Lol only $1200 fucking fags?

In Canada we are getting $2000/month for 3-4 months and that is a federal aide package alone. The provincial benefit will give us a one time $1200 check. I think the issue here is Trudeau has officially cucked Trump.

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yes wwe americans are indeed cucks

Attached: TrumpIsACuck.png (1084x826, 1.33M)

Both of our governments are not giving enough in amount or time.

you are getting 4x your population in niggers by 2070, enjoy your maplebux

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I think by the time inflation is finished with the CAD we'll have gotten more.

Trump is born cuckold, he enjoy warching strong males honor his females.
Justin did Ivanka too

2000 times zero is still zero. Stupid leaf.

good for you moosefucker


You understand leaf, that maple money is worth like ~1300 US

Your minority are chinks and Indians that will do anything for work. The US has tens of millions of niggers.

Why describe what actual left wing cucks do as an insult? You realise how retarded that is?

and you pay 10 dollars for a cup of ramen, dumb leaf

Oh yeah? Well we get $1100 a f/n for six months PLUS a $750 once off stimulus!

Trudeau's wife literally got corona from fucking Idris the meme Elba

Actually we pay 40 cents for a pack of compliments brand ramen, and a cup is usually like 99 cents.

not bad, we get 4 for a dollar here though

>Justin did Ivanka too
It'd be a shame if that were true.
Justin is a degenerate himself.
Sucking trannies and letting is pedo wife get fugged by niggers is what he prefers. Y'know Justin's wife got Corona only after sucking off Idris Alba


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$2000 cad = $1400 usd


>In Canada we are getting $2000/month for 3-4 months
that only converts to like $38 in real money.

Trump has done a horrible job handling this and thinks it'll end in 2 weeks.

Expect canned soup price hyperinflation

lol you arent' getting anything he was just saying stuff for the cameras and outside world.

all that matters is perceptions.

it isn't over until you're in prison

1400 X 4 = 5,600

Actually we are Britcuck. Go join your PM in quarantine.

Isn't 1200 American equivalent to 2000 CAD?

Fake news, we aren't getting shit in Canada, everyone but me gotta learn this.

>Trudeau the bull

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if ur neet you only get 400 dollars

I get to work for my money while everyone else gets to sit at home for theirs. Seems fair.

You're also paying $10 for a can of baked beans motherfucker LOL

No it's 1400, but multiple that by 4. Americans are only getting 1 measly check. Taste the maple dick motherfuckers ahahaha

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Shut the fuck up you simple minded Albertan cuckold.

Tru might know something you do not

Get fucked FAGGOT

This is going to backfire.
Trump is looking after the markets, the Bankers and Kikes.
He doesn't give a fuck about about American Goyim.

Post the fucking indoor prices!

We know this virus was engineered in Canada. We also know it was Huawei and Trudeau.
We wont be getting much money, but we will get Canada and some scalps and ears.

so you get less overall?
i know how pathetic your funnimunni is

Eh. I'm still working, so it's really just a nice bonus for me. Suck it, leaf.

>found the indian torontonian
t. a working white torontonian

But you're still a Canadian and that means you're gay.

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You won't get anything you fat cuck lmao. Ask Ford to make ventilators your people are dying in numbers not seen since Vietnam

Leafs, how much is this in your monopoly money?

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you really are a shit skin
go back to whatever toilet country you came from and die there

How much will you pay for medical care when you get stomach cancer?

I'm not actually. White and from BC. I just think conservatives need to get fucked. Go be a white trash low class blue collar nigger somewhere else.

Yeah, but you're... you know.. Canadian.
There's no amount of money they could pay me to want to be Canadian.

those cans of soup are overpriced in the usa too like 2.50$ a can and then i can eat like 3 of them before i get full easily

just one after another in the microwave they have no filling ability

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That's a two way street Choi. Go catch some dogs or something. As far as I am concerned I welcome the day Kim goes full mental illness and launches every nuke at your subhuman country.

pic related. And dont say show in store prices because they offer delivery and paying online.

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>not eating it with some sourdough

For shame user.

If I trade you like 4, for your dog, would that count as sex trafficking?

so gov is paying you, to pay taxes, to pay for your health care that is being wrecked... good luck with that. Canada was already 20% off everything to Americans cause of the oil price collapse, can't wait for 50% off next year.


I havent gotten my $2000 yet. Where do i sign up? Also I heard GST isn't coming until June now

your infection rate is ridiculously high and trump isnt taking it seriously. Your hospitals will collapse.

>In Canada we are getting $2000/month for 3-4 months
raking it in

you have to wait till april 6th

bros redpill me on how much gibs i can get. i was self employed last year but stopped working. i did not lose my job to coronavirus. am i getting that 2000 bucks?

you need to have had 700 hrs in 2018 i believe to qualify

Normalize that amount by a can of Campbellā€™s then get back to me maplenigger

2018? not 2019? and how do they check if i was self employed? cant i just make shit up?

We're not getting anything until this is over.
Weedman said "fuck niggers" and closed the borders.
Now he's sending us $ for liquor and pot so we can chill for months at home.
He also said "fuck landlords" nobody can be evicted.

Punished Trudeau is based so far.

why would it be based on 2019 when the due date for 2019 taxes got delayed a few months?. It includes self employed but idk how u would check.

700 cans a month before tax

It is TAX FREE faggot ass low IQ mutt.

April 6th my dude

100K cases and 1.3K deaths for 330 million people.
meanwhile in europe:
260K cases and 16K deaths for roughly same number of people.

yeah, not worried. and I live in America where it started.

oh, forgot they're delaying taxes

he also increased the subsidy for small and medium businesses from 10 percent to 75 percent per employee after talking to the danish pm.

do better

OP is a faggot leaf.
Wow, $2000cad/mo!
That means you can buy 2kg of beef, 2kg of chicken, 5kg potatoes, a few cans of soup, 2kg of flour and 2 bags of milk.
Not even enough left over for eggs or mappel syrup kek

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