Physical gold is practically sold out everywhere. No one is selling, but paper gold price has been on a downtrend...

Physical gold is practically sold out everywhere. No one is selling, but paper gold price has been on a downtrend. What the fuck is going on?

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people buy up gold during crashes

The stock drop = people switching assets to precious metals to preserve their wealth during volatility

That's pretty much it

>tfw got a nice 10 oz bar at ~$165 literally minutes before they sold out
>mfw seeing everyone post how they're getting good deals at $180+

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There is a marked difference here: nobody has access to metallic gold, only gold made from paper

When the collapse comes, only the metal gold has value

If SHTF, metal will be worthless. But only idiots buy metals thinking it's doomsday currency.

>idiots buy metals thinking it's doomsday currency.
The only folks suggesting gold as a doomsday currency are antigold trannys like you.

People buy gold during a crash in order to communicate their wealth beyond the crash and subsequent recovery.

nah, I'm pro gold and pro silver because it's

+a good store of your savings against regular inflation
+is insurance against hyper inflation in economic collapse/uncertainty
+is a safe asset during bear markets

>10 Oz for $165
No u didn't

Hes talking about silver...

there are some places that have nice deals (not now, everything is sold out)

this was at spot when it was 16$+ oz.

companies have inventory they refuse to sell at 10% loss so they basically just shut down their webpages..

all the big bullion dealers.

you bought a rock valued at 1/3 the current price for its industrial use, that less than a fraction of a percent of the population attributes monetary value to (they don't critically think about monetary issues) and which has been cornered in the futures markets for a hundred years and literally is priced daily in something called the 'london gold fix" which is run by the rothschild bank. not to mention the market cap is already at least 7 trillion of physical. you bought an alex jones tier meme and you think you're a smart investor. kill yourself retard.

silver and gold is universally seen as a safe hedge against inflation. Financial institutions buy physical as well.

I'll sell you some gold at 3000$/oz and silver at 40$/oz. Until then I'm holding.

just start selling food for gold.

Gold has out performed the sp and Dow the past 20 years

pipe dream.

Anything over $25/oz is when you should start selling

Gold has outperformed the sp and Dow the past 20 years

Historically silver has been 1/20th the price of gold.

It is now 1/100th. Part of the drop could be the switch to digital media (film processing requires silver) but that should have been countered by declining ore values (the highest values now are maybe 10oz per metric ton.

I unironically think the whole "doomsday 2012" prepshits are the ones that made gold too expensive

I haven't bought gold since the 90s. Silver is a reasonable deal

((((They)))) don’t want you to buy gold.

yeah gold is jewed
has been from the start
the shiny jewrock does better than the colorful jewpaper over time as far as trading it for stuff goes

10 oz for $165k maybe.

>No one is selling
That's because the gold factories (many in Switzerland and Italy) are now closed.

The actual demand for gold isn't higher.

t. Poorfag who can’t afford one ounce

the "spot price" is manipulated through paper gold stocks. When people hold that in ETF's and sold off due to coronachan, it lowered the price. Places that sell it physically, have no real way to tell how much is circulating out there and are disconnected from supply and demand working as a mechanism to create a price, so they just go to +/- spot price.

What should be happening is everyone with some should try jacking up the price 1000% and sell it on ebay. Many don't because they are affraid of total economic collapse, so they hold it. Places that sell physical are sold out but I'm guessing they must be lawfully bound to not "price gouge" by having to sell a percent above spot and no more.

Paper gold is practically worthless, this is known.

How long would you expect it to take for paper and physical prices to equilibrate in a prolonged economic depression?

It's been a whole hell of a lot better than the stock market and easily liquidatable, which is its purpose

Lol Drumphy is going print a bazillion fedbux. The dollar is going to be worthless and prices inflated to fuck. holding paper not metal is for gud goys.


If you have to ask why "paper gold" is sliding you really have no clue what is going on. Youre in the wrong place, you should probably go back.

(((Uncovered short selling of paper gold in order to manipulate the price down so that the banks won't go bankrupt due to people pulling out their money to buy gold physical bars to store at home)))

>"Ist just a shiny rock bro!"
>Instantly sells out everywhere the moment the econmy wobbles

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Gold (and silver even more so) has been undervalued in relation to all the central bank credit money that has been conjured up for a long time.

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so basically it's the best possible investment as long as you can afford to wait out the existence of central banking and the social upheaval that follows?

>repeating gold commercials verbatim

>but paper gold price has been on a downtrend.
wut? it's almost like the stock market lost 8,000 points in 2 weeks and people needed money for their margin calls and had to sell

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Stfu you larping fag

No need to panic buy gold. It is totally irrational and you don't have any reason to do so. Gold has no practical application for the ordinary person.

>thinks ponzi math is new money

Stfu you fucking beta incel

>actual money has no practical application for the ordinary person
good to know ezekiel

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fucking fed

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Dude you can go on ebay right now or at any coin shop and buy as much gold as you want from rock solid vendors.. And they have it all in stock dude. Prices are slightly up though.

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Stop panicking you irrational panicky panicker

Instead of gold you should be using your trumpbux to make sure you are paying your rent

>shiny thing good

>What the fuck is going on?
pic related

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The police should come and take the gold from all the gold hoarders like they did that guy hoarding toilet paper.

The only reason you should need gold iaif you want to buy your girlfriend some earrings

what is a derivative?

i await the grand decoupling with glee

the spot price reacts to on-paper speculation, and is subject to a daily fix (which typically agrees with the previous day's market). plenty of people were speculating, so they all got cleared out as soon as they realized they would need to go to cash to pay for other things (like their margin requirement) when the real economy tanks and all their other assets collapse. all we did was very quickly get a more accurate price.

MEANWHILE, physical is actually moved to retail (you) at a premium above spot. that started happening AFTER, and it will drive the new paper prices SKY FUCKING HIGH as soon as the supply chain feels the full impact and futures contracts get made at higher and higher prices. why? because the virus also shut down the mines. production isn't coming. to get any, which more people will want more than ever, they'll have to buy it from someone else. there isn't more coming this year.

baby's first stack
>Placed on Mar 18, 2020, 8:48:48 PM
>market price: 12.22
right before they started to pretend to be out of stock when metals crashed a bit

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fuck ‘open market operations’

we’re taking this shit ‘in house’

literally every breakdown of government proves the exact opposite. enjoy starvation.

you're going to be very surprised when there's a 100:1 repricing of the dollar.

when you buy coins, you overpay for metal

buy wafers instead if you want the metal

this timeline just keeps getting more amazing

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I’ll happily sell you unbanked pieces of paper at sky high prices (for paper) if you are dumb enough to buy it. I will lower the price of my worthless paper to make it appear to be slightly better priced that the real object, which you will not be entitled to, nor posses should you buy my paper.

Depends on the level of fallout youre expecting
If society completely collapses, food and water will be more precious then metals and metals will only be usefull in how it can help get food and water
If society goes on and it's a market crash, then yeah, metals will help

object vs paper.
object is superior to paper that can not be trusted.
Don't forget the most valuable metals of all: Brass and Lead.

>the fix leads the market, rather than follow it
low-information mouth-breathing retard
>The lead participant will begin the fixing process by proposing a price near the current gold spot price. The participants then simulate the result of trading at that price.

and so I tell my friends of the fact that I have seen the currency of my native land devalued 1000:1, and then another 1000:1

but they don’t get it because they have never lived through a total destruction of money episode

even when I explain that’s the only reason why my family wound up in leaf land, broke and in debt with zero

Water is wet, the sky is blue, and the gold market is rigged.

I don't get the point of paper gold and silver. The whole reason I like precious metals is because it's a physical thing that I can hold, unlike crypto or cash in the bank which may as well be numbers on a computer screen.

>so basically it's the best possible investment as long as you can afford to wait out the existence of central banking and the social upheaval that follows?

Hopefully it would rise before that. From 4Q 2008 to mid 2011, Gold went from under $700/oz to $1900/oz (silver went from under $9/oz to $50/oz in roughly the same time frame)
yet it is barely a blip on the chart because of all the credit money that was conjured up. But serious money was being made in mining stocks during the period.

In the "new normal" environment that materializes when the situation calms down, precious metals and mining stocks might be a good place to be invested again.

sellers can demand, and are getting, something called ‘a premium’

price fixing can control the bid, not the ask

at certain times, brass and lead are easy to convert to silver and gold

no. the new ratio is not demand-driven, it is supply-driven. historically, by the way, it was 1:16 for a lot longer than it was near 1:20, nearly all of the 1800s.

dedicated silver mines only is a thing of the distant past. mining technology today makes all of the secondary found silver in a gold mine, or platinum mine, or even a coal mine, economically viable. when men had to go in with dynamite and pickaxes, that silver would be ignored, because it was never rich enough. only a mine dedicated to silver, which would only exist in a rich enough vein, was economically viable.

since there are literally 100,000 mines not made for silver that now suddenly can recover 99% of that silver and profit off of all of it that is recovered -- because all a man has to do is sit in a truck and pull some levers -- the primary supply of silver is massive. the ratio will never return to those levels. ever. i would wager 1:80 is around the right number but that's just me, there are better-informed reports out there that you can pay for.

>muh food and water
perfect time to buy metal from those people. finding food and water isn't hard, enough deer where i live to eat for a lifetime you couldn't kill enough of these fuckers even without a government telling you can't kill them all and it's not hard to make a water filter


How the fuck does paper gold even work ?
It's just a paper saying you own gold that doesn't exist ?
do they just create gold out of thin air?