America is going to collapse

You can't quarantine blacks under an economic downturn without mass looting.

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the majority of blacks live in places where they already mass loot, only thing they're looting theirselves

niggers be robbing niggers a tale as old as time itself

They don't have their nigger ball to distract them either.

Au contraire, we're planning on it; that's when we declare martial law and detain any lawbreakers without trial and shoot those who resist.

hyperinflation going to set everyone off

And not a single white person will shoot even one of them, guess guns are just a fancy decoration huh.

I wish a nigger would. I got 45 hollow points waiting

>You can't quarantine blacks under an economic downturn without mass shooting.

fixed for you

Tale as old as time
They'll never do hard time
Niggers on the streets

Based and haikupilled

Trump supporters are uneducated shitbagz who unironically vote against their own economic interests

We shall see, if this starts to get ......unruly?

lets see them act so tough with hollow point 9mm, FMJ 5.56 and 12 gauge 00 buckshot coming right at them
whites in the south are feared by niggers for a reason

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Choosing to have businesses that serve nigger communities should garner you as much pain as possible

Lmao, come find out faggot

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Hydroshocks on standby

lol sang that in the beauty and the beast tempo

Being a nigger is already hard time, lmao

That's why the army have already been moved into big towns. Make sure you have enough stock to not leave the house. A weapon, a exit route and backpack with stock just in case you get petrol bombed.

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Youre so fucking gay

This is what I'm talking about, all fucking talk and LARPing. You buy your guns and hundreds of ammunation but when shit is going down you do fuck all except shitpost online.

good, i hope we murder you motherfuckers for what you did to us

No basketball and no fired chicken make Deshawn something something...

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Bootlicker detected

Don't get my hopes up, katrina was Yas Forums heaven.
Only prob was we only really got 2 weeks of carnage.
This time I'm older smarter stronger and packing way more heat.

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you did this to yourselves moshe


When a nigger is thinking about chimping all you nogunz pussies just put a hand in your pocket and stand your ground
Better men than you have already taught them what might happen

Pic related is me LMAO@ the mods and jannies losing their jobs and killing themselves, fucking cocksucking faggots

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Say bye-bye Tyrone

Drumpf needs to start handing out to Koreans NOW
We need them filled on rooftops

Naw pussy, bring your faggoty ass down to my business or home and try that shit and I will fucking kill you with zero remorse
Fucking niggerloving faggot
>shits going down
Not to my shit, bitch

We know, why else would the mayor of LA be saying this? Niggers only understand extreme force and violence.

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Your not thinking this through. The American empire might end. You might lose the world currency. America would become a depopulated battlezone for a decade at least.

Your also not realizing that while non-whites are stupid enough to organize and bunch together during a plague, smart Whites will be alone in their homes.

I partially agree with this, If the LA riots are anything to base this off of, then it will be based koreans and other immigrant small business owners that are killing the nogs. Most of the Asian immigrants there are way more racist than the whites

Will your Vietnamese do the same in the banlieus?

>black user here

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>You can't quarantine blacks under an economic downturn without mass looting.
So, they will loot, shoot and infect each other


>legally allowed to shoot someone threatening your life or property in moststates

Southern boiz been wait years for the south to rise again.

Bernvictim detected


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>tfw living in lily white town with less than 20 confirmed cases
>mayor and town has already been taking social distancing precautions
>less than 2~3 new cases per day

Why the fuck should we care what happens in Chimpcago?

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South of the South is Mexico and so is West of the South

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dem lockdown is racist y'all

I eant exactly what you just said
Also, dont visit the intentiona of American whites since youre all a bunch of useless weak cunts with no spines
All tue whites getting rekt are always nigger lovers who choose to live and mix with them

Based and gastonpilled

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When supply lines collapse and you starve it matters

Don't these idiots realise the whole world is watching.

>he only has 45 rounds

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No they aren't heavily-armed in France.

Can’t wait to collect some nazi scalps

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Youre implying superobese midgets wont succumb to the virus?
Have you ever seen a beaner neighborhood???

Trump supporters aren't looting their own fucking communities.

This niggas part and parcel

Ok faggot
Niggers and cops are going to fuck you up before you even try to come out of mommies basement
Inlove how you mutilated tranny faggots who have never been in a fight think youre some kind of supersoldiers just holding back for now when all we see are aids faggots

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No, they vote for billionaires to loot their own communities instead

You don't know anything about America and who has all the guns.

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>muh shitbagz
Lmao@ these fucking faggots!

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Reminds me of the video of the girl telling the blacks to "take that shit to the suburbs" and not to loot their own businesses. Hopefully they don't take that shit to the suburbs. They need to be contained.

But you can shoot them at 300 to 600 meters.

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>muh billionaires
Like this billionaire?

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Once their sizzurp and weed runs out they will lose the last thing that keeps their monkey instincts in check

Looting incoming

Is that before or after Tyrone prolapses your woke asshole and robs you blind?

no homo