Coomer Asian makes porn post on university facebook

Coomer Asian makes porn post on university facebook
Comments dropping redpills hard, one guy alludes to Jews

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BASED Silenced national conservatives coming out of the woodwork, this is /ourtime/ lads

wow this university is full of sandniggers disgusting

>trafiked or coerced
they understimate how retarded women are when given freedoms


>one guy alludes to Jews

>"Firas El Akchar"
I take it back, not based. Not based.

f*cebook (dotcom) (slash) groups (slash) 107281302622867

>muh precious women are all victims bullshit
Yeah I'm thinking I'm gonna go jack off

Imagine being such a coomer that the Muslim shames you

It's hard to get off the coom train, bros. Please advise

just overdose on redpills about it until you become enraged at the thought of it



>human trafficking!!!:D!!XD
>not roastie whores doing it willingly

>Anis Rachid
Anus Rancid lol


Only jews are against porn

really nigger?

That flatten the curve graph is always wrong, the health care capacity in most american cities has been exceeded years ago and should be placed under neath the graphs.

That what thy want you to think they support it so that the anti-jews will help them take it down, you are getting manipulated by the jews like always


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based warhammer autiste

Well i will just say, if you are worried with porn you're weak, aside of the obviously human trafficking some places have,abuses i could care less if people get obsessed with it its their fault just like if they expect what they see on it in reality,if they cant see whats real and whats fake its none my problem

Educate,create people that can think,all the time you morons just keep going into circles trying to deal with a problem but you never have a solution since you refuse to take the hard step that can make things better for everyone

Porn rewires your dopamine receptors.
It's a supernormal stimulus, it fries your brain
Forget about the whores, it's bad for the viewer

The most important redpill: you coould be doing it with a real woman insteaf right now. Just think of that every time you want to coom to some cheap replacement on a screen.

a massive email harvest and upsell scheme masquerading as a public service.

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upsell to who?

Is this how normalfags talk nowadays? A weird combination of surface level memes and ghetto speak?

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Coomers who will pay for it after the free goes away

All the blood from my brain was In muh dick at the time And gave them my email. How fucked am I?

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well when you put it like that it sure sounds bad, but surface level memes are deeper communication than they're known for
so really it's more like a net neutral


yes, your country's (((culture))) has infected the world
Why are people on the other side of the planet speaking in the ebonics of your ghetto kangz? It's the epitome of modern absurdity

yeah only in Israel faggot, but they support porn in every other single country

Did you give your personal (as in, the one with your real name) e-mail? You need a coomer/shitposting e-mail my fren.

how do i get premium free? do i still need to give credit card details? or would using a visa giftcard work?

donate your foreskin to your nearest synagogue, they'll hook you up

im a woman

ALL US universities are full of sand-niggers, chinks, and poos.

Simply sign-up now, no info needed. Make sure to use an dummy e-mail account.
>im a woman
You will never be a woman.

Not only that, the US is also responsible for the existence of fucking Tumblr. Were not by it, maybe we wouldn't have to deal with those six gorillion gender fags with coloured hair that screech about "muh white privilege".

Thanks, but yeah im going to fap to some bbc later

Italian proxy. Use it to create an account on Stayhomehub Italy.

Have fun. I prefer Femdom JOI, but to each their own, amirite?

>keep the culprit in mind. (((Who))) wants you to consoom?
>be angry. At yourself and at the ones promoting degeneracy
>seek help from God.


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I can't imagine anything more pathetic than getting absolutely told by a Muslim.

>you coould be doing it with a real woman insteaf right now

You could. that is the problem there is a chance you could be doing it with a real woman but with a lack of social skills and dating being the minefield it is and the fact many women are so toxic nowadays I would probably give it an attempt and come back empty. Then I would go back to the porn.

So he basically didn't address anything and will continue on as normal.

Degenerates must be made an example of.

>they want you CC info for a free trial

Yeah no

Why is every porn studi run by jews?

(((Zhao))) our fellow Han person!

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Point Firas in the direction of the Araby slave trade, the harems and quote imams who follow the "old enough to bleed is old enough to breeed" law.

I lurk on the reddit for a prestigious college near where I live, it's hilarious how Yas Forums is literally everywhere on the internet.

Those skills can be learned, abd shizty women have been a thing since eve. Thazs why you select non-shitty ones. Unless you slip so deep into incel cope you start believing they dobt exisz. At which point, just kys or coom away, youre lost already.

Women are so much better in Russia dude. Like angels. Like what they were always supposed to be.

Your angels are really fucking expensive man

I think if I just try for a hookup or ons to lose my virginity to start, that might help remove some of my fears and anxiety about women so I can actually get the courage to look for a relationship. I am nearly 27 and I dont really want to be a virgin another year.

Also, can someone with a facebook account go btfo Lazaras the söycuck and the gook whore?

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good job sandnigger