places where it spread the most. There was much less travel in the 14th century so it was easier for countries that were less effected like Poland to just keep infected people out. Some cities did effectively isolate themselves but others failed and were destroyed anyways. I'm not really sure what your point is. The black death killed like half of western and southern Europe's population. It literally took hundreds of years for demographic recovery. How is this in any way comparable?

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Ora pro nobis

The only country not affected by the black plague was Poland , where most of the ashkenazi jews were living at the time .

There is caution tape and warning signs all over our public park here. It was 83° here yesterday, and the 13-20 year Olds tore down the tape and were playing basketball, soccer, and playground equipment in large groups. Fuckin bastards

>Jews were tortured hence why they falsely admitted (for the torture to stop)
So did the germans in the Nuremberg trial. But you dont have any problem with that do you. Fucking rat.

Fuck off atheist

Faggot. If you got the plague and got better, you wouldnt have affected again.

sounds pretty discriminatory to me

it is in the Bible, in the old testament, plagues are ancient stuff, stuff like dont eating weird animals, wash hands, etc

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the polish king at the time had a jewish mistress.


Are you retarted? You do realise there was no McDonalds back then do you? Historical records show that cities in France that had good hygine, sanitation and body disposal didn't suffer even close to what happened in rural or big cities like London or Paris. No one was isolating themselves and just went to buy food, they worked in the fields to get food

That makes one wonder, doesn't it.

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you'd know wouldn't you, well poisoner.

They were caught poisoning the wells Europe wide.
They were chased out of many townships and killed

Why do you think the media calls it the dark ages? Its bc it was a time when kikes had no power

Hey did you know Jesus and the disciples taught many people improved hygiene techniques and were early proprietors of scented soaps!

Half of Yas Forums thinks this virus is a hoax.

Less than that, there’s a vocal shilling tho

Yes my ancestor purchased soap in bulk from Jesus franchise store to sell in the streets of Paris

>We are lucky corona is nothing comparable to diseases that have killed hundreds of thousands of people, regardless of age, many were killed by centuries ago.
>While everyone in 2020 is dying
>While everyone in 2020 is dying
>While everyone in 2020 is dying

your brain on prison colony

>only kills old farts

some disease.

>The only country not affected by the black plague was Poland , where most of the ashkenazi jews were living at the time .

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(((Polish population)))

It is written in the annals of history that Louis Vuitton was so inspired by soap stacking in 19th century Parisian bubble bath culture, that he invented the stacking suitcase and renamed his pet turtle after the biblical character Martin.

>be normalshit
>tell incels that having friends isn't important, you just need to have cool hobbies to keep you busy
>pandemic occurs
>literally can't spend a since fucking day indoors by yourself

Redpill me on this. Why do normalshits do this?

>finding it impossible to isolate from the fucking flu?
Social conditions are significantly different, making isolation much more difficult and costly.

Sadly my ancestors were templars on one side and cathares on the other.
Not many left of us.

It’s pointless.
China lies about infections and we want to close border.
US infected.
>Do something!
We close border with China.
Try to keep public calm.
>Shut the country down!
Shuts country down
No Trumpbux
China stops testing
>Want more tests!
Does more testing
>OMG Diseases spreading!
It’s the flu.
>It’s not the flu!

More than half the country wants to go back to work. Media and Libs want people in fear and sucking government dick. You can’t argue with these people. Nature will do what she wants. All you can do is wash your hands.

Nigger the black plague spread like wildfire because of fleas. Isolation only increased the problem because you shared a room with 3 families in cramped conditions.

Plus dont get me starting on the "foul smell" infection method.

The beaked olague doctors only happened in the modern age, once people got some idea the disease spreads somehow

California has the Black Plague right now too.

I really don’t know muh extroversion

Shit spreads by fleas. Stay away from rodents.

All inner cities in the US have the black plague

Imagine it got ATB resistant.