Young people drop like flies. This is no joke anymore

You told me only 90 years old boomers die on coronavirus. But the latest news from France, UK, USA say that even teenagers die now.

That's not funny anymore. I don't wanna die because some China flu... This is getting out of control for real.

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Other urls found in this thread:,nId,4396423

Its a bioweapon user. You didn't really think it was just a flu bro did you?

I think my wife has it. She is quarantined in the back room. That means I probably have it. Fuck man, life just got good too.

We should all just come together and nuke China.

Barely. That's the 0.1% of kids
Most of the "look at the young people dying" stories I've seen have been 30-50
45 years young wine aunts

By the way, I'm starting to think the CCP employed a bunch of Chinks across the states to buy up all the essentials and send them back to mainland to resell it at a profit. Instead of sleeper cells in the sense of warfare it's really just sleepercells who silently go to war with our supply.

You’ll both be fine.

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They are all kikes and want to reduce the Earths pop down to a number they can easily manage as slaves.

>Young people drop like flies.
K, how much exactly?

Aww you're scared of dying you little pussy? Then you should DIE faggot. You're not a real man. Nigger fuck you

It only kills weak beta white cucks. you ain't see any of us currys dying from this. its because of your shitty cumskin genes

AAAAH a girl who take the pill can still get pregnant I will never have sex again
AAAAH some vaccinated guy died from tetanus after a single cut I'll never use my hands again
AAAAH a nigger hit a guy in the head and he's dead I'll never leave my house

Why are so many of you such pussies? Are you subconsciously finding excuses to stay home and jerk to BBC porn instead of taking your life in your hands ?
Be a fucking man.

Based on what I heard earlier today, people in their 30/40's in Italy are starting to drop now.

Average age of people who died in Germany is 81, if young people are dropping like flies there are a lot of 140 years old dying currently.

This thread seems clumsily manufactured

none of this would be happening if that retarded fucking chink didn't eat a bat
china needs to be glassed. just napalm the whole fucking country and then send the charred remains into space

You're both actual idiots.

Oh, and what about intentionally spreading the virus to park benches and elevator buttons? Shut the fuck up if you aren’t going to think things through, faggot.

old people die first
young people die later
this was known since early February but for some reason you retards kept constructing your fantasy narrative of the immune Youngster and now you are shocked by your own retardation.

yea, no. Average death here is >82. If young people were dropping like flies it would be a lot lower
>but a 16 years old kid died in France!
shit happens, doesn't mean much if it's just few cases

It is possible the virus has a viral load. Meaning somebody who tests positive but has no symptoms could get sick overtime if they are around other sick people.

Doctors for example might not get sick automatically, but they could after awhile being exposed with the virus everyday.

>source: my ass

>young people die later
No they don’t, if you don‘t make it of the ventilator in 3 to 5 days your chances are pretty bad and mostly old above 75 don’t make it off in that time. Young people basically do die pretty quickly, because if they die they did have severe preconditions. If you make it beyond 10-12 days into the illness as somebody not severely immun compromised under 60 you basically made it. The reports of younger people come later in the epidemic, because many of them have to get the illness before you see any severe cases. Since they are so rares amongst them. It’s almost as if many here don’t even get basic statistics.

>says an internet tough guy online

Let me explain you the 16yo french girl who died with my memory of high school:
>smoke weed daily for at least 3years
>Tobacco daily for at least 5years
>Drink to collapse everytime its possible
>Lost virginity 4years ago and fuck without protection since then, getting her free abortion every two monce.
A 16yo in good health have nothing to worry about, only young white trash will die of it.

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Got any citations for this, Muhammed?

>even teenagers die now.
They had a boomer mindset.

>le monce

Womens get horny when you pronounce it like that.

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>people in their 30/40's in Italy are starting to drop now.
Short answer it’s bullshit. Long answer it’s still bullshit and the reason is, if you do have many many cases you will see some young people dying. Since they are the most active group and hence the group getting most infected. If you have hundreds of thousands of cases like in Italy you will also see a few things that are rare, but do happen.

nyc here

hope depot by me has been sold out of masks since like mid Feb. being bought up by Chinese

Fuck your wife, you already have it
Sex is the cure

Just saw a homeless family on tv that all had it including 2 little kids

While western stock markets fall, eastern stock markets rise. While the eastern stock markets go up, the western stock markets fall. So they buy here and sell there.

>A Single Death is a Tragedy
>A Million Deaths is a Statistic

If a million zoomers died from coronachan you wouldn't be panicking as much. Literally like 5 reports in total made you scared, because the media overblew them.

>90 years old boomers
They are immune to coronavirus. They are superhumans who created computers not some childish zoomer filth.,nId,4396423

I didn't tell you that. Your authorities did.

Considering the 0.2% death rate among most healthy Zoomers and some Millenials, every 500th from those groups will die. Nothing to cry about.

Just because people did nasty shit during your years in high school it doesn't necessarily mean that everyone does it now and is a roastie. Don't generalize.
I can agree on the smoking bit, you smoke like motherfuckers over there, wouldn't be surprised it every other person has fucked lungs thanks to second-hand smoking. She looked like she was 30 as well, so maybe she did indeed smoke a pack a day

Oh shit I've never seen that he called it a cosmic war...... Like the cosmic jihad in dune. A Tru holywar

in your last moments when your lungs are filling with with fluid take solace that some low iq schizo or chinese astroturfer told you it was a "nothingburger."

die faggot

the same damn German schizo bro

every single time

Youngest in all of Europe was 1 French 16yr old girl. Youngest in Italy was a 27yr old woman. Youngest German to die was ... a 54yr old man with prior illnesses.

>I don't wanna die because some China flu

Don't worry, Hans.
Your connational keeps telling me that your deaths are very low. You've got nothing to worry about

>1 or 2 cherry picked nerds with asthma and bronchitis
>believing the fear mongering media
Dieter, bist du ein volidiot?

Oh noes some young roasties died therefore you will die too.

>>Lost virginity 4years ago and fuck without protection since then

You should specify that she exclusively fucked noir people


>it doesn't necessarily mean that everyone does it now and is a roastie. Don't generalize.
Its not a generalisation, i am not that old, we were two who didnt smoke in the whole class, france is the top weed consumer in europe.
Especially girl, i dont know why, but heavy smokers and drinkers were always girls.

It's an American virus you retarded Kraut

Stop sucking mutt dick or we'll stop sending you money, subhuman

>We should all just come together
on it

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The teenager in the US died of sepsis and was taken off the list of coronavirus deaths. Fake news.

>fuck without protection since then, getting her free abortion every two monce.
Nothing of value was lost
That's adorable tbqh
hon hon hon

>noir people
just call them italians

My stepdad got super sick, worst flu he’s had in his life and he self quarantined and got over it in about a week. He thinks he may have gotten coronavirus but this was before the news was even out about it being in China.

So either it’s been building up or there’s also a really bad flu that’s still going around because i know other people who said they got really sick before this all kicked off. This is in CA.


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Minorities bringing bants

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Nope. More hysterical bullshit. The vast majority who have died are sick elderly who would have died soon anyway.

Why are you falling for the created fear?

>Parisian Suburb
>"Professional" High school
Yeah there is a good chance she did.

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>teenagers die now.
Those teenagers are drug addicts, like that teenage girl /pol was flooded with for the last few days. Seems ashe was a crystal meth addict, meaning damaged lungs.
Remember media lies, it is owned and operated by the Biblical tribe of liars.

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This is what numerous Chinese companies did in Australia.

CIA sponsored anti Chink troll spotted