Why do scandinavians have such irrational hate to russia. It seems that finns Who have much more real reasons to hate russia hate us less then swedes. Wtf swedes. Last time we done anything bad to your country was, like, 2 hundreds ago.
Scandinavian hate to russia
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Btw i dont include finns in scandinavians
We still hold a grudge after the great northern war
Dude it was 3 hundreds years ago. Time to forgive
No, never.
don’t worry user you’ll always have slovakia and bulgaria
Also serbia and mongolia, they Just werent showed on this map
I think you guys are pretty cool desu
T-thank you onee chan
I don't hate Russia at all. I didn't study Russian because I hate your country. I think we just fear you.
>Why do scandinavians have such irrational hate to russia
that's Soviet tier BS
I don't think we do tbqh. The msm of course are propagating anti-ruski sentiment by either trying to scare us that a russian invasion is around the corner or general hate pieces against your based policies such as banning homopropaganda for children.
People here just hate Putin
So its not because of old wars, but cia financed media basically. Interesting
Of course we hate Russians. You fuckers tried to invade Sweden/Finland from the 1300s until modern days.
Just look at what your subhuman ape ancestors did in Germany and Poland during WW2, raped more than somalis. Shame on you.
Hopмaльныe нapoды пoмнят вce вoйны и oбиды пpoшлoгo, a кyкoлдoпидopaшки вcё вceм пpoщaют. Oпyщeнцы.
You don’t fool us Ivan
We saw the declassified Soviet invasion of Western Europe battle strategy.
Your plan was literally to launch like 100 nuclear missiles on Denmark and invade it from the Baltic Sea.
But nobody likes him around all globe, but you hate us much more than the others while our interests dont cross at all
Their media and jews say you're an evil authoritarian racist homophobe state. So the NPCs listen.
It's the same here. Either people think you're incredibly based or they just hate you. That's funny because when you used to be commie our leftists would have licked your commisar's balls, now they would bit them.
Hy ты пo ceбe тo o дpyгих нe cyди
Yes MSM hates Russia because of "muh gay rights" and such, I hate Russia because I know they would invade us and take everything, if they could.
If I lived in a baltic state, I wouldnt feel so good. Just look at what you did in Ukraine. If NATO falls, Russia is gonna sweep in and occupy the baltic states, probably Finland and Sweden as well.
Because they are bluepilled by the most cucked education system and mass media ever. They are such pathetic cucks that the bravest thing they can do is, when being drunk on a Friday night, to admit that they do not want to get some of their taxes raised.
So yes, anything that is not ultra liberal is considered "reee fascist"
Don’t you just love that SVT accused the Kremlin of spreading fake news in Sweden in an ad campaign?
Naval base to the Aegean when
Because russians are white niggers
>Hopмaльныe нapoды пoмнят вce вoйны и oбиды пpoшлoгo
To тo виднo кaк нeмцы фpaнцyзoв зa нaпoлeoнoвcкиe вoйны нeнaвидят. Кyкoлд тyт тoлькo ты дoлбoeб. Cъeби нa cocaч
They shouldn't, they're the ones that founded all your largest cities. Kievan Rus were all Scandi-cucks. Then you got Mongol'd HARD AS FUCK and are what you are now. Maybe they dislike your actions after being pozzed with the genes of soulless monsters that polluted the planet and hijacked natural evolutionary biology.
Says the cockhole lmao
Irrational? The way things are going, glorious dictator Putin paints EU and NATO as a big nasty enemy bound to invade Russia any minute now. Every day we have fighter jets out sending ruski fighter back out of our airspace. And we have absolutely no interest in a war. Our distaste for Russia is based on how glorious dictator Putin paints us as an enemy. We respond in kind.
Пopaшник, пpoчитaй книжкy. Любyю. (нo жeлaтeльнo хoть кaк-тo cвязaннyю c иcтopиeй)
I have never heard of a single person here that says they hate Russian people in general, but people talk hatred of the Russian government all the time.
The ukro aryan has arrived, everyone!
Mongolshit LMAO
>They shouldn't, they're the ones that founded all your largest cities
But its not True. Swede historians created this meme in 19 century. Not a single scandinavian saga mention rus before Vladimir Who was obviously a slav
Swedes media tells swedes to hate Russia so they do as they are told.
Seems like your only friends are Greeks, Bulgarians, Indians and Philippinos.
well, that's an easy question Ivan, its because Russia (seemingly at least)has a strong patriarchal state, this causes ceaseless rage in the matriarchal modern Swedecuck
Bestiality is legal in Russia. They are scumbag degenerates.
Also serbians and mongolians probably but they werent asked
Not you, only your government. Our only military threat today is Russia. Except for helping NATO kill sand people Russia is the only reason we have a military today.
How about Putin join NATO or EU or some shit and stop trying to make a second Russian Empire
Fair enough, kind of wish you would be a as keen on holding grudge over terror attacks and paki rape gangs, as you hold over a hundred year old shit nobody remembers, not just sweden europe in general...
The media tells us to and the people are sheep.
Personally I don't think about you at all and I recognize that most wars Europe has ever been in involved in, in Russia, we started ourselves.
I have no problem with the Russian people or Russia.
Я люблю тыквeнный cyп.
There is no threat from russian military to norwegia dude. There is no single point in russia attacking Sweden or norwegia unless you attack us with nato first. Stop believing what media says to you
It's absolutely true, you just don't like it. That's fine. You are the product of Kievan Rus getting mercilessly raped by Mongols. No biggie.
How about NATO joins us?
That will happen too in due time, Scandinavians never forget
>I hate Russia because I know they would invade us and take everything, if they could.
Dude you got cia ed pretty Hard if you really believe in such shit
Russian beauty vs Ukrainian beauty
ur just a distraction the amount of russian ships and plane stories in international waters made me know this also ur foreign policy doesn't seem to be based on do what we say or else. Though you foreign tourists are pieces of shit they outrank our own in being cunts
Why did Russia annex crimea and actively support Ukrainian rebels in east Ukraine then? Norway and Sweden are resource rich and good strategic points if there was a war between NATO and Russia. If there was no threat to Norway from Russia we might as well just disband all of our militaries and nuclear weapons.
You're not a dollar/ruble/krona to like you, get over it
US is getting Jewed harder than Mother Russia in 1917. Trust me, I left there to live here.
Not to say that Russia couldn't also just cuck us like they did Ukraine without NATO stepping in.
>Every day we have fighter jets out sending ruski fighter back out of our airspace.
Its response to nato actions
Then why does the Russian airforce fly into scandi airspace daily? Trying to make your fighter jets hug ours?
t. brainwashed peasant
It is documented in the Eddas as well as in for instance Rune stones. It is also documented in Russian historical documents. I don’t know why this is such an ass pain to Russians.
t. literally who
You sound like a faggot. Don't forgive. Don't expect forgiveness. The only people who benefit from that are kike "businessmen" who need consumers.
Its not, its well know that varangians were germanic
Wow russia wants to take regions populated by russians. How unexpecting. Like i said we have interests in Ukraine and have no interests in your countries
Nato actions which do not take place in scandinavia. Also, if thats the argument, how about NATO do their shit/response in Russia and their airspace? It's intimidation tactics on our ground, while NATO doesn't even operate in russia, since we then would have ww3.
Fuck off, you government is horny as shit for Svalbard and the only thing stopping them is NATO, and you keep interrupting our military practices. Putin is actively telling us he is a threat and were going to threat him like one
Кoгдa ты - бoг кpипты, тo тeбe пoхyй, кaк ты выглядишь.
>don't forgive
what did scandis ever do to u
You're retarded. NATO/US/EU staged a coup and took over Ukraine govt. Eastern part of Ukraine and Crimea are Russian people, been living there hundreds of years. Fascists wanted to literally kill them because they blamed Russians for Jew Soviet crimes.
Crimea seceded from Ukraine, joined Russia, tripled their pensions. East Ukraine wants to, but it's not politically/economically feasible.
I actually owe my soul to Ukraine. The coup and the resulting media shitshow is what woke me up.
By that argument, sand niggers should just take sweden. And mongols should take you.
Good question why woludn't we want nato base near our border, when their citizens claim to hate our guts?
>Like i said we have interests in Ukraine and have no interests in your countries
So Germany invading Poland was completely justified, right? Would Russia invading the baltic countries that have large Russian minorities from the time of the USSR be ok, too?
>our media constantly makes Russia out to be le big bad villain
>starts doing it to hungary too for some reason
>find out the reason is that hungrary don't want constant alphabet people parades nor do they want to sexualize young kids
I fucking hate normies that keep eating up the propaganda.
>Nato actions which do not take place in scandinavia. Also, if thats the argument, how about NATO do their shit/response in Russia and their airspace? It's intimidation tactics on our ground, while NATO doesn't even operate in russia, since we then would have ww3.
Dude if we wanted to we could steamroll you hard. Most Russians actually like scandinavians.
By around the eleventh century, the word Rus' was increasingly associated with the principality of Kiev, and the term Varangian was becoming more common as a term for Scandinavians traveling the river-routes.
Based and redpilled
>It seems that finns Who have much more real reasons to hate russia hate us less then swedes
Not accepting to be a bitch to Russia is considered a great threat and insult to them. A definite example of "russophobia".
>instance rune Stones
Which ones?
>russian historical source
Novgorod chronicle disprooves that. Also, there is historically recorded rus attack on constantinopole in 860. If rus was scandi why attacking the greatest city of that time werent showed in saga at all
That's why we have large amounts of US military equipment stored in our mountains and US troops stationed and training yearly in northern Norway.
The word Rus comes from "rowers". They settled Novgorod and their descendents captured Kiev from the Khazars.
kek, fantastic image
this is why I don't trust the Russians,
talking in their strange finnokorean alphabet and no one in the west can understand them.
What does it say?
If germans only take german majority areas than yes it Will be justified. But they take all poland so it wasnt
this but unironically
every eastern euro i meet who isnt russian hates yourpeople. not just a government from a past time but the people. they think you should stick a samovar up your ass and fuck off back to moscow that is what they say,
>Israel at 45%
Wow. I don't get it. Is it because most of Israel is from Russia?
Even if that was true and not just Putins lies, then it was a minor politcal move related to the orientation of the dude elected. A strategy Russia employ in any country they can themselves. But on Crimea, Russia responded with annexation of another country's soil. Putin just slaps on the "coup" sticker and uses it for russian goodwill to get another 12 years as head of state. The only thing NATO/EU/US stood to gain from getting political power in Ukraine was another potential NATO member state in the future. That's shit compared to getting to be a dictator.
>NATO/US/EU staged a coup and took over Ukraine govt
>Crimea seceded from Ukraine
been 6 years and russians still repeat the same bullshit
Based and finno ugrian pilled
>paki rape gangs
we don't have that, ask the Bongs
Its not about scandies in particular, its about ingroup-outgroup relations.
About 300 years ago Ivan burned my ancestor's town to the ground. Including the curch with all its records.
Niggers, you messed with my genealogy
Amongst the varangians were many slavs too. Its just that Rurik himself was Germanic.
inb4 a Finn comes saying that Rurik was a Finn
>Why do scandinavians have such irrational hate to russia.
It's mainly Sweden.
>Why do scandinavians have such irrational hate to russia.
lol. normies don't give a shit, but we have a lot of media hysteria
I dont like scandicucks either. As long as we both straight on that.
In the west no one has heard anything at all about a coup. Could you elaborate? Articles?
Stop stealing our fish and give us another beluga spy whale and we will be friends again.
Also Svalbard is rightful Norwegian clay you may not have it.
And by that /thread. With that kind of thinking, why would the scandis ever like you?
You are our best neighbor Ivan! Would war anytime/10
Can't deny Soros' letters to Poroshenko.
We are one People. Hohols and mutts wanted to rewrite our history for centuries but we wont forget our common finnic roots
They founded Kiev, ergo Kievan Rus.
>Did you know? For centuries cockholes(ukrainians) and pindosy(amerimutts) wanted to rewrite our history so we forget our finnic roots.
>People here just hate Putin
No. the ones that buy the MSM do it somewhat, but you'll find very little anti-Putin comments if you read the comment sections.
honestly if NATO is staging coups then we should honestly shut the fuck up about the ruskies taking crimea. Although I still agree that crimea should be German land.
Also your paid shills are cringe and annoying
>sand niggers should just take sweden.
They shouldn't when swedes give it away for free?
>And mongols should take you.
Mongs specifically less than 1% of population. Plus who would want to stay here over european country, not even locals.
But yeah i think if russians stay multicultural and die out because of that thats just nature running course.
>We are one people
>Did you know that swedes and americans have tried to tried to rewrite our history for centuries in order for us to forget our common roots
Rurik was a Finn(ic)
I made a mocha for a russian and he said "I do not drink such sweetness"
Google every fucking east ukrainian city and who build it
Novgorod was founded hunded years before Kiev
you did try to physically invade us, for like 40 years. Oh and the constant aerial invasions, oh and the poisoning of the baltic, oh and the constant nuclear fallout you guys have produced.