Young people drop like flies. This is no joke anymore

You told me only 90 years old boomers die on coronavirus. But the latest news from France, UK, USA say that even teenagers die now.

That's not funny anymore. I don't wanna die because some China flu... This is getting out of control for real.

Attached: luj4othuz8l41.png (490x495, 4.15K)

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Its a bioweapon user. You didn't really think it was just a flu bro did you?

I think my wife has it. She is quarantined in the back room. That means I probably have it. Fuck man, life just got good too.

We should all just come together and nuke China.

Barely. That's the 0.1% of kids
Most of the "look at the young people dying" stories I've seen have been 30-50
45 years young wine aunts

By the way, I'm starting to think the CCP employed a bunch of Chinks across the states to buy up all the essentials and send them back to mainland to resell it at a profit. Instead of sleeper cells in the sense of warfare it's really just sleepercells who silently go to war with our supply.

You’ll both be fine.

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They are all kikes and want to reduce the Earths pop down to a number they can easily manage as slaves.

>Young people drop like flies.
K, how much exactly?