went from being anti gun to sleeping with this at the side of my bed, in the course of 1 month.
Went from being anti gun to sleeping with this at the side of my bed, in the course of 1 month
Lol you noGuns turned guns redditors are going to get rekt by training all their life ammosexuals when it happens.
Because you aren’t a fucking idiot. Idiots gonna die this week.
Yeah , I was thinking about faggots like op who would now understand the reality. Guns are not just for mass shootings or to "defend against an evil government". Situations like today where facing home looters is a real possibility is far more propable than the two things I mentioned.
but they live among peaceful immigrants. What are they afraid of?
You understand that this rig is 100% illigal.
>barrel under 16" + full length stock = felony
i wish i had a gun.
Closest you’ll ever get to a woman’s hole to use. Incel retard alt right nazi fuck vlads ball polisher
Source? Specifics please.
Wo thats a sick little shotty bro fuck I'd love to have one of them what is it?
>Situations like today where facing home looters
There aren't many niggers here, this mostly applies to the USA and South Africa.
>land of the free
>can't have shortybois
pick no more than 1.
this particular gun looks kinda gay tho
Is that a FAMAS?
Pretty sure any shotgun with
My OC pasta:
A lot of liberals here in NJ tried buying a gun for the first time at the end of February. No FID, no knowledge of guns or gun culture, no safety classes like they wanted us to take. They were denied, and if they weren't denied they'd have found our local shops out of stock anyway.
>Why do you need a gun?
>You're not going to be able to shoot the virus, retard.
>Background checks aren't an unnecessary hurdle if it means the safety and security of the community
>You need to defend your family? K, here's 5 bullets. See you next month.
It's been a fun month talking to libtard acquaintances and throwing their rhetoric in their faces in the midst of their panic.
>nobody reverse image searching
What is it, some kind of gun?
It's an AR-14 machinegun with 100 rounds.
it will literally happen in the blink of an eye.
in 15 years australia turned from the best country on earth to south africa lite.
is that because you're a FUCKING BABY?
This virus does not spell the start of some Zombie/Anime fantasy you've been hoping for.
Plus, use a pillow, you're sleep better.
>ever being anti-gun in the first place
Faggot bandwagoner.
Illegal as fuck you larp.
You were never an antigunner.
If you were and you got your first gun it would be a used Remington 590 or something similar.
congrats on being a sheep dude. point that thing at your head and keep pulling the trigger until you die homie.
OK Glownigger.
18” for shotgun
You faggot liberals have to reclaim your masculinity.
Embrace the dark side user, come to the Fascist side.
Plus we have the best memes
That’s gotta be a photochopper, there’s ancient mechanical magic that wouldn’t fit in that space...
How will a gun protect you from a virus?
If you weren't pro 2A from the womb you should an hero faggot
It’s a piece of dogshit that only a nigger would use
Pic related for the curious. You can build this with some rule bending, that exact firearm is illegal without getting a tax stamp and Federal registration.
There will be thousands of deaths caused by the Lead-poisoning virus amongst the colored population soon
Wtf is this? Some sort of short-barrel short-action pump shotgun fed by a magazine? Sounds about as illegal as it can get.
in some american states you can literally have a .50 caliber anti-tank rifle with depleted uranium bullets for home defense.
it is literally capable of shooting down an airliner from 5km away.....
god bless america and god help anyone who dares to invade her.
We can both play at that game you... Pumliggerfler
I hope you feel thoroughly chastised.
You honestly believe liberals are true believers of all that peaceful immigrant shit? They know damn well what importing an endless sea of shitskins does to the middle class and the culture of the country.
your leftists brains prevented you from having common sense. welcome to the real world.
Lol, my judge has a 6 inch barrel
...and pretty sure this week no one is gonna give a fuck.
Definitely a class 3 firearm.
Maybe in the state but not in Canada.
And of course south america
Dark side? Nigga I ain’t the one mutilating kids and destroying families
yeah somehow not buying a noguns grabbed that rig for their first pick, that's way too well informed
i'd have a foregrip, strobelight and 2 burning green lasers on that
>it is literally capable of shooting down an airliner from 5km away...
HA. I'd like to see someone try. At the most you might pop a hole in the fuselage and take out some unlucky boomer coming back from vacation.
a shotgun that cute
would also sleep with it 10/10
>pump action shotgun
>mag fed
Why not just get an autotrader?
It might fuck up the engines if you managed to create enough shrapnel
> anti gun=
onions boy faggot
I have 30 firearms but my wife's morning gas is more lethal than a shotgun blast to the abdomen. Some looters or nogs break in I'm just spinning ol' wifey around and giving her a solid squeeze, that shit oughtta melt anything it hits like fucking alien blood or some shit. She farted on the dog once. Once.
that gun looks cheap and fail-prone to me and i'm not even a firearm hobbyist, looks like it was stamped out of zinc in a shitty factory. that's an ork gun why can't you buy something cheap and reliable like a remington
>Also 1 post by this ID
But user! Don't you know that every gun has high-tech tracking devices on them that sends a report to the ATF every time someone modifies it without paying the tax stamp?! You don't want your heckin pupperino to get shot!!
Okay then Carlos Hathcock, I wanna see this shit. Lemme go grab another beer. You can have one too once you pull off that 1-in-a-billion shot.
Lol, what a retard. Shove you’re bait up your ass.
Not with that short of a barrel. And really not with a shotgun at all, unless you’re hitting the radiator. But then you’re waiting for the thing to overheat which could take a while.
Antimaterial is a legit warfare operation and special units are trained for it. The general consensus right now is the .50BMG and yoI aim for the center of an engine. Iron blocks are tough but still brittle and if you can get a round through it to at least drain the oil and possibly knick any part of the crankshaft or a main journal the engine should self destruct in short order.
me too, couple of years ago we found an abandoned burger submarine with nukes on it ad La Maddalena, we dismantled some, removed the PAL key by putting it inside the fridge then inna oven and installed a NTSC key cause detail is more finer. Now I have one beside my bed, if someone comes home and triggers that much, nobody will ever know what in the fuck happened to him
>this pos cost OP $450 when a remington 870 costs less or the same amount
it's a pistol you fucking idiots. that's an arm brace, not a stock, you don't put it to your shoulder.
It might not matter soon enough. Have fun with your five shot cuck SKS and no pistols.
OP why not buy this one
a remington 870 tac-14
it's a similarly "small form" shotgun to the one you bought but it's not a pos. and it retails like $150 to $200 cheaper than your one
You’re gonna kill someone in your house you faggot fucking cocksucker. Go back to being an anti gun gun cunt which is what you are. We don’t want you, you worthless sissy mary of a cunt. Dumb fucks like you will be accidentally shooting someone in their own house. My only hope is you shoot yourself in the fucking head. Go back to plebbit you shit eater born of a fucking cunt whore and go post more pics of your never fired guns. It’s where you belong. And stay the fuck off our side. We don’t want you, cunt faggot.