No one can be illegal on stolen land USA

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Tell that to the Israelis

guess i'll go hunt and farm on the rez then.

You're not even an American, Fuck off.


Yeah but see we conquered the US. If you’re implying that we are under active invasion then what recourse is there left than to..

i recall someone selling their land for a handful of...
S-H-I-N-Y- -B-E-A-D-S

The beads were a fair trade.

What if I told you it was incorrect to call it stolen land?

>still seething

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shut up sandnigger

>it’s in an old book so it’s Jewish land
>conquering land doesn’t make it American
Absolute cognitive dissonance; medicate

This land belongs to the Dinosaurs. All humans are illegal and must be deported.

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Beaners don't want land. They want to live in a white country.

It's not stolen, I'm just here illegally too :)

It can only be stolen after its legalized.

no loser is legal on conquered land

A German actually thinks they can lecture everyone about stolen land and people being illegal. That’s fuckinfg rich. The only thing you can lecture anyone on is camps and ovens. Pot meet way less genocidal kettle.

Cool it with the antisemitism buddy

you tell em Deutsch bro. Americans BTFO

Jesus imagine being proud of being a literal fucking rat. You’re welcomed into Palestine after the Holocaust and then you backstab them, take over the place with the help of Britain and America, and then call the Muslim and Christian Palestinians evil anti semites.

Holy shit ahahaha

It's conquered land you dumb fuck, just like everywhere else on earth.

You are illegal if the people with the most power say you are. Its that simple. You are naive.

Nah we fought for it fair and square.

Git gud

If the americans genocided the natives would I still be seeing posts like this?

easily the worst 1post'n'done thread i've ever seen.
it's like a half-ass lazy shit that kind of droops over the rim

Vikings got here first, Abdul.

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>what is the right of conquest

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It wasn't stolen, it wasn't even a country when the Europeans got here, the natives were still shitting in the woods and killing anyone they didn't know

>Jesus imagine being proud of being a literal fucking rat
Mutt C O P E
>You’re welcomed into Palestine after the Holocaust
Imagine thinking the Brits didn't try to limit and eventually outright stop immigration. You haven't read about the subject at all, have you?
>take over the place with the help of Britain and America
Yup, no clue what the fuck you're talking about, do ya?
>and then call the Muslim and Christian Palestinians evil anti semites
Nope, seeings as they were ARABS so they are also semites. Do you even know the difference, 56%? And Pallies lost fair and square after they chimped at the U.N. resolution, so the rest is pure COPE.

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Native gibs

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>implying Indian tribes sprung out of the ground and lived peacefully in the same spot until the pilgrims came along

We fought for the land and won. It’s conquered land. Not stolen. Go to tumblr if you want to post this shit

Those snowchinks should give abbo clay back and APOLOGIZE.

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Nigger Britain gave you that land and America let you kick out the Palestinian Christians and muslims. And even with America helping you, you still did shit like destroying the USS liberty. And funny that you keep calling me a mutt when race mixing would still be illegal here if it weren’t for you rat faced fucks.

>70 years
>still kvetching

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>Palestinian Christians and muslims
Seriously why do you insert religion into this equation? If you have no idea what happened in this conflict, why do you keep pretending?
>And even with America helping you, you still did shit like destroying the USS liberty. And funny that you keep calling me a mutt when race mixing would still be illegal here if it weren’t for you rat faced fucks
Monumental COPE. Doesn't make the nigger in you go away my friend.

Yeah pretty much. It gets really bothersome to study about after 10th grade.

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Did the American Indians actually "own" the land though?

stfu faggot

Gets pretty tiresome to be blamed for it and reminded how *ebul* I am for it

Fuck off faggot.

And just who do you think originally owned the land? Specifically what Indian tribe owned the USA. I need a single Tribe. Then answer who they stole they land from before them, because they sure as hell fought other groups of indians for it. Then answer who stole it from them? And then who stole it from them?

The thing you fucktards don't understand is that this story is as old as time. Groups have fought for and stolen the land from every group before them. And it will eventually happen to whites, probably by some alien race. The kike filled history books teach whites to feel horrible for being the victors at basically everything they do, especially war.

But the truth is that whites are the only race on the planet that pittied the losers of a war so much that they gave them huge tracks of land all across the country, the ability to govern themselves, and almost unlimited aid packages if they make a fuss. Ask those indian tribes how they treated the losers of their indian wars? Guess what faggot. They killed them, they took the land, they raped and stole their wives, they killed or enslaved the kids, and many were tortured and scalped for trophies. Now go fuckyourself fuckface.

Are you a kraut in America?

Native Americans. The FIRST Colonists...

I live in Alaska. We bought our land fair and square from the ruskies. The Indians aren't even allowed to have reservations up here. They cry "muh land" and we say "take it up with the ruskies bro"

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Saying I’m coping about being something I’m not doesn’t make you any less of a rat that 109 countries all over the world got tired off to the point of expulsion or genocide. And I bring religion into it because jews have no purpose in Jerusalem besides reconstructing the third temple to sacrifice babies to moloch.

>Saying I’m coping about being something I’m not doesn’t make you any less of a rat that 109 countries all over the world got tired off to the point of expulsion or genocide
If you want me to stop telling you that you're C O P I N G, you should probably start by producing actual arguments instead of COPING.

>And I bring religion into it because jews have no purpose in Jerusalem besides reconstructing the third temple to sacrifice babies to moloch.
Now you're just seething, because you have no idea on the subject you tried in inject yourself into, so you resort to the schizoid takes to fill in the gaps of your ignorance. also:
>70 years
>still haven't reconstructed the third temple

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i'm 1/76252598699633 native american

*bought land

If beaners like beaners so much, why do they try so hard to escape them?

The third temple is legit being built right now, it’s been a project for some time.

And your kind seeth to mighty hell when anyone dares to ask why you’re people were prosecuted so much. Your people are legit such fucking rats that even some random ass jungle spics in bumfuck nowhere told you to fuck off



Whites are the true natives. GTFO of my country redniggers.

God's green earth, deep green

you are maintainers of it

>”no man can own land, it belongs to the earth”
>hundreds of years later
>”WTF you stole our land!!!”

Right of Conquest. We win, you lose, btfo.


I think the term you're looking for is *bought*. The currency of this purchase? Shiny beeds


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Our country is rich and we're just giving it away. So I don't think we can really blame them for coming here. Specially not after letting so many of their kind in here already. All we can do is change the immigration rules and then force everyone out with reason and violence. I'm sure they'll have the same understanding of why they're being marched out that we've demonstratated as they poured in.

>it’s been a project for some time.
You're not even trying.
>And your kind seeth to mighty hell when anyone dares to ask why you’re people were prosecuted so much. Your people are legit such fucking rats that even some random ass jungle spics in bumfuck nowhere told you to fuck off
It's very counterproductive to seethe so much when you claim "seethe" upon another. Kind of makes you look weak. Again, trying to deflect from your distinct ignorance with schizo cope.

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Is that the word you use when someone finds out that Jews make up the majority of the satanic elite? And don’t fucking lie and say Israelis don’t want to rebuild the 3rd temple. They’re going to do it soon with all this apocalyptic shit going on.

pure "whites" are only 11.5% of the worlds population ( not including raciallymixed "whites" )
and still we should mix and are discuraged to reproduce with other whites
who could be behind this agenda

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Absolutely based, sandniggers seething at this post.

Laws are defined by countries. Land on itself is lawless.
US is a country not a random landmass. The Amerindians barely had territories when the pilgrims landed.

Might makes right that’s why you lost the war Kraut

Someone shoop in the israeli flag

Can I get an Israel version of this image?

>finds out that Jews make up the majority of the satanic elite
Let me guess - you have a SATANICELITE.jpeg spreadsheet you're gonna show me? Or are you just pretending?

>and don’t fucking lie and say Israelis don’t want to rebuild the 3rd temple. They’re going to do it soon with all this apocalyptic shit going on.
Right so either you're a Christcuck nutjob or generally just a fucking retard. You clearly never spoke to Jews, much less Israelis before, and have absolutely no clue what goes on here, what happened here, or what the fuck ever since you probably get all your schizo hottakes from Yas Forums. You have no idea what Judaism even is as a religion and what its most ardent adherents believe, and you have just completely outed yourself in your endless cesspool of ignorance. If you weren't a complete retard, you'd know that even MENTIONING rebuilding the 3rd Temple would cause the Orthodox parasite to chimp out wholesale and probably burn half a country, because "you're supposed to wait for the Messiah". Half the reason you have so many anti-Zionist Jews is because it goes DIRECTLY against the scripture, which specifically says you can't have another Jewish "kingdom" in Israel until the coming of the Messiah. You don't separate Jews from Israelis, or Zionists, or any other group - because you're a fucking moron.

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Here's your (you), Chiam.

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>"stolen land" implying Injun Joe built what we know as The USA by himself.
Stop making german posters look bad

Not stolen. Conquered.

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i dont think you can point the finger at anyone anymore
75 years of your supreme american rule later and the world is still a shithole
had nazi germany won ( we would most likely not having this conversation / being alive anyways BUT...) the world would be a much more wholesome place
instead you choose treachery, greed, gluttony and depravity
imagine my shock

They sold it for beads, shut the fuck up.

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cleanse this world oh space ket goddesses!


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>No one can be illegal on stolen land.
By your own theory, then no Pole would be an undocumented immigrant in parts of Germany, is that correct?

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