I see lots of threads on this, on silly youtube personalities and poster campaigns and garbage on fucking twitter and rhetoric. You're all getting way ahead of yourselves, they are all liars and will say whatever they think will keep the gibs and undeserved social status coming. Their lives, and their personalities depend on it, it's like a big psychotic break type of ego crisis for them to accept the fact that they are worthless pieces of leeching shit, as well as subhuman farm animals or inbred penis biting cultists.
You don't argue, you kick them the fuck out like a bad dog whining for scraps at the dinner table. You do not give them any positive attention until they fix their bad attitude. That's the end of it, they attack this place because they fear the uncompromising, merciless, psychopathic ire of hate filled high iq European and Asian autists more than anything.
Tell them their brains don't fucking work and they are retarded if they don't understand your point of view, and that they need to go on disability and never vote again.
People say "Oh but I'm afraid ill be ostracized if I do or say racist things!" Those people are weak minded idiots, on their way to becoming social outcasts in the near future, like niggers. It's a similar trend to the last US election, in the 90s niggers had a pass and were a somewhat accepted part of western society, just like Hillary Clinton was accepted as an reputable politician and federal government employee. Now everyone knows Hillary is a crooked spook with a trail of dead bodies behind her, who also maybe tortures kids and drinks their blood for fun. You wont see niggers outside of a fucking zoo enclosure 100 years from now.
Non-whites innately know they are at the very microscopic genetic level, tribal enemies to caucasians. Whites are the only group on this planet it seems, that have been targeted by lifelong propaganda to dull that natural, innately ingrained instinct of group self preservation. Every other race and group? Every other group gets to play this idiotic, tiresome victim narrative bullshit where they're just fighting for my precious equality, and oh how it's a noble cause. Until they get that and then they want gibs and privileged social status and vie to take over. There was never a point it wasn't all just a plain tribal war. Weak bitch Niggers, Roasties, Spics, Arabs and all other non-white scum simply are too much a bunch of inferior faggots to win that way, until they're a supermajority. They have to connive. They have to play the Jew.
The sooner you realize, that all these Martin Luther King types, all these social justice warriors, """egalitarians"""aren't these noble, moral upright people, and instead the truth is they're a bunch of little impotent Fucks who can only promise peace and appeal to your morality so they can wait for the chance to stab you in the back because it's the only way they can win, that is when you can see reality for how it truly works. There can be no end to racial disharmony. Even if we mixed, different %'s like Brazil still fight. The drive cannot be removed. It's an innate feature. Best option for peace is separation.
Logan Hughes
There is a pure bred plains buffalo herd but they are in an enclosure on provincial park land behind huge sheet steel Jurassic park fences because the bulls weigh over 3 tons are are ornery and violent, with skin like Kevlar and hair like steel wires. People talk like the mean bad white man murdered all the poor innocent fuzz beasts, but it is not so, they DGAF about a barbed wire fence and large scale agriculture would be completely impossible if they were roaming free in large numbers, they would also be killing thousands of people in brutal fashion and destroying billions in property every year, on top of all the crops eaten. They're protected and endangered and you can't shoot them.
There are tiny ones they call wood buffalo you can get permits for and shoot, but they are a bit smaller and difficult to find. There are also half breed fuckers that you can just shoot without a permit if you find one wandering around on crown land, but that's because they bastard mutt nuisance fauna and you can kill stuff like that just about anywhere...
Your wife is a brain damaged whore and you both have AIDS.
Nope, the only tests saying kikes score higher than 95 average, compared to whites at 100, is based off of bad data or bad controls. I have never seen a shred of evidence to the contrary. I'm also smarter than all the jews I know.
>Biologically, white females are attracted to black men because they recognise [sic] we're superior Could you explain the mechanism by which white females determine the value of a mate?
Tyler Wright
That testing would've been after the Jewish massacres of the goy intelligentsia in the 20th century
It's not though, Hitler was saying the same thing, sort of, you turn the nigger or kike into the problem, because they are the fucking problem. You make their retarded niggerkike itself the subject of discussion and don't allow it to even begin rationalizing it's dumb fucking niggerjabber with dumb kike bullshit. Whatever it says, it doesn't matter because it's fucking brain doesn't work.
>Arguing with niggers Treat them like children and don’t use big words. If you get the advantage over a nigger in an argument and have been speaking in a manner above a street walking cop he will attack you.
>Arguing with a Jew Ask him to explain what he means and call him out when he goes on a massive pilpul and explains nothing.
Charles Butler
There isn't a single fucking metric niggers beat whites on.
He is a lying nigger, you fell for his stupid trick. You wont get anything but more lies back for asking.
Not true. Black guys get white girls pregnant early. Those statistics only refer to marriage. We aren't cucks who are going to support a roastie. We pump and dump
More masculine and able to look after himself. No one wants a limp-wristed whiteoid as father of their kids.
>How to argue with niggers Use more than 3 syllable words and try to stay upwind of the nogg.
>How to argue with Jews Immediately call them out as a JEW. Nothing else. Don't call them any form of insult, simply immediately draw the attention to the fact that they are a Jew. Watch as they try and run for cover as they realize their cover has been blown.
It has been tested multiple times and it is always 115 to 100 for whites. The difference in IQ is as well established as the difference between blacks and whites. We gave polygenic tests now showing the genetic difference in IQ between kikes and goyim.
Their is no use arguing with the shill. It is the same group that spam the BBC threads 24/7. Just post the racial dating data. This person isn't even black. Likely its a happa named Tenda, but they aren't black. Its a bunch of faggots from pleddit mostly.
Yes there is, crime rates, single mothers and abortions :)
Caleb Martinez
Again, no, you fucking pavement apes don't even beat 5% of the children white women have. Meanwhile, 40% of all children black women have are fathered by non-black men, mostly white.
I'm a firefighter, you fucking nigger, I walk into those huge rank 5 and 6 fires that go all over the news. Zero niggers do my job. I live in the city that is the main staging area for the BC wildfire service and was at the main muster point every day for the whole 2018 season. Hundreds of type 2 hotshots like me showed up there every day, all white or native American, with a couple east Asians and Arabs. Zero niggers and zero poojeets, your blood is fucking coward filth, nigger, and I fucking know it.
They sent a nigger crew from South Africa to help, they were to "limp wristed" to roll hoses like faggots, we sent them home the first day for being weak, coward, dog fucking pieces of shit, like all the other bluegums I know. You stupid coon fucks think behaving like a jews cock sleeve in a faggot boy band is badass, you are all fucking losers and the only white people it isn't painfully obvious to are the ones on Yas Forums, so fucking removed from the world they still think a genetic catastrophe like you might actually be a human being.
Stop using racial slurs. I too think average white IQ > black IQ... In many ways "we" or "you" (depending if you want to include us Slavs in your abstract category) are superior to "them". But it doesn't mean we need to dehumanize them. There are also many wonderful black people.
You beat off to jew porn while your women line up to hold this fucking hose. I've fucked more women than your nigger weaboo ass has talked to. King Tut was DNA tested as western European again recently BTW.
The "wonderful" niggers and kikes are the worst of them, for every one like that, there are 100 normal ones riding their coattails and waiting for you to relax and let your guard down.
I can trash your worthless black ass all day long, backing everything I say up with mountains of irrefutable evidence, and there's nothing you can say to change my mind, because, as we both know, you are inferior and insecure about it.
It's like you think that kind of retarded kike shit wasn't exposed as bunch of dumb jew lies fucking decades ago or something. Probably because you are a retarded nigger with a deformed brain that can't read so well...
How am I triggered though? I'm bumping my thread with wicked burns and savage nigger stats, thanks to a stupid fucking nig nog that got mad and won't quit.
Here is a chart detailing what accurate dick statistics show, whites are #1, latinos are #2 and niggers are a distant third, about 1.5" shorter than latinos and whites. Durex gave their internal research numbers to a Mexican newspaper and it was published in Spanish language, there was also a global measured study done that confirmed it around 2016. The only dick stats that say niggers have big dicks are ones where they record "self reported" dick length, and every time they actually measure as well, they find niggers lie about their dick and exaggerate by an average of 2.5". There are actually legit adjustment numbers for self reported penis size statistics. I asked a fucking actuary, you nigger, you don't even know what a fucking actuary is because you are a stupid fucking piece of shit nigger subhuman. Fuck you and have a shit day. 8)