Doesn’t seem suspicious at all. What is your explanation for this tragedy?
Why are Jews dropping like flies?
1.33x ACE2 expression. Gotta love the results of inbreeding.
Maybe certain countries neighboring Israel watched what happened in Iran
I’m fucked I need more goy blood
ive been pointing this out since January, but everyone here ignores it.
i know personally of about a dozen serious cases of in new york and every one is a jew.
>zero sources
>projecting victimhood
Who cares why? Just enjoy it user.
easier to die when you fake your own death
You know dozens of Jews personally?
Just one more field they're over-represented in...
inbred yids fall to disease
I hope the religious Jews will start dying here as well
because they all live in the cities
they're all weak inbred nerds
next question
in the UK the illness is focused in London, thats they where jews live, amongst the rest of the undesirables.
There is good in this world after all. Death to all jews of all ages and genders.
Literally /ourvirus/.
>be the virus
>infect and kill lots of jews
>they inevitably end up in ovens
Thanks coronachan.
Life insurance scams
Victim points being currency to the merchant
Filthy animals
Take your pick user
It's because jews are hyping themselves up as victims and hogging most medical resources so their numbers are most accurate too. It's 6 gorillion victims all over again
I’ve noticed some comments about Jews spreading it in New York, but then again with the amount of Jews in New York might as well call it little Israel.
They sucked on his cock after they removed his foreskin- prob like they did to you
Because Hasidim are fucking morons.
They are the niggers of Jewish society.
You might as well call the whole United States little Israel
Ghost Hitler finishing what he started.
I heard they are on track for 6,000 deaths.
>Why are Jews dropping like flies?
Cause they don't follow any precautions.
They're nowhere near the 200IQ masterminds Yas Forums thinks they are; deep down they're all just fucking retards and they're about to wipe their mistake of a race off the face of this Earth and I couldn't be any happier.
Because they congregate all the time. I knew it would be like this.
How effective can face masks be with those beards?
Goyim made virus
Get tested for sniffles. Whiny hypochondriacs
Might be caused by inbreeding?
Meaning Europe's paki problem will be solved very soon.
Not sure about Britain but here in Israel, the Orthodox Jews were stupid enough to not listen to the quarantine requests in time and continued going to the Synagogue, where they'd stay in large groups in a relatively small room.
Long story short, about 30% of new infections in Israel were traced to be in the Synagogue.
i find that post being very antisemetic
Because the Hasidics are still holding weddings and sending their kids to their jew schools. They either think that god will protect them or they are getting sick on purpose to get that herd immunity and taking up all the public heath services before the goyim can use them
Not an anti-semite here, but isn't there a huge amount of medical information suggesting that Hasidic peoples have major issues with their immune systems?
If you get tested for coronavirus then die, you ara coronavirus victim even if you die of something else. Maybe you are treated as being a more serious case too.
hasidim dont give a fuck about plagues they are a religious cult they probably enjoy watching their own drop dead it reinforces their fervor
Jews are notoriously dirty people, corona chan loves dirty people far more than clean people.
Jews also have weak genetics like their weak connection to God.
Found a few names of Hawaiians in Seattle
>they need special funding.
>get another 2T bill for the Jews, STAT
YES! Death to the jooos!!
Well deserved.
>Generations of inbreeding results in some seriously fucked up biology
Well imagine my shock.
Because Jews are fucking nasty
Lol. Nice.
jews are parasites.
Is it true that ashkanazi jews need blood transfusions regularly?
Should be 20/20
I don't care at all
Idk but it's awesome.
In 10 years they will say that 15 gorillion died from coronachan. Digits confirm
This but also because Chasidic Jews were too retarded to stop getting together when a lot of them had the fucking virus.
>be kike slumlord
>be rich off the fat of others
>too dumb to stay alive
I thought that was the initial reason for the scare anyway. Doesn’t make sense for a board that believes Jews control everything to go into a panic when Jews shut down the world for a virus that would kill a bunch of goyim. They would just lock themselves up anyway. Plus the big synagogue that got in New York points that way too.
So much for "It's cleaner that way"
They have heart attacks for seeing what's happening with their submissive Sugar Daddy USA, they know this means no more free bucks.
Hello Mr. Mossad.