Why Sweden?
Why Sweden?
Because it is Sweden, they love getting raped
Their leaders want to murder their own people. That's why they imported Somalians en masse.
At least the UK and France could be guilt tripped about "muh colonization" or some bullshit. The Germans and the (((holocaust))), ok. Sweden just let the fuckers in willingly after being neutral and never colonizing anyone with no spin whatsoever.
When is Sweden not domestically terrorizing its own citizens?
Because the BBC makes us immune to the virus.
Is there anywhere I can get pangolin-bat soup in Sweden? You guys serve that there right? You aren't racist against this aspect of culture are you?
Unironically because of women.
Because the government wants to kill of as much of the indigenous population as possible
>keep borders open
>everyone else's is closed
sweden will do a secret manoeuvre and wipe out their rapefuges. similar like how china uses this virus to suppress its people, many other countries are jumping on board to use this as a chance to cull the useless.
Probably since there is a place in Malmo that serve sopa de macaco
Sweden has 3k infected and 100 dead, one would think the numbers would be much higher, is it only in Stockholm or this reports from all over Sweden?
Clearly, the Jews have really struck the motherlode with this Corona virus psy op.
Seriously, just listen to yourselves: "This one European government has held off imposing complete martial law on its own people. FUCKING GLOBALIST RACE TRAITORS! DAY OF THE ROPE WHEN? We demand our right to be infantilized and whipped up into a state of mass hysteria over a fucking flu bug!"
It's so fucking sad to see how weak the fightback against globalist tyranny really was under all the bluster and bravado. All Soros and co. had to do was mobilize the media to present the deaths of a few hundred 90-year-olds as the Black Plague and all the little "red-pilled" Alt-Righters are on their knees begging for Mommy State to wrap them up in swaddling clothes and feed them.
We cant afford shutting our country down, honestly neither can the other countries that actually have shut down society and I dont know what their plans are after going bankrupt.
We already have tens of thousands losing their jobs. Its getting serious. We rely on importing food, only 50 % of what we consume is produced within Sweden. Theres also a lot of other stuff we need to import.
The virus is a fucking MEME, I wish we were taking the Sweden approach.
What do you mean why? Because children are immune to the virus and society needs to go on. Also there are nurses in school that can take off pressure from the hospitals
how in the fucking shitfuck is sweden importing food with all that landmass?
we produce for like 15 million people
inb4 nothing happens
Sweden realized that the virus is only killing Somalians.
The number of dead is probably accurate, but the infected are obviously MUCH higher. Only people in need of medical care are tested, we ran out of tests around march 12, to keep on testing everyone.
God you're such a faggot, what kind of bullshit is this? Are you a fucking kike? I bet you're the biggest pussy out there
>many other countries are jumping on board to use this as a chance to cull the useless.
they are culling the worthless whites.
Based Swede deep state know this Virus is near 100% fatal to shitskins.
Its a Chick bio weapon for clearing Africa out .
Because most of Sweden isnt suitable for growing crops. Our climate is colder than Denmarks climate. Theres not much food production outside of Skåne.
70% of the landmass is forest, the southern part of Sweden (with less forest) has shit soil for growing food
We are testing about 10k a day now, and the numbers keep rising, I wonder when they realise that it's because most already infected and the test just prove it.
Lamo just kill the population already, no one would even bat an eye if all swedes were killed, no one would stop you jewmen
That's fucking based, you retarded bootlicker. Yes daddy government please imprison me in my home and close my gym and favourite chinese restaurant.
make sure the people going out are niggers and sandniggers.
too much samoli cum keeps them from thinking straight
Because we don't panic like niggers and women.
The weak fear the eternal swede.
They usually live pretty cramped in ghetto areas, and thats likely the explanation as to why most corona deaths so far in Stockholm occured in our immigrant ghettos.
This is pretty much the current glowfag "oh Gaaawd its gonna kill us aaaaal" mentality summed up for you.
Anyone dares to even raise the possibility that putting everyone under house arrest, destroying the economy for decades ahead and giving total power to the governments who have been fucking us over for fifty years might not be exactly the "red-pilled" attitude to take and the response is
"faggot!" "bullshit!" "you're a kike" "you're a pussy!"
before grovelling back on their knees to their respective governments - run or backed by kikes, by the way - begging them to put still MORE restrictions on what can be thought, said, or done.
Sweden won't be Swedish for much longer. You'll be 1/3 Muslim in just a few decades.
How 'coronaphobic' Are You?
Hopefully you're just memeing
Because one take a look at countries where putting shit under quarantine works
>North Korea
And than seeing Thots on twitter going to coof party's and retards in New York walking around licking poles while the other half of the state are standing in bread lines because produce is nearly gone
The government can't even control itself, how the fuck do you think it can control millions of people who are now left to fend for themselves
You're a fucking idiot who's coping with his lack of control by projecting onto others that they have no control
Litearl 0 iq Boomer tier posting
gonna suck for you guys when we take that shithole back
>most corona deaths so far in Stockholm occured in our immigrant ghettos.
Really? Maybe the no lockdown thing isn't such a bad idea after all
I always lol when I see mutts writing shits like this to other countries.
How stupid can you be.
>governments who have been fucking us over for fifty years
You spelled NEOLIB incorrectly.
I dont care about Sweden at all.
Oh look, a moron who thinks Sam Hyde is cool and funny and "red-pilled".
It makes sense that he has also swallowed this whole elaborate psy op hook,line and sinker and is now an obedient little watchdog snapping and snarling at anyone who looks like they are getting out of line.
If New York State is standing in bread lines, my poor scared gullible little low-IQ child, that has nothing to do with the Corona virus. The Corona virus has not devastated crops and immobilized workforces of millions. Maybe you didn't notice but IT'S THE FUCKING GOVERNMENT THAT HAS DONE THAT - on the basis of extrapolations and speculations about what the Corona virus COULD do that are, at present, without even the slightest basis in actual reality.
"Oh but theyre just being cautious, they're just doing it for our own good, the state and the media are doing this because they CARE about us"
Yeah sure, kid, the state and the media - the two are now inseparable; we live in a media-controlled state - that have been desperately trying to reverse the result of a democratic presidential election for four years and to literally replace the white population of the US and many other countries out of fuckign existence for much longer than that suddenly CARE SO MUCH ABOUT US and ONLY WANT OUR BEST.
Kill yourself, you sad, spineless little moron
Did Sweden finally start to experiment on mudslimes and niggers?
>in other countries, immigrants don't listen to the government and don't abide by the lockdown
>immigrants die more than law abiding natives
>Swedish government: "this is racist, a lockdown can not be instituted if it disproportionally saves native Swedish lives"
Sweden is clearly hell bent on destroying itself.
>Look at your country.
>See shitskins running wild
>See grenade attacks
>See rapes
>Think this country could use a cleaning.
>Wild kung flu appears.
There you go.
It’s not that bad desu. I mean... after this for the next 100 years until the next fucking pandemic, Sweeds will be master race again.
Ahhh ur mad ur mommy can’t save you from covid 19
A country can’t go bankrupt
im suprized sweden being pragmatic country and all that, didnt execute all 65+ people and just moved on
this is your traditional swedish logic
its just a flu you weak fuckers, god the rest of the world is so pathetic, dont reply to me unless youre joining the herd immunity gang
Yeah, bro. Lol, fucking dumb Swedes, yeah? They might end up getting the flu and having to spend an extra ten kroner on a bumper pack of Kleenex.
But us BRITS are so RED-PILLED and SAVVY and IN THE KNOW. WE'VE arranged it so that, if we do anything that might lead to anyone's catching a cold, one of those nice men in blue helmets will put us in handcuffs and lead us back to the little flats they have us all imprisoned in and stand over us at the computer until we've made our assigned 15 YouTube videos weeping and sobbing and blubbering about our dead great-grandma and telling everyone "You must OBEY, you must do EVERYTHING THE GOVERNMENT TELLS YOU, otherwise you are a BAD PERSON AND YOU WILL DIE"
Sweden should be nuked
>only gives recommendations, no rules
>knows swedes who will see recommendations as rules because they autistically do what the state says regardless
>knows swedes love personal space
>immigrants start dropping like flies
please take us back now
were tired of being ruled by morons from stockholm
No the issue we have food is due to the fact that Borders and international trading is closed, would you rather the populace all have to get sick where a large potential of them will now have reduced lung function for the rest of their lives just so farmers can get the few spics they need to keep farms running?
Unironically what's your solution?
You're such a brave fucking keyboard warrior running around telling others what is moral and what is right while at the same time probably being the first one at the bread lines to stock up on fucking tidbits and Fish and chips while you sit in Quarantine all day seething
Swedes are mentally ill autists, their main purpose in life is to do things differently and stand out, fear of death will not stop them, they will die in agony and pain, but they will never acknowledge that they are wrong. This snobbish mentality makes them most hated nation in Europe, and i know many people who have strong anti-swedish repulsion.
>mutt flag
this, what's their problem, dont they want to # blumpf has blood on his hands because of this
Nah. You are just subhuman dc shill
>already living that shut-in lifestyle
>restaurants still open
>no runs on the grocery stores
>classes still in session but can now attend lecture unshowered and unclothed
exchange student here, thank god my uni didn't follow through on making me return home
sweden yes
The jews really got to you didnt they
>Sweden self destructing
Imagine my shock
Brazil is also on the suicide gang. Just a little flu, bro.
>No the issue we have food is due to the fact that Borders and international trading is closed
Oh for fuck's sake, why am I even bothering to engage with you, you are clearly 10 years old.
The USA is more than completely self-sufficient in basic foodstuffs, energy and all that is needed to sustain a prosperous life. If there is a "food shortage" in New York state - which I doubt is the case anyway - this is SOLELY AND SIMPLY because the government, like most governments in the West this last two weeks - has DELIBERATELY TOLD PEOPLE TO STOP WORKING AND PRODUCING;
You clearly have no fucking idea what is going on around you. Get back to school. Oh wait, you can't, your fucking government shut THEM down too
Fuck off ccp. If you are ccp you are completely deluded lad. Cant you see what is happening across the world? China, Italy, Spain? Do you think its all cgi and crisis actors? You people are flat earth shilling emotionally stunted retards who cant face reality. And yes there is tyranny going on, but guess what fuckwit, if the borders had been sealed and 30 day forced quarantine imposed for all travellers into UK and military escorts for all supplies into UK we would not be in this situation. And you know why that wasnt done? Because of cunts like you who dont understand the difference between preserving freedom and taking action. I sincerely hope you fucking suffer whilst you die.
Only way to speak with swede is to make him open his mouth, urinate and cum in there, then beat the swedish scum till he will submit to you.