Video of "Packed" New York Hospital

I don't know about you, but I've spent quite a bit of time at hospitals around people who need acute care. The people in this video don't look like they need to be there. Many of them are lounging around and they look okay for the most part. Looks a bit different from the picture the media is painting...

Remember—admittance to a hospital/ICU is for people who need INTENSIVE and/or ACUTE care. NOT for people who want to waste resources and pretend to be critically ill.

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This is now a chinks hate thread.

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imagine the smell


every thread should be a chink hate thread.
they did this to us.
they crashed our economy.
they're killing our parents and grandparents.

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Spic-nig cycle in action.

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The Division 2 new DLC?

Too good for a dogburner.
Got off lucky.

They're killing Democrat voters in large cities. Seems pretty based to me.

A bunch of fat fucking niggers lounging around sucking the system dry except they are doing it in a hospital instead of at home where they usually do it. We are being fucking had, anons.


Good find user. Where I work, ICU means tubed, sedated and ventilated.

I dont see how that is different from what the yids do.
They took our economy, made us slaves to it and uses it to kill us and our families.

At this point I view all «chink hate threads» as nothing more than another yid distraction.

>yid’s first
>then all their zionist friends
>then chinks

it will reach a point where even the most die-hard libs start throwing groids out of hospitals and into the ocean.
there comes a time when pets are second to people.

My question is, why aren't the hospitals turning them away? This is insane....

Based Trump flu

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I'm sure they let everyone into the quarantined parts of the hospital

Has this nothingburger up to now been anything more than hoax made up by lefties and mediashills?
>100k poditive shows it has been around all the time and harmless
>inflated death count due to generous diagnoses for natural deaths
>made up hospital stories + hobos carted to hospitals + people going there due to hysteria stoked by media
>cash grab by ventilator manufacturers
>power grab by dems weaseling their plans into emergeny legislation

98% ethnic 2% white and its beautiful

Is this Africa?

looks like team rockets blasting off againnn

Yes my Turkish friend! This is a hoax made by Big ventilators and big dust mask industry to enslave us all !

Thanks for the heads up turk user! Take care!

Do you like our new London hospital for Coronavirus patients? It doesn't look like a Sacrificial Temple at all, oh no!

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fuck you you fucking turk stink dog

yep, hysteria and gibsmedats, lounging around in hospitals, free food, comfy bed, they never had it so good

like it or not, that brown chunk of meat is an american. cope harder.

Wow racist much?

Is that him gently raining to the floor at the end?


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That's shit from the ceiling and probably his "ppe". You can see him fall to the ground in the top left corner of the screen.

>I view all «chink hate threads» as nothing more than another yid distraction.
Chinks are the "acceptable" enemy right now. The jews in control want to force another east v west coldwar, but this time with china.

kikes have never shilled this hard before, you must be terrified of chinks

Is he OK?

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No, it's Jamaica Hospital.
Jamaica is the southeastern portion of Queens and is 90+% black.
The hospital has a very poor reputation to begin with. The most notable thing about it is the "Trump Pavillion", which is named after the president himself (he was born in this hospital).

take your nignoggery back to that shithole you came from you stupid fucking wopdago

Imagine the smell.

Fuck chinks

>hooknose's law

The Chinese know all about the jews, jews financed their revolution, that also have non of the brainwashing westerners have had for generations, they will call out jews without inhibition when the time comes

Underrated and checked

Damn it really is hitting those poor minority communities hard

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>it's all negroes


Look at that fucking nose, God really does hate Jews. Virus is definitely fake, dont get vaccinated goy.

nah, his clothes. his body goes splat in varies chunks. you can see one large chunk right behind where he stood before taking off.

Checked. Also Ganondorf is best boy.

Fucking pyramids. Also
>Abu Dhabi National Exhibitions Company
Wonder if Nightingale a subtle mockery of some sort.

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Nigs are hypochondriac attention seekers

Live in NYC. Everyone i heard about Who is Covid 19+ is not white.

Implicit White identity now is banging down White Claws on rooftops making Coronavirus jokes.

There's a lot of cope going on in this thread, lots of humor being forced too. This is alarming, but not surprising to those who've watched this go down in Wuhan already the past 2 months.

biggest hoax since ww2? All signs are there mates.

She's fucking spanish you faggot.

God fucking damn.... Idk what the motherfuck to think anymore. Most of the jews in America are fucking terrible, but then you have the Israeli PM's son talking about the elite, international pedo cabal? Pretty fucking based.

this hoax is like watching a dog owner playing with its dogs. having fun with them. The dogs are so fucking stupid they believe anything the dog owner tells them. Yea thats right bitch.

Why are so many of them Blacks and Latinx? Is the virus racist?

wrote on chink made device ;);) yeah lets hate the chinks and stop using everything made by chinks ;);););) go on op

DUmb ass you think any peasant within the normal system is not a peasant. Prime ministers are peasants no1 just the most public ones obviously. You deserve the title the most stupid dog around here.

Just one room with 30 people
Wow nothing burger confirmed

It is clear that China must be held accountable. Reparations are in order. Their roughly 400 million women between the ages of 18 to 50 will be appropriated amongst the 80 million American men of the same age group. This equates to 5 chink woman to every man, assuming we round up, and will be bred as many times as humanly possible by their white American bxll.

In contrast, the hundreds of millions of Chinese men will then be shipped to Africa, where they will breed as many chinky-nigger slant eyes nap heads while attempting to engineer actual societies on the ailing continent—a painfully futile endeavor which will doubtlessly lead to mass suicide.

In the final phase, all African men will be shipped to Israel and the Gaza Strip, satiating the Jewish lust for black cock. The “Africanization” of Israel will be complete, the wh*tes will have successfully created a superior race poised for world domination, Africa will...well, Africa will still be infested with niggers, and Jews will be hopelessly Blacked beyond recognition.

You live in NYC is there even white people there?

Noooo I thought blacks were immune!

>niggers are immune

apefrica is going DOWN


>that brown chunk of meat is an american

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Florence Nightingale was the inventor of modern nursing, you fucking idiot.

not only are you schizos mentally ill you are also incredibly stupid. but it seems that stupidity is a neccesary precursor to your condition, you lack the required intelligence to confront your own rediculous ideas.

Then you realize Netanyahu and his son are getting shit on constantly by the media in Israel. Kind of makes you think. Probably just the typical tricks, though.

This is pretty much what some of our hospitals look like on normal days lol. If corona is for real Australia is fucked we barely have capacity on regular days.

let them lounge around at the hospital, as soon as an infected person comes thru, they will be on the critical care list

Now that China is starting to get new cases, but doesnt want to report them, you can say goodbye to China, and start to imagine a world without China, because this is the end for her

Trump was born in Africa?

Wow I never knew that

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i thought the USA was mostly white people?


This has been educational.

Wow, those people suck at organization. Lemme guess, they put doctor Ali Alubabba Pootag in charge of the ward?

the USA is less than half-white. all of the beaners like this are counted as "white" in population statistics

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Life is cheap in bug land

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What's re you retarded? How is that not a packed hospital ward? The beds are stacked three deep into the treatment areas, people in beds in fucking hallways.
>Inb4 b-but I didn't see anyone in respirators
We're still in the early stages of this thing retard. It's going to get much, much worse.

Niggers. Niggers everywhere.

Why am I not surprised. A bigger feels warm, coughs twice, or vomits once and you bet your ass they are going straight to the ER. Not a single fucking one of them knows what a thermometer, advil, or tylenol is.

It’s always the jews first.

Definitely not NYC.