My county is under a stay at home stay safe order. Whatever the fuck that is. There are faggots everywhere. Necessities my ass. Noone is staying at home. I'm an essential worker so I have to leave but these faggots are retarded.
Kevin Mitchell
the only thing we hate more than americans is each other
but really no we all hate americans more everyone does
Gabriel Ortiz
Isaac Rodriguez
Why have it failed so in the US? havent you seen how the fags over here are doing?
Luis Bailey
I seen a group of kids walking down the street yesterday on my way to work. I hope the pussy police start cracking heads. Normalfags will end us all.
Brandon Young
ay yo! dem kfc shut innit!
dey up to no good!
Charles Wright
American anons report if you are fat and probably will die if they will catch the Coronavirus?
I want to know the numbers.
Tyler Sanders
Exactly- OP the faggot shill that they are thinks this is a problem
Austin Moore
Are people really this stupid
Jace Peterson
Rip fat mutt
Jace Gutierrez
>american anons report if you are fat
truly the most needed census
Lucas Price
kek settle down mario
Caleb Torres
Shouldn't you be dead by now pastabro?
Blake Clark
Stupid kikes... cant you just do it without needing everyone to carry the banner for you pussies?
Henry Jones
Well, third world shitholes like Germany probably aren't even testing that many people, so if course their numbers are lower. Not to mention the US has more people. A LOT MORE. Failed math didn't you?
Andrew Taylor
Jews may be smart, but they are not fit and they are not healthy.
Matthew Brooks
Average weight, my immune system isn't great but I think I would be okay. The bigger issue here is about to be all the people out of jobs panicking. We don't have the setup to actually help anyone, and corporations are busy trying to turn a profit out of this mess. My unemployment after being laid off until we can reopen is roughly 25% of what I would make in a week, while our food cost is almost triple what it was a month ago in my area. It is going to get real ugly in the next few weeks.
Jace Taylor
1% death rate retard. Some countries are as high as 10%. You fucking commie shit stains are mathematically illiterate.
Daniel Howard
Hehehehe, most Amerimutts don't even believe it's real and a hoax.
And some believe it will go away if you do this and that like eating garlic.
1% death rate in the US in spite of having the most cases. This goes to show that the Europe has shitty health care. It proves it without a doubt.
Jacob Clark
not american either
Jackson Ortiz
Fun. Now compare US infections and deaths against the EU and not just one much smaller country.
Jose Martinez
I have american friends and I wish no ill on anyone of them, but I am genuienly concerned for them.
I hope you're all alright over there guys, even if you're only a quater white. The really sad thing is half the people this will kill won't be boomers.
Charles Evans
Unironically Americans are extremely retarded in not taking this seriously. Went to the store yesterday and I was the only one wearing a mask and gloves. People were looking at me like I was crazy
Brayden Peterson
Too many genetic diseases from inbreeding to be healthy, less are obese but many still are.
Gabriel Rogers
Stop being a bitch about a fucking flu.
Caleb Cook
>Corona is lethal to people who are obese, have heart problems or diabetes, aka 50% of Americans
cytokine storm that destroys your lungs in few hours is lethal to anyone, even fully healthy young people die, nobody trusted those china videos where we seen whole families dead in their appartments, where we seen young kids dead... now europe will see it on their own eyes....
Connor Green
Well, a 1% death rate in the US is not much different than the flu. So YES! It is starting to become the nothing burger it was thought to be. Of course, many countries in Europe have God awful health care systems.
Jordan Phillips
if it kills every single one of those huge elephant size ones we see all they time if can only be good
anyone over like 30 stone needs culling
Caleb Clark
In general, and I’m not kidding unfortunately, Americans are very stupid nation. Average “user American” doesn’t represent the average American.
Americans tend to believe in aliens, ghosts and demons, flat earth etc.
America isn’t NY or LA only. This cities are like different countries.
James Diaz
Whites like me will be the overlords when the weak of spirit and flesh are purged by the disease.
Parker Lee
how much you bench user?
Brayden Long
China has moar.
Jaxson Gonzalez
isn't this just the 6'6" doorway guy from Yas Forums
Colton Hughes
Per capita it's 2x worse in Merkelland. You're just spouting GEZ memes.
Lucas Morgan
Low IQ nothingburgers fucked it all up.
Nathaniel Morris
Its also affecting new york the most densely populated place on earth.
It'll be unstoppable its retard president refuses to lockdown for muh economy making it even worse.
Well retard, I'm not sure about garlic, but oregano oil and iodine will certainly destroy the virus. Of course, today's scientific illiterate fucktards will try to say otherwise to keep big pharma up and going.
Just about every drug comes from a natural source. Penicillin is a natural remedy that was dicovered by accident.
It is interesting how big pharma tries to exploit the "there is no evidence of X" well asshats, why not prove that none of these natural remedies work and put herbal companies out of business? What are you afraid of? Or, are you too afraid that they ARE effective?
Grayson Rodriguez
American death is gonna make Italy looks like the Finland score. We have so far like 6 deaths. Fat retarded rednecks are gonna get rekt by based chinkvirus
Carson Bennett
You wish Dieter.Go jack off to your holocaust pics you Nazi faggot
Brayden Flores
>1% death rate in the US you know what that means when you let the pestilence take over the country don't you burger? 3 million deaths
Jordan Richardson
One can only hope. Once we're all dead, Europe can defend itself.
Christian Roberts
Fuck off third worlder. 1% death rate in the US. No different than the flu.
Jeremiah Flores
Per capita? Smooth brain.
Leo Lewis
the flu is 0.1% lethal, you're delusional or willfully blinding yourself.
Jose Cruz
I've only posted my picture on pol when a polish guy called me a manlet. Maybe he stole that one pic if it was on fit. I'm 6'4 though.
Well dumbass, that is because there are close to 400,000,000 people in the US. How many are in Canada? Not to mention the French speaking scum from Quebec invading Florida. Why can't you subhumans stay the fuck out of my country if it is so bad?
Ian Hall
No, your uneducated because you live in a shitty third world country.
Elijah Walker
Literally just last week we had millions of dumbasses vacationing here in FL due to spring break
More than half of the cases in florida have been from people OUT OF STATE
Noah Peterson
Yep and it's glorious.
Levi Miller
>calling Finland third worlder >literally less developed than the chinks
Have fun in your personal little apocalypse Amerifat.
About 30% of them were from Ontario or Quebec kek... Motherfuckers talk about how bad it is here, yet they all want to come here.
Justin Baker
fuck your local government and those stay at home faggy ass orders so tired of that shit hope corona pays them all a visit
Juan Green
I live in North Carolina, so kind of the south and in my city almost no one has taken it seriously. people pack grocery stores and do not practice social distancing, like you have more like a foot between people than 6 feet. I was walking out of a store less than a week ago with an n95 mask on and got drive by coofed at to make fun of me wearing a mask. I'll have the last coof though. It's as if people don't understand how viruses work and when you hear about one case that got diagnosed after a week of symptoms that person has been spreading shit that whole week at the store,gas pumps, etc. So they hear about 1 case, then 2, then 4 and they just constantly think "it's JUST 4 people that have it" without realizing everyone with a small cough isn't going to the hospital immediately.
Christian Lee
How about I call you a third worlder?
Adrian Adams
There's a difference between "Chinks" and "the Chinks."
Lincoln Thomas
you're 330 million, numbskull. Also if 3 million people dying is compared to the flu you're retarded
Enjoy your third world education you low IQ retarded leaf.
Jonathan Watson
I for one, look forward to the great cleansing
Jayden Sanchez
Yeah mutts finally get the idea what the EU is. Not a country under Merkels rule
Colton Jones
EU is third world.
Benjamin Jackson
what is this called guys? mental retardation?
Brandon Cook
It's been a while since I've tried a max rep. Right now I'm just doing sets of 190. Trying to get back progress I lost after working 12 hour shifts.
Nathan Hernandez
I, for one, welcome our new viral overlords. May they fester in the jew strongholds - every major city in the US. Trump could inject Oprah Winfreid with a corona cocktail and then skull fuck her dead on 5th Avenue and not lose any voters. The scary thing is, since this won't be enough to take him out, what will the next thing be?