R8 muh prep stash bois

r8 muh prep stash bois

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is that 18 months of food for you?

more like 2 weeks desu

should i stock up?

you think this virus is going away in 2 weeks?

protip fat has 4 times the caloric density over carbohydrates

That looks like the amount of shopping I can carry in one singular trip. If I had a car 1 trip = even more prep. I've been prepping since Feb so I've prepped to the point that everything is so full that I have a stash of shit under my bed because I ran out of cupboard space

i don't, but i don't have to live off my stash for now.nevertheless, i guess i keep buying rice and beans.

>2 weeks

Just buy 50 lbs of rice. You'll be able to live off of that for a while.

what are you implying, mein nationalsozialistischer freund?

Buy some meat and freeze it

>no booze

You're going to kill yourself from meal boredom before the virus does

Ramen is better?

That you're funny

>tfw your epic 4channel friends don't approve of your prep stash

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Good items, just need more of them, also where's the meat senpai? Prep for a MINIMUM of two months.

epic stash for 2 days

muh stash of duru bashan whatever the fuck
"jokes" aside at this rate despite the mass of contrasting info whether the virus really kills niggers or is "just a flu" stacking up on some essentials isn't a bad idea
question is how long you expect to last on your current stash?

+ why are there no news of any bank / shop attacks of dindus trying to yoink equipment / food etc.?

Le epic 3stack for making poop

Sand nigger?

How is that even considered a stash?

DURU out of 10.

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>no car

seems gay and faggy

I think your in some serious shit if you get quarantined any you aren't allowed to leave your house for 1-3 months. You have the right idea tho get some food stocked up.

Get canned spinach Swiss bro. Spinach contains a shitton of vitamins and minerals

Why prep when these things are roaming the countryside?

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Just kys sand nigger

K I will buy more rice, beans and canned tuna (for my cat, mostly)

When I fasted, all I ate was my own cum. Drank fruit juice and water.

cats need fat with their proteins, pure tuna is too lean for them, their digestion is differen than ours

You wont last long, you dont have enough.

Get more rice/pasta, buy some canned food that you like, buy some protein bars, buy some peanut butter and nutella, buy some pasta sauces (only eating rice is disgusting), buy vitamin supplements, sterile wipes, water purifying tablets, water bottles.

Camping kitchen, generator, sleeping bag, weapons is also stuff you could have, but thats only something you would need when society really collapses.

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>no guns


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a blond gook is still a gook, alhamdulilah.

Buy a few cases of Karlskrone from Aldi as well.

I don't drink alcohol, it's haram.

Ehm nope. Pasta is fast carbs, you need oatmeal, 2 portions per day and you won't be hungry minimum.


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Humans need some fat too.

>ate prep hoard for the 8th time in a row
why am i so fucking fat

It looks decent, if this is 10% of it

what is that grain called, the one in the Basham bag

yes but we can get away with very little


What's the point of prepping?

Get the fuck out of my country then.

Looks like chickpea.

Rather die then eat that filthy nigger food

There isn't one. The gubmint will save you.

i mean maybe get a 20lb bag of rice and a bunch of beans, but, the stores are open not sure what everyone is freaking out about

What if I am atheist, in Swiss-land, don't drink because I like my liver?

Something I reccomend, as a chef for 12 years. Cooking Bases. Chicken, beef, veggie, and I have garlic too. If you dont know, a base is just a stock that has been reduced down. So, boil a pot of water, ass a small amount of base, and you have stock for cooking. Bases are the easiest way to make many things taste much better.
Plain rice ? Shit.
Rice pilaf, made with chicken stock and veggies? That's a good meal.
There are about 100 more examples I can use. Also, bases last for a shit load longer than any normal non reduced stock. For the price and ease of storing, I dont see why you cant have a somewhat tasty meals during the end

Not being forced to go outside and getting infected among people, because going shopping is the worst outside hospitals and pharmacies.

You're helping both yourself and the society to flatten the curve.

75 pounds of dry rice is a years ration for a human man. Honestly


You're not tho

nice larping jamal, very suprised you don't have fried chicken, grape soda or watermelon there

Imagine dying in a avalanche, covered in snow, then one of these bastards digs you out, and gives you a hearty glass of whiskey. What a nice way to be saved.

Won't be much comfort if you're dead.