Brit/pol/: another day *Edition

>More than 900 deaths in a day in Italy

>Wuhan partly reopens after lockdown

>Tesla donates hundreds of ventilators to New York

>OneWeb blames pandemic for collapse

>Lockdowns continue to suppress European pollution

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Other urls found in this thread:

UK btfo by the chinese virus

Can't get my weekend sosij rolls at greegss can't handle this

>Dr. Anthony Fauci, a key member of the White House Coronavirus Task Force, co-authored an article published Thursday in the New England Journal of Medicine predicting the fatality rate for the coronavirus will turn out to be like that of a "severe seasonal influenza."

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The army is building a hospital in my town

Hello my name is Mohammed Khan does anyone want to buy some toilet paper or hand sanitizer very cheap only £5 a roll

It's a fema camp for drumpf supporters

I don't need it. The English have herd immunity

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You'll have to make your own sosij rolls mate, it's the only way

Always thought America would have already had hospitals, what with all the we're number 1, USA, USA stuff. Seems a bit shortsighted to be building them now.

I forgot about fema camps... If they were real, now would be the time to start packing them full of coughing mutts.

No need for toilet roll thanks muckhammed. Us brits have turd immunity.

You could just euthanise all the fat bastards with diabetes who are taking up beds. Free up some space.

Got me porridge oats and beans.
People have totally normalized my mask.
Whats happening out there today, lads?

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>Westminster Voting Intention:
CON: 54% (+9)
LAB: 28% (-5)
LDM: 7% (-5)

>Via @NCPoliticsUK, 24-26 Mar. Changes w/ GE2019.

Not one of the recognised pollsters of course, but still hilarious.

They don't have needles long enough to administer the dose.

>euthanise all the fat bastards with diabetes

That would be a genocide in muttland

Did Normies get too cocky lads?
Surely you can’t expect normality to remain forever

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British people are retarded, your government is gay, one of your Princes is a pedophile who gets away with raping kids and having a Queen in 2020 is a sure sign you're a third world country.
Germany should have gassed every last one of you limeniggers off the map during WW2 and hopefully the USA unleashes the full power of its nuclear arsenal on you cucks before the end of the decade just to get rid of these retarded threads.

Fuck you all, your cuisine is shit, have a good day.


Britain doesn't have an economy, you have a corrupt mega-city that steals your money and keeps you poor.

Kek. No brekkie for you junior.

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>not borat thunberg

>you're a third world country
do third world countries have ICELAND!?
>should have gassed every last one of you limeniggers
>have a good day.
and forgive me if i find you disingenuous

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Yes, please come and meet me and my mates.

Smelly wools cannot survive in pure scouse air.

absolute state of this article

So is this whole a thing a con like Peter Hitchens is saying?

We love you, faggot.

Stay strong mate.

Absolutely heartbroken that Eddie hated brit/pol/ so much he became a nonce to prove "whites are majority nonces" theory. Just can't stop crying that he did this, I've punched myself in the head whenever I think about him speaking to those kids... why'd you betray us Eddie.... you were supposed to drive the nonces from brit/pol/.. not join them... I loved you Eddie, you were like a brother.

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The USA will be over by June 5 this year majority of you will be dead by then.
We will no longer have to see Kardashians or hear rap music, or eat terrible fast food.

In a years time we will have an English cultural renaissance.

Ok, but what about our bad points?

They literally named that store Iceland so they can fool foreign nationals into thinking they might be getting a job that's actually in Iceland, which unlike the UK is actually a worthwhile country that doesn't need to be turned into glass immediately.

Once the niggers and polacks who end up working there come on the floor and realize they are in the UK it is inevitable that they will promptly commit suicide after smelling your shit stinking breath and finding out it's illegal to not think about the queen while pooping.

Priti Patel will be Prime Minister in your lifetime.

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He doesn't even have an iceland

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For me it’s baked beans, Lancashire sausages, toast with butter and oats for brekkie

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melania is a blatant tranny
dont fucking start

Always talk about deaths but not the life changing side effects

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>Just a flu bro
>Just a flu bro
>Just a flu bro
>Just a flu bro
>yeah we still haven't banned flights from China or Italy why do you care bigot?

>american humour

Im laughing on the inside mate. Honest.

That's a big Iceland

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American retardation is so cute!

lad, i couldn't even fit it all in the photo, it's actually twice as big as that.

pneumonia having lasting effects isn't new

Caught red handed going for a second walk outside of the allocated time. Off to converted butlins gulag for you.

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can't tell.
hitchen's point, as far as i am aware is that the data is inconclusive. he's right, it isn't but then neither was the data that came out of the soviet union during the chernobyl disaster.

It's still early days, and the only reliable idea of how devastating the disease can get is to look at how china actually reacted.

>just a flu bro
>wtf you're going outside TWICE you'll kill all the old people #initogether
>yeah mate ,is that Abdul? Rustle me up a Long Pig special? You got a proper nice bit? Yeah mate I'll have that with salad and cheesy chips, get Ahmed to drop it round. thanks mate!

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The Porkocaust

cor, that's a right wass throbber of an iceland that is, just imagining the planogram is exciting me

do we know anything about death regarding CV?
is it a violent death? i haven't seen any information about this.

i mean, what happens? do people start coughing up lung tissue and blood? spasms? do the fevers get so bad they basically enter into a coma ?

The virgin containment
>can't close boarders or reduce freedoms due to liberal values
>normies ignore all orders to stay indoors
>still gets the virus
The chad herd immunity
>kill off your old population
>freedoms already reduced due to being a police state
>separates the weak from the strong
>why contain it?
>even your prime minister gets it

OK Jose

>toast with butter and oats
What's wrong with a bit of marmalade? Fucking euros.

Morning lads.

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No one would even notice if we vaporized the UK today. A few people might see a bright flash of light but that's it.

No one would even care, life would go on as usual and anyone actually concerned with what you Muslim pandering cock dockers actually doing would breathe a sigh of relief.

So whos bored shitless being stuck at home, what are you all doing to occupy your brains?

why are uk salaries so low?


Am so fuckin bored lads. Just sittin outside Tesco people watching

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Jesus, you're SNL tier.

it's pneumonia.

Any outbreaks of spontaneous clapping?

Because niggers who can live on next to nothing.

Have fun with 100k cases you fat fuck.

no, no one can survive with corona chan coof droplets in the air.
However, cant tell if you're implying I'm not scouse or shitting on wools.
slowly choke on lungs full of blood and fluid. some people in at height of this stage go into total panic and try to rip out thier own ventilators. many people need restraining. this is only the worst case though. mostly it just destroys your lungs to the point where you can't get enough oxygen to survive and then you fade away.

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For destroying this great muslim nation and its proud bacon sandwich factories the resulting jihad would be the end of america!

If you see any cute ones just start fapping

ffs here (You)

Morning Kazza

I see your point but thats a country that builds cities for no one to live in.
It could just as easily be a flex of the state apparatus

are walking round liverpool wearing that

Saw one cutie before in leggings desu I felt the urge, haven’t ejaculated in over a month

Been clearing my Steam backlog and trying to find new stuff. Fuck all worth playing though.

Reminder that there are ACE2 receptors in your heart cells.
Even if you develop anti bodies from surviving the first infection; getting infected a second time will mean your immune system nukes your own heart and you go into cardiac arrest

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thats not good

Last year when it got a bit warm, was in sainsburys, noticed a lass wearing bikini bottoms with a tshirt on top
I really wanted to stare, but like I thought I should stop looking after 5 minutes

Has anyone been able to get click and collect sessions? I don't want to queue up like some fucking moron.

There's a lot of j'bait about lately wandering the streets.

honestly thinkin of startin a jewtube channel
my dad has hit nearly 5k subs in less than a year with 1 vid a week

If we dropped 90 nukes on the UK today the only recognition your nation and its entire history would receive would be that of a government official in Austria briefly questioning when that happened, a month after the fact, however being so disinterested in the entire notion he dismisses looking for an answer with subtle gestures before even fully asking the question.

>Oi oi Boris oi mate what are plans to save norf fc and stop nugbu leaving and when are the boozers opening the fookin suns finally come out I wanna take me shirt off we need answers.

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>USA under britain 5% tax rate
>USA with MUH FREEDOM anywhere between 20% - 80% tax rate

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>walking round liverpool
as little as possible, lad.
Beans acquired, optional extra; prawn cocktail crisps, also acquired. My mission is complete for today.

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>All better now.. *coof* your heart explodes

And people say chink bio weapons aren't funny.

Alright la.
Missed a call this morning and got a voicemail from the job centre about a claim I haven't made.
Might be a scammer on the go, lads.

The missus managed to get into morrisons this morning. I hope there is some liver left. Could murder some liver and onions tonight.

Im waiting for some zoomer to run out of money and buy up a decent pc cheap

You were able to find beans, fuck, you should become a private investigator with skills like that

Could you be a degenerate elsewhere please



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God fucking damn it
And the no arsed way the jobcentre identifies itself when calling it might even have been kosher

Before the gyms shut there was this bird on the mats doing the usual bird arse exercises in yoga pants. Except they must have been from matalan, or shed been scratching her arse a lot, cos every time she bent over they went totally transparent. Could read the washing instruction label or her shreddies.

I bet the nigerians are on it. Picking names at random on trying their luck.

ha anyone said anything, we're blessed to have home and bargains to be honest

El goblino

Holy cringe. Why are you wearing a gas mask? Its literally not designedfor this situation and most likely doesnt work unless you directly received it from the military.

Mate, you'll be getting houses cheap that come with free pc's and kitchen appliances soon enough

Or Else!

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propper classy bird that
>it has now emerged that Prof Ferguson has been criticised in the past for making predictions based on allegedly faulty assumptions which nevertheless shaped government strategies and impacted the UK economy.

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wow bet you could even see the specs of shit on her areshole

How fucking stupid do you have to be to go at the busiest time?



Dont quite have the spare capital for a second house just yet but i have been keeping a lookout for classic cars

planning a trip to lidl for monday, probably going to have to be there before 8
before 7
before 6

Was this you making a bra for your tits?

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what else should I do lad?
you asked, i answered

Can you fucking imagine labour running this shit?
Food would be gone. Borders wide open to immigrants who qualify for UBI. NHS Striking till Septembner.

Which one of you was this?

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Don't knock it, that's a Czech made anti-corona mask. Guaranteed to filter all particles, aerosols and WOPs within a five metre radius.

And on a weekend, but then again they might be doing overtime?

Yea, this message didn't sound like the fella was use to leaving messages or done much speaking to the public if you know what I mean.

labour would have gone full gulag with military police

Thats Manhands init?

eddies son

Most likely a display item used for cosplay.

Gas masks are perishables and can only be guaranteed working when given by the military.

Supermarkets take deliveries during the day. I went to Lidl late yesterday eve. They had food, and it was mostly empty of people

Christmas dinner for me tonight lads. Managed to pick up a massive stuffed turkey joint from M&S for £1.60. One pound fucking sixty. Turkey sandwiches for the forseable as well.

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A comfy classic car hobby sounds nice

>cant tell if you're implying I'm not scouse or shitting on wools.
it's quite obvious i'm doing both.

Yeah, I was lucky buying toilet roll the other week like that

He collects gasmasks. Pretty sure he knows what he is at my hairy toothed fren.

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