There's only one plane flying above Milan, Italy right now and this is what it's doing. What the fuck is going on? Anyone seen this pattern before? Spraying?
There's only one plane flying above Milan, Italy right now and this is what it's doing. What the fuck is going on...
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don't worry, it's a test to see if he has been drinking on the job.
Maybe he'll draw a penis
big if huge
mamma mia, it’s a gigantic batch of pasta
Digits decide what happens to the plane.
CBD manuever takes glowniggers to the underworld.
It's probably just waiting for something to make space on an airport.
It's a standard holding pattern you dolt. It's trying to land but cant get clearance.
It's literally the only flying plane above Milan right now, as I said. You can check all Italy's flying space and you'll barely see any plane at all.
Uh oh creepy oh no le planerino with le patternino ahahahha poop piss stinky ahahah uh oh its gonns infect lol lmao oh no le aeroplanino carrying le virusino ahahah stinky stinky baldblandlaks uh oh we got a problem here captain lel back and forth back and forth ahahahaha bro poop poop pee dick poop ahhaahah
Aerial photography most likely.
Airport holding patterns are just loops in one place
Probably survelliance against people outside house.
chemtrails obviously, but what are they really spraying?
American tourist in private looking for BBC.
>week 3 of social distancing taking its toll on Italians
He's dumping fuel.
I need to know the aircraft type and speed to be sure but that looks like surveillance/patrol
That's a geomatics survey flight.
Stfu nerd
chemtrails. they're spraying corona
Probably just an observer, maybe for photography like some user said.
probably that
he's searching for BBC
Yeah, I've seen it when Swisstopo does aerial photography or topographical work.
Check the aircraft's registration. Probably Belongs to a GIS Company or part of the GOV that does GIS.
Ya I've seen this over my area before aswell, they're just photographing shit for mapping purposes or w/e
During a pandemic while almost all air traffic is on lockdown? Would it even get authorized? All non-essential business is closed in here, I don't think air survey is essential right now.
>there's a town called gorgonzola
imagine the smell
What a pilot
only commercial flights are stopped, scheduled research flights would still happen
Looks like it's starting again btw
Why’d you rotate the flag?
Um hello, BASED department?
Oh man that's really bad
never forgetti
He's a pro at snake for Nokia
Saw the same happening in Germany yesterday. My tip: don't go outside, close your windows.
could they be using holy relics to ward of the virus?
In a free and decent country you would be allowed to shoot down any plane entering airspace above your property.
This is what we call a geophysicist aerobic study. It is using radar to plot the underground minerals and cavities for law Paleolithic archaeological purposes.
He is going to write a message. Something like "Hitler did nothing wrong"
Probably someone training to be a pilot? Jesus fc take your meds fredo
So already planning for the world after the plague. Based.
What a cringeworthy screencap
Go back to redddit
Holy shit based
With reduced air traffic its the perfect time.
Zyklon B spraying
Source: my dad works for the spaghetti nation
It's definitely doing survey work.
so are german girls
it's something like 2:00am there. seems less likely. maybe sweeping for radiation
>it's something like 2:00am there
this, or some other survey, the air space is empty and he can fly without causing delays etc.
after careful study i conclude it is a rarely seen I GRAD mating ritual that has yet to be answered
Yes could be some other survey type of survey too, they all look the same from the flight path.
this is it
the peak burger post
they're spraying the S-variant of Sars-CoV-2 as they did in China to innoculate the population with the milder strain before the L-variant hits them
do any of you actually follow the pandemic?
It's spraying the second less lethal version of the virus
It's noon in Europe you dipshit
Stupendous if gargantuan
chemtrails are not real goyim
go back to sleep
yes yes we have attracted a little interest
Digits decide if chemtrail or not
From 600m? What equipment is used?
Here is how you find out user. Its a tiny little plane so he will land at an FBO (fixed base operator) Find out which one go down there and go talk to the pilot.
Or find the girl who works the counter, they always hire a girl to work the counter, and chat with her. Usually, but now always, it a very attractive girl who works the counter and she is not hired for her brains.
A little social engineering and you will know everything
Signals intelligence plane tracking cellphone transponders to crack all the spaghetti not staying at home.
please proceed
what altitude is he at nigger
got it backwards, lol
pulling an all-nighter, need some slack