Which side will you support in a war between Greece and turkey?

Which side will you support in a war between Greece and turkey?

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lol nuke them both

Turkey . Never liked the debtfags

Greece, but I'm biased because I'm Greek haha.

Honestly Greeks should just start sending DNA kits to Turkey on mass. That would blackpill millions of "Turks" by them finding out they're all 50% Greek

lol nuke them both


Well, if I say Greeks it’s a win win
This. Turks are ultra larpers

Greece, better food and women.

I have no dog in this fight.

greece the turkish dogs have it coming

Make Istanbul Constantinople Again


fucking turk stink dogs need to leave ALL OF THE FUCKING COUNTRIES THEY GO TO

Greece. It's the birthplace of civilization vs some muslim sandniggers. Besides Constantinople is greek.

without greece we would have no modernity.
without turkey we would have no turkish barber shops

stay strong gyrosbros

None we will just sell weapons to both sides and let the roaches kill each other.

Blessed be thee.
Greek-hating-Sandspora is everywhere.

Modern Greeks are imbred turks.
Still though.
Greeks, definitely.

how about we try to subdue zionists on this fucked up rock first.

Turkey at least they’re honest about being asiatic steppetards unlike the fake greeks that have to steal other people’s culture because they’re sociopathic liars.

Greeks are Turks faggot.

Ok Mehmet Mehmetilidis

OK pajeet

>be roach
>no greek DNA
>have an IQ of 137
Really makes you think

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west asian is the Greek part in turkeys polluted gene pool

There's no such thing as a triple digit IQ roach, LARPnigger.

We roaches are steppeniggers. There is no dessert in Turkey. Stop being dumb.

Since Greek were occpied by turks for hundreds of years the Turks were breeding with their woman. Isnt Greek and Turkey the same people after all?

West Asian is Greek/Native Anatolian. Not Turk.

Central Asian is Turk.

>who is Nader Shah

Reminder faggots: everytime a turkish bull breed a greek whore the percentage of turkish DNA is halved. So there is no problem with having only 11% central asian DNA. It only means my ancestors fucked a lot of greek and other non-turkic whores kek

>Who would you support in a war between turkey and turkey?

What did OP mean by this?

>It only means my ancestors fucked a lot of greek and other non-turkic whores kek
you realize they are your ancestors you mentally ill shitskin?

>my very distant ancestors(even though closer ancestors are jannisaries) cucked themselves and Turk was a bad word in Ottoman Empire
>it's a good thing for Turks
the level of coping is off the charts

>Turkish bull.
>The vast majority of t*rk Y-DNA is J2.
The absolute state of delusion.

>Why, yes we are aryans following in the example of our great leader adolf hitler to save the white race, how could you tell?

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Oh no Greeks aren't white please pay me for propaganda master Erdogan yes
Oh no we dont have any money better post the same images again :(

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Inshallah, brothers

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oh no master erdogan we are too smart what do we need todo
lol lose against greeks in evros and say we have no corona

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>Anyone vs Turkey
I'll take anyone

Owe Greece for sure they are among the most beautiful in the world and worthy

>lol lose against greeks in evros
lol wut
> say we have no corona
what are you like a time traveler from 3 weeks ago or smth

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Yes I was reffering to the fact that you had corona and you hid it, very smart.

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>Who gives a shit about the middle east?

following chinas footsteps.



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Greek, fuck turk roaches

The first nationality that comes to mind when i see these 2 is egyptian
even lebanese look whiter than you
we didnt hide anything

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Aryans... WTF are you talking about nigger.

Lol, you have to bent reality so it fits you. Classic roach.

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you african sand ape
you literally have the highest east african dna outside of africa

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Sturdy baby machine

"Turks" in the western part of Turkey are islamized Greek malakas larping as central asians.


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hence why the white looking turks are always from the north east

And in Ancient times we used to be even darker, but eh, some degeneartion is allowed. You would know, considering you used to be azn

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Since you like maps, check the IQ scores also.

>who will you support in a war between Turkey and Turkey?
What did OP mean by this?

Which is also comprised of islamised Greeks/Armenians/Assyrians so yeah


i did
in north eastern Turkey?
all the pontics were shipped to their sender :)

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Aren't we roaches greeks who larp as mongolians anyways? Why would we fight our roach-bros?

I really want to breed her.

arab here, im supporting Greece because of based Assad


>>in north eastern Turkey?
They are descended form them, yeah.
>map only gives turkish sources
Lol nice try, sub-90 IQ retard.

the gayreek poured his archives

my turn now.
however you cope with

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There's currently a 65% chance you're a vpn bedditor.
In case you're not, apes seem to be smarter than you as is.

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I side with Greece

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>however you cope with
I did google your image ya know. I guess google is coping with me.
I guess I should use a greek document which says that our IQ is 98 next time.

enough for now

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What's the difference?

You realize these are Balkan rape babies and children of the janissaries?

so this is how the gayreek cope with it huh
despite the clearly asiatic eyes that are characteristic of turks

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Πάμε για άγημα στην Αγία Σοφιά

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If they fight they fight.

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She is literally squinting xaxa