Sarah Andersen Tranny Comic

Yesterday there was an Anti Transgender thread on Yas Forums that sadly fell off the board where someone posted a Sarah Andersen like comic where a young tranny who buys a new dress in a shop and is happy. Later on that same tranny got fat and hairy and had its hairy ball sack hanging from the groin while looking in a mirror, saying 'I should kill myself'.

I know this is not /r/ but /r/ was not helpful and I can not find the picture with Google. Can someone please send that picture again, that would be super great.

Attached: download.jpg (880x506, 95.2K)

is this it

Attached: eea.png (603x768, 441.22K)

sadly no, it was black and white as are most Sarah Andersen comics

Attached: download (2).jpg (496x292, 33.82K)

is this itt

Attached: super-chill-1.jpg (1200x1937, 332.11K)


Attached: download.gif (500x789, 102.04K)

what about this

Attached: jewsofmiddleearth.jpg (537x3588, 720.74K)


Attached: download (4).jpg (550x570, 78.1K)


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Attached: download (13).jpg (500x749, 66.61K)



Attached: download (18).jpg (503x522, 144.95K)


Attached: download (29).jpg (503x748, 174.73K)

Why would anyone help a Mtn Dew Worm.

this shit is so cringe

WoW I want to fuck that frog

Is Sarah Andersen trans?


Attached: download (6).jpg (503x781, 88.62K)

no, she's a woman .. for real I mean

Attached: download (8).jpg (500x854, 93.49K)

that's her

Attached: download (47).jpg (300x300, 69.91K)

wow I want to fuck that woman who draws that frog I want to fuck

She cute
kinda looks like that ANTIFA girl

Your standards are low enough for success, user. Go forth and have a good life.


Attached: 9A03BB16-7EAC-496D-9083-D84A1B242C88.jpg (628x900, 90.64K)

Just use 4plebs ffs

uh, yeah, I'm gonna need to fuck that

Attached: images - 2020-03-28T212708.309.jpg (640x480, 17.83K)

I want to fuck Sarah Andersen

thanks .. I found the thread from yesterday but not the image I am looking for =(

Attached: download (26).jpg (605x953, 97.75K)

I've not seen that one.
Maybe you should

Attached: sa1.jpg (392x600, 76.06K)

Oh you poor deluded fool

Come on man she is absolutely a total cutie.

Attached: 1483168334924.png (1080x1618, 755.46K)

Attached: 74a.jpg (503x767, 38.48K)

We need to get back on Andersen edits.

Attached: C0tqaFSW8AErYjX.jpg (502x195, 25.27K)

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Attached: 1483348484315.jpg (503x816, 155.43K)

fuck jews

Attached: 1560508705546.png (648x647, 286.98K)

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Attached: 1482884289809.jpg (503x842, 166.76K)

Attached: 1483064417532.jpg (1290x640, 126.98K)

I prefer stonetoss.

This is it

Attached: 1482816896630.jpg (500x764, 221.28K)

AMAZING thanks user .. that's the picture I was looking for =D

Attached: 1482870414971.gif (305x320, 655.84K)

based. I love the concept of money just being a crazy fucking goblin scheme that actually worked.

Attached: gnomedildo.jpg (760x596, 200.52K)

Attached: 1482839495527.gif (750x818, 50.49K)

thanks user .. you're amazing

Attached: download (12).jpg (540x820, 67.32K)

Attached: 1482883675612m.jpg (648x1024, 91.24K)

I'm only disappointed I was second to post it after . Damn my unorganised picture folder.

Attached: 1482858392201.png (503x764, 117.83K)

Attached: 1482855559428.png (503x757, 172.92K)

Attached: 1482853499931.jpg (503x787, 126.8K)

I think this is my last one.

Attached: 1482852637356.png (503x764, 73.43K)

Found another!

Attached: 1482882257577.png (534x779, 200.39K)

Attached: 1482923919865.jpg (503x764, 176.25K)

Like I said, very unorganised.

Attached: 1507402462554.jpg (503x763, 193.22K)

Attached: 1511628554478.jpg (745x1112, 139.86K)

Attached: 1482915922689.png (503x750, 75.44K)

Attached: 1483575791178.jpg (490x864, 227.02K)

What comic is this?


Attached: 1482708277422.png (503x1497, 124.25K)

Attached: 1482830283632.png (396x600, 142.04K)

Attached: 1482832880370.jpg (750x1218, 97.71K)

Attached: 1482876092718.jpg (516x307, 40.18K)