/NSG/ + /SIG/

ᛋᛋ Hello, and welcome to /nsg/+/sig/: National Socialism General + Self-Improvement General. ᛋᛋ

This is your one-stop-shop for every redpill known to Yas Forums.

This thread covers the discussion of topics such as:
·Fascist/NatSoc ideology
·Race Realism
·The Aryan Ideal
·Nationalism & Patriotism
·Racial Identity Movements
·Physical and Mental improvements

What are you waiting for? Improve yourself, comrades, community, and folk altogether!
>卐 - SMASH (((MARXISM)))

>But what really is National Socialism?

Would you like to know more? Check out the pastebin & learn the truth!

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All Nazis are patsies.



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Much love to all of my white brethren, I wish you all the best in your endeavors.



self roll

Whatever happened to those guys translating the nazi fitness manual? The ever get it done?

Why do I feel so apathetic and have no purpose guys, wrong place to ask but any where else I get told to piss off. I’m no means off the edge but are their any other anons who feels the same?

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They went to GAB I believe and it didn’t come to fruition, I think one or two on the team remain but progress is slow

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Based and brother pilled

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Felt so whilst I was depressed. Chances are you are too.
How much sport do you do?
How many friends do you have?
How often do you eat shitty food?

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You're living in a malaise. I think you need some experience and struggle to grow as a person, in order to get rid of that apathy. National Socialism was the answer for me.

>Why do I feel so apathetic and have no purpose guys
Find your passion. Whether it's writing, being an artist, song writer or whatever. Find something to do. You're more valuable then you think yourself as.

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Not much since I’ve left school
None, my regression from the world made my friends basically forget about me
I don’t eat bad that is the only thing I have going and that I am generally healthy and well off physically.
So 2/3
I don’t know what to struggle for and fight against. The kikes/ZOG? Need more men and influence
Government? Same thing
Idk brother...

read this
I've translated my depression and apathy into writing myself. I've never been happier honestly. Like I said, find your passion.

We should really have some paramilitaries. I would be out there cracking skulls open and shooting trannies and sandniggers.

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Sport, whether you believe it or not, is a great way to relieve yourself of stress. Not to mention, after 6 months of effort you see clear gains. That's nice to see for everyone doing it.
You NEED to start socializing. 9/10 that's the biggest contributor to depression. Try Bars (even if you don't drink) and meetups, best if there's a theme (random d&d game, book club, etc.).
Make sure to eat fruits at least once a day. Vitamins help regulating mood too.
Also, not many realize the sheer importance of sunlight. It helps with skin maintenance, disease prevention and brightens the mood.

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your glowing

Terrorism doesn't and has never worked. It works only when you're in large numbers (IRA). Don't do a Tarrant you triple nigger.

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It's not what I'm fighting against that keeps me going, it's what I'm fighting for.
I'm fighting for a world where families can walk the streets safely again.
I'm fighting for a world where working class white people can live without having to take up soul crushing 60 hour work weeks just to pay rent and put food on the table.
I'm fighting for a world where boys can grow up to be strong men and girls into brilliant women.
I'm fighting to restore white culture, to bring civility and competence back to a people that have fallen so far.
I'm fighting so that the next generations don't have to grow up a minority in their own homelands.
I'm fighting so we can realize our full potential and stand at the Apex of humanity once again as we claim the stars as our own.
I'm fighting for us.


I was actually thinking something earlier. Tarrant and Earnest didn't accomplish much in the grand scheme of things. Of we carried out anonymous group raids or serial killings against trannies, gays, Jews, beaners it would be perfect. We could even stage it to make them look like accidents.

dude fuck off

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You're glowing too much

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Atomwaffen Division already tried that and it failed miserably. Most of the members are in jail and it's ideological father James Mason denounced them as immature and undisciplined.

Fuck off faggot. You're either a fed or an idiot. Either way get the fuck out of here. The one you should be killing is yourself.

Well yeah and no, first thing you need to have is a support base. Doesn't mean everyone has to support you but you can't just go out guns ablazing. The reason why the IRA or the Taliban do so well is that they have support from local communities. If you want to LARP like Atomwaffen Division then that's where you're going to fuck yourself hard.

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i hope you aussies burn..... oh wait

Well congrats to him for managing to knock out someone suffering from severe mental illness.

>Nelson Mandela

Nelson Mandela was apart of the ANC movement you retard which had massive support from the black population. Think before you speak.


The US will never be National Socialist, you are not one race, you are a mixture of races

Stop trying to get Schizo's to commit crimes and do something useful with your life you piece of shit.

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>United States

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Exacty. Without big numbers and solid support, you're not gonna get anywhere.

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Also Video For Americans new to /nsg/

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I agree, hence why Futurism (another form of Fascism) applies here. Instead of preserving traditions, Futurism seeks to destroy and replace them with proper Fascist ones. This ideology came from F.T. Marinetti an Italian Artist and Early Fascist. He resigned from Mussolini's Gov't for being in his words "Cultural Necrophiliacs" for LARPing as Romans and preserving 19th Century Italian Ideals despite them drawing from Liberal Republicanism. I see the US in a similar boat. American needs to be destroyed and rebuilt in a new image. Not just returning to pre-1965 America like the Alt Right faggots want.

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Proof he was Adolf?
See pic

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I've seen nearly every picture of Hitler there is to see. This is just a shill image.

Yeah I mean it's not that hard to do so in rural areas due to them generally being neglected by the system. Like what the Taliban or ISIS do for example.

Anything but 4 please. I like the idea, but the pushups, situps, and burpees need to be 3 or 4x.

That's not Hitler, literally look at any early photo of him during WW1 and the facial structure is much different.
read above.

It’s because you are larping neckbeard weaboo faggot with no real place in a National Socialist society.


all this does is paint Niggers as the violent and aggressive group they already are

Glow niggers gtfo

Gay and Spammed.
Same to you bro
Couldnt say, i've been wanting to se it to.
If you feel pathetic it is because you have nothing worthwhile to care about.
You need to understand your purpose in life and your function as a biological organism in order to have significant meaning and motivation in your life.
This is one of the Many reasons why /sig/ and /nsg/ got merged, they have a lot of common ground and are contemplative of each other.
Individualism will never create a permanent fix to the problems of so discouragement and apathy that permeate western thought as these things do not and cannot fullfill our basic function as biological organisms.
Your body on some level knows that it is meant to procreate and help those with the same genes as you to likewise survive and procreate
If you dont do these specific things?
Your body will punish you for it by releasing chemicals into your brain in a desperate attempt to get you to change your behavior.
Even the king shit of individualism himself Jordan Peterson ended up a degenerate drug addict.
Self improvement and action itself can ONLY be predicated to one's self under the basis of a higher goal.
And it is best when this goal is based on reality instead of artificial self determined bullshit for obvious reasons.
We are all evolutionary organisms and dealing with yourself as such makes life and dealing with issues of depression a hell of alot easier.
So was Rome before it fell
balkanization happens dude.
Its somewhat inevitable in a multi-racial empire

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yer all fags who suck big black dick.

Mutts law demonstrated yet again.

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you get a helicopter ride op

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I'm new to Yas Forums. For a sec I was thinking "Well, Yas Forums isn't thaaaaat bad." But uh, yeah it is that bad.

Make up your minds you liars.

> It's a fake image
> That's not Hitler

Pick One

(Tip - You are wrong on both counts - I just want you to make even bigger fools of yourselves)

Attached: 180px-Hitler_IMG.jpg (180x262, 25.97K)

We can tell where you're from by the way you type, don't worry

Gay and Kike Pilled
Pic realted
Lurk More New Faggot
And watch this

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Reminder: Almost all promotion of 'I luv Hitler - I luv nazis' memes on the entire internet is State Counter Intelligence Apparatus. Guess why.

It's not, the image you just posted is clearly a different person to the first image.


Yep it is and I’m with you. The longer you stay here the sadder and dumber you realize everyone is. (At least the crazy crazies)