Covid 19-biggest lie I have ever seen

C'mon bros this looks like the biggest manufactured crisis ever. It's essentially a more infectious flu with bit higher mortality for the old.
And its being used to strip us of all individual freedoms, introduce group think, compulsory vaccinations are probably coming up next.

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Current death rate is 18%

Among those in hospitals I would guess.
Massively increasing the death rate. If you tested everyone in USA the mortality rate would be around 1% like on Diamond Princess

80 percent of the population could have it.
They haven't tested everyone for a good reason.

Literally molded for BBC

It's 3 times more infectious, it's mortality rate is many times higher than flu, and more importantly because of that it will swamp our medical systems and deprive people of care of all types. You have a right to be cynical, but not to be stupid. The facts are clear, almost boring in their clarity.

Here are some Justafluoids claim that death rate this high just because health care sucks (as the most common advise is washing hands) and doctors treat people with antibiotics and crush immune system so justaflu kills

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We've all had Corona colds a dozen times in our life. Corona was discovered in the fucking sixties. This panic is a media hoax

It's probably much lower than that, but if 80% of people get infected (the standard level of viral saturation before it tails off) there will be no vaccine for 12/18 months (not that you want it) so you're looking at a million or so early deaths in the US over the next year.

open a book sometimes


It is such an obvious attempt to use a common virus as an excuse to increase the power of the state over our daily lives. Creeping totalitarianism always "justified" as being for our own good.

Shut up Trumpnigger and admit you were wrong

These people would die in 2-3 years anyway.
The number dying from suicides and poverty will be probably higher

actually 4.6% according to official stats, and that's not even accounting for unregistered infections

Attached: covid-stats.png (651x446, 13K)

And, don't forget, the DIamond Princess had an avg age higher than the normal population.

This is at worst a particularly deadly new virus but not something beyond the curve of occurring deaths all over the world. For reference over 150000 people die DAILY. All the shills and low IQ morons working overtime to scream "this is a happening" base their arguments with these key points:
>That the mortality rate of this virus is 100x, 10x, that of a normal virus
FALSE-- these came out based on the cases CONFIRMED and is a pretty old statistic by now
>That the infection rate far exceeds that of other viruses/we have no immunity over it
UNSURE-- until we do mass testing (on more reliable testing measures) or random testing of certain control groups we cannot say for certain that the infection rate is alarming
>That the healthcare system would be swamped by people infected by the virus, and it is ill equipped to meet the exponential growth of the virus spreading
FALSE CAUSE-- again this is based on the previous 2 points, which is either grossly overestimated OR because of the general panic, everyone who gets sick not specifically by meme-virus gets lumped together as part of the statistic. No one gets tested for a variety of viruses, and no one is wiser about it. But since this is the focus of THE WORLD right now, everyone WANTS to get tested. (Question, why are (most) governments limiting testing anyway hmm?)
>That this might mutate etc

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True, but to assume that all corona viruses are equally dangerous to human health is incorrect. This one is particularly dangerous, mainly because it will swap our healthcare systems and deprive us of care.

holy shit I know that bitch in real life

anyone got nudes of her? they must exist.

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>And its being used to strip us of all individual freedoms, introduce group think, compulsory vaccinations are probably coming up next.
That's because it's not a lie, you fucking chimp. Go outside once in a while. You sound like a closeted NEET.

You're an idiot. Gas yourself.

Pretty much this. Is it a bad deadly virus, yes. Is the government using that as an excuse to cut off gun sales by halting NICS or having police issues orders to close gun shops, yes. Is it being used to keep a working class from rioting over losing jobs, yes. Was our economy dependent on chinese money to keep the debt based system afloat while democrats wrote blank checks to pander to voters, yes. That money is gone. China either pulled out or the democrats did, enough to cause a market crash they will profit from, meanwhile the workers get shafted. Sorry you lost your 150k a year job. Here is a $1200 student loan, er stimulus check.

I see your point, I think you over state the numbers. In Europe the biggest problem will be paying back the government debt after this is over. The US will have the poverty and suicides mainly.

Spot the normie sheeple

Correct. It's mainly for the stock market manipulations of the 1%.

Diamond princess gives us the most accurate death rate, and yup it's low

It's only a lie until your mother dies in her fucking sleep of "just the flu" (pneumonia/pulmonary fibrosis). And then it's suddenly not a lie. Sterilize yourself.

No it’s 87% death rate as long as we’re going by ass sourced statistics

None of this would have happened if you disgusting fuckers would wash your hands

Detailed explanation please.

what does washing your hands have to do with chinks eating bat soup?

That only has a limited effect, only slows the spread. China suppressed the virus for 2/3 weeks even threatened the Dr with prison. If you don't act instantly it's basically too late.

watch the paki or indian (uk flag) not answer my post just because it's long and full of logic

It's more to do with how live animals of different species are kept so close together. A Chinese live market could not be better designed to create a novel virus.

Are you retarded?

This virus is more clever than a lot of people, including OP. It's not as deadly as ebola, but highly infectious and kills with a huge lag, so conspiracy-tards spread false info that it doesn't exist.

Imagine a virus being more intelligent than OP

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Could you translate your graph axis please?

Sex 3 Pee Oh

That was a quick mutt's law

y: mortality rate; x: contagiousness/virulence.

>The Return of “It’s just a flu, bro”
Memeflag Edition!

Transmission x mortality

.. i feel foolish now

Denmark already made new laws allowing the forced vaccinations against pandemic. ENJOY.

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>And its being used to strip us of all individual freedoms, introduce group think, compulsory vaccinations are probably coming up next.

Pic related is OP, a pussy wearing a tin foil hat.

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>no not a single death without being above 60 or having pre-conditions

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I agree it’s a manufactured crisis but not to remove your rights, it’s to hide the second GFC caused by the central banks. They can’t have another GFC only 10 years later or else people will start questioning the reason for their (central banks) existence.

Imagine coming to Yas Forums and claiming that historically validated goverment sheniniganz are muh aluminium hat conspiracies. This place is so full of retarded IFLS zoomers, it's not even funny anymore.

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And the names are different viruses. Covid-19 is around the spanish flu

You're forgetting the Holohoax.

Bullshit. There are so many who died younger than 60, without precondicions

For germany e.g.

Thanks. Interesting graph.

First of all, why don't you reveal your location?

Second of all, no this isn't just the flu bro. Only idiots with red numbers on their ledgers still cling to that idea.

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From this:

"Projecting the Diamond Princess mortality rate onto the age structure of the U.S. population, the death rate among people infected with Covid-19 would be 0.125%. "

Also was a study that said detected cases were 1/7 of cases and then subsequently taiwan news reported 80% of chinese test kits were faulty. So detected cases are 1/5 of total tested corona cases due to that. 1/7 * 1/5 is 1/35 = proportion of detected corona cases to total corona cases. This would put the deathrate at about 0.1% = flu tier

>Still repeating the Imperial College estimates
What's the point of a vaccine if we achieve herd immunity naturally?

Shit, there is nothing we can do except stay away and wait. Damn.

>Washing your hands only has a limited effect
>Look at China for example
user, I'm going to leave this here for you to think about.

The real red pill is this: In almost every country, 30-50% of people requiring ICU are under 50 years old. The reason it's mostly killing geriatrics is because they are simply letting them die in order to prioritise the young.

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Wait until people realize the hospitals are really concentration camps and they are about to be bumped off by their own side.

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I wonder if the are putting edge cases that test positive for corona in ICU out of panic or something else more subtle thst has the effect of mucking up the works

pretty sure its 187.4% kill rate.
don't even have to be infected to die from it.


If you reach heard immunity levels then the use of a vaccine is almost unnecessary, but you would still probably immunise the remaining 20%. A vaccine would still be useful in populations with lower heard immunity, and for infants.

That's oblique. Please make clear statements.


When are you publishing that in The Lancet?