soon your Gates Foundation Vaccines will be mandatory just like Windows 10 updates.
Soon your Gates Foundation Vaccines will be mandatory just like Windows 10 updates
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why this nigga on /yuri/
I mean look at him. He even dresses like a fuckin lesbo
This is it lads, if you aren't that prepared and been hunkering down in nowhere then 90% you will be taken alive into dystopia.
They have to implant pic related between my eyes before they chip me.
Not going to happen without a war.
his dog is reverse cross eyed
Bill gates is still alive?
>hey user no worries, you don't have to get microchipped
>haha forcing microchipping would be totes illegal
>sorry user, this establishment only serves the chipped. gotta think about the health of our patrons
>sorry user, our bank only serves the chipped, we built our new system around the chip infrastructure
>sorry user, HR says you shouldn't come into work anymore, work space is only for the chipped, gotta think about the health of our employees
>sorry user, we're eliminating your position
>sorry user, we can't serve your accounts anymore, please alert us when you have an account at an institution we can transfer it to
>sorry user, cash doesn't exist anymore
>sorry user, sorry user, sorry user
I don't care, will I be able to go outside again?
you can go outside now
You can go outside right now you gigantic wuss
Stop lying to yourself
Normies are stupid as fuck, they are begging for martial law right now and 99% of people will happily accept it
Yeah okay, a “war”
You niggas WILL NEVER do anything, stop larping
you should go and check if the moon is still there, haven't seen in it days.
Not taking the mark, going to have fun debating the retarded leftists I know who will argue that I don't have a right to participate in society if I don't obey their standards, becsuse the jewbox tells them that is the narrative to use, along with "remember 2020? We can't ever allow that to happen again"
>What I've got, you've got to get it put it in you
just say jewbox and they will flee .
pretty sure he was singing about his penis
>give it away give it away give it away now
I don't use win 10.
It's called "wall-eyed"
Someone tried to warn us about the dangers of technology.
pretty sure when Bill Gates says microchip he is talking about his micro penis.
that's why he liked Jeffrey. Jeffrey could get the girls that made Bill's pee pee feel big
Windows 10 updates are mandatory because of security.
Source: work for the fbi as a field agent would I lie to you guys
Imagine being unscannable in the year 2505
im still running windows 7
take this shit back to /x/
Do you know what checked means lol
wowzas quirky future man science haha
fuck this gay nigger country I'll escape into the woods butt naked before they ever put a god damn microwave in me
stupid fucking dog
sure it is
And it’s consequences
This bastard is getting old, hope he die soon
Bill gates stole ms dos
We are all already chipped. Try living without a smartphone or a credit card.
This guy is turning into a real life super villan. I guys people are disarmed by his dorky smile and glasses but this guy made his billions by lying, stealing, and fucking people over.
it's just a conspiracy theory, bro
Catboy cope.
Hello everyone, this post will probably glow so go ahead and ignore it.
Anyways, all RFID chips use external power from broadcast antennas like card readers beside locked doors. This is important since you can build a really powerful and focused antenna to burn out the RFID chip using a tall can, wiring and something as simple like an arduino microcontroller.
i will not be chipped
newfag detected
Why does Reddit seem to be ok with this?
1% is enough to shut down the entire system if they're smart about it.
Post em
he consume adrenochrome so probably another 150 years in him.
.0001% is more than enough considering less than a thousand people run this shit and they are constantly getting in and out of cars and entering and exiting buildings
Martial law? How mother fucker? Even a one million man force couldn't subdue the entire USA, all 50 states and territories. Even if you called up every retiree, National Guardsman and Reservist. There is not enough to secure the whole country and our densely packed cities. Fucking Cops couldn't control a nig-nog city without civilian help. Who is going to do it? Conscripts? Illegal Aliens? UN Troops, give me a break. You would need at least 10 percent of the population to do it. So go find me that 30 million man force and get them trained up, equipped and paid in the next three months.
>sorry motherfuckers, you don't exist anymore
wrong mindset. you have to implant them first.
Purest for of love
>You did get the chip, right user?
>he says he will resist the microchip because he doesn't want the big bad jew gubment satan worshippers to track him
>while using a computer with an internet connection
oh my they know I'm at home. that's totally exactly like keeping tabs on everywhere I go and everything I do and removing my ability to buy food by disabling my chip
>Ability to throw away all technology and start wearing loin cloths
>Amputate hand because you don't want your chip anymore, can't even dress self in loin cloth anymore because you're handicapped.