Covid-19 is going to destroy the USA

>March 27: 401 virus deaths in a single day
>almost double from the previous day
>Trump unwilling to take necessary steps outside of insane monetary policy

At this rate, next week we're going to be seeing 2000+ Amerifats dying per day.

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It's nothing. Exaggerated smearjob to make Trump look bad and institute full communism. Fuck you this patriot won't believe the lies. I'm going outside every day and telling China to suck my cock.

2000 deaths a day? so what? Car accidents kill more people every day.

I am with you here. Trump however is back to suckling China peem. It's pathetic and embarrassinga

but.. its just a flu brah! Drump said it will go away with the heat in april and his response is 10/10!! Its a nothingburger!!!!! Oh noo


Covid will be the new standard for deaths. "Why should cars require seat belts? Covid kills like 3x as many people as car crashes."

He’s the only one who forced China into a trade deal


Techniggers BTFO
Hope you enjoy displacement you useless eaters

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Pftt stubbed toes kill more every day. Just look at this outchie.

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Yeah and then it will be 4000 deaths 3-4 days after that, and 8000 deaths 3-4 days after that. What part of 'exponential growth' don't you understand?

Obviously it's going to plateau once everyone catches it.

Covid-19 now makes up 1/3 of the daily deaths in Italy.

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our economy needs a jumpstart

they are adding flu and anyone who goes to the ER with a lung problem to the numbers. it's bogus.

"We're looking at our flu syndromic data, our respiratory illness that presents at emergency departments. Across the country there's a number of areas that are escalating."

>unwilling to take necessary steps

Elaborate on those ((((necessary)))) steps Trump is unwilling to take.

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the merchant wants them to die, so they will die

Absolutely based, sees through the jew lies

City faggots BTFO
Niggerlovers and niggers BTFO
Soon, chinks will be getting mobbed by everyone else too
Im not worried

bioweapon made to destroy lungs

You snivelling estupido! You dont understand maths do you. Bet you can't even count your rounds on the gun range unless its a revolver....

Yarp. And where did it start. Chna and Iran. So who let it out and why?

car accidents are not doubling every day....

It'll become very hard to deny reality once your family members start dying.

nobody knows. I want to believe chinks made it as a sars/hiv hybrid to bring down the economy, which would make sense because the city it came from is also coincidentally the only place in china that has a biological weapons lab.

Yeah they do

incredibly based

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if the stat model is a possien distribution then u r right. If the model of infection is exponential you cant use thos stats. This is why we should not let anyone run for congress unless they have a STEM degree. The modern world, when run by non scientific inferiors always gets in a muddle. In fact if you cant proove something of the level of diffyq first principle by 15 your genitals should be removed to prevent u breeding let alone voting

if thats true why did it first appear in china and iran?

He's out chinking them. It's a poker game he's playing on the world stage.

the chinese bioweapon lab is in wuhan. It leaked out and infected the city.

no they are fairly constant. I normally hang about on /sci. The level of mathematical ignorance on this board is astounding. Are you all below the age of 13 or something?

out chinking them? What does chinking mean? Working hard with a collective spirit. That is not donalds way.

I want cheap housing.

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yea cause thousands of flu patients overcrowd the hospitals causing supply shortages yearly right? fucking idiot

>Are you all below the age of 13 or something?

Truwe there is a military bio weapons lab there, but think about it. The only place a new flu like this will be recognised is where research scientists for virology are in plentiful supply. In the UK that would be near sailsbury. In China near wuhan.

wtf are you talking about. you don't have to be a math genius to look at a fucking chart, they pretty much double

I want a big tiddy trad Aryan goth gf

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I like the idea of kekistan. We could filter the population so as to filter out normies (people who cant cope with a STEM degree essentially). Also I got my marksman badge in the UK army so I can patrol the beaches if necessary.

May Coronachan grant both our wishes.

No all you have to be able to do is understand logs and exponentials. Seems your president does not get that level of maths.

chinks are just inept in general. I saw this thing yesterday from 4 almost 5 years ago saying how they were working on a bat virus in china so this was probably all planned out then and they put it in storage and forgot about it.

So you think a bio weapons lab made a virus before they already had 50 different treatments/vaccines for it? Please lick toilets, mong.

not the driving deaths. They are fairly constant whereas the deaths for covid19 are on an exponential curve

Cuomo caused the shortage on ventilators, faggot.

Whoever made it cannot come up too quickly with a cure or vaccine or it would look suspicious...

chinks have the cure and they're not sharing it. im not a schizo

The chinese do think more collectively. In the case of combatting a virus this is a major plus point.

scientific research and stats shows that car accidents and car deaths doubles each day

How is Trump not an 'elitist' himself?

Why are you making fun of our american brothers?
They have always been our best mate.

that cannot be true. Cars have been around for about 100 years. In the UK its around 3000 deaths per year. It is not doubling. in the USA I think its about 30000 a year. But it not increasing. Where as covid 19 death numbers are doubling every 3 days!

Enlighten us. What are these "necessary steps" Trump needs to take? He's left it to state and local govs to issue stay-at-home orders based on their level of infection. Many have, especially the cities. Trump isn't emperor, and state and local govs have their own authorities. So what exactly do you want?

I for one feel bad for the americans who are affected by the virus but it's pretty entertaining to see Trump try to bs his way out of a pandemic

>outside of insane monetary policy

You mean the $10,000 forgivable loan from the small business administration that is totally forgiven if used for business expenses?

Or is that one just fine? What about the mortgage relief? 8 fucking months of mortgage relief for 1-4 unit buildings, one month + apply for every month after for 5+ commercial buildings.

Perhaps you mean the Trumpbux given to working peasants with no business goals?

Fuck off, retard.

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He could have at least acknowledged that the virus is a real threat. He was acting like it was no big deal and would blow over by itself just a few weeks ago.

you cant bluff a virus

He already has acknowledged that. You want him to invent time travel and go back in time and change what he said then? What about all the state and local government officials, including those in NYC that are experiencing the worst outbreak, that also downplayed the virus, encouraging people to go out and not worry about it? Or all of the MSM reports that said the same damn thing? They all did 180s too once more information presented itself and the threat here became real.

100 years? bit of a reach, first car was invented in roughly 1937

He loves rednecks and his retarded kids and pisses off (((educated))) people every day. Not very elite.

First car in 1937? What flavor of retard are you? Wow