Continued Keep it Going

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There was definite activity from intel in the thread earlier. One who sticks out had a pretty decent ID and propose some decent questions that rose flags to me.
>in b4 take meds

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Okay, seen this enough times already, may I have a QRD?

>pic related

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sure, search the archives new fren.
>pic related cont'd

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Attention. Do NOT saturate these threads / this subject.
You will find nought but disinformation and demoralization. 'They' caught on - hence long CAPTCHA posts.

Anyhow. Do NOT reply to this thread. Let it die. Let a new one come when Destiny deems it worthy - for the next to find.

Read Project Stargate. Focus your energy of the left side of your mind into your right. Meditate. And do not reply to this thread.

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Once in GT i cried so hard i puked then they had to pull all the kids out the GT room & mrs. Parker my GT teacher got super mad

That's not a QRD...OP being a faggot as usual, almost had me.

>fucks given
>define value
accelerate this shit, we will learn something new with every thread.

I will lay it out for you. There is far broader horizons for you to decipher, beyond the redundancy and nonsense that is Abrahamism.

You will spend a lifetime searching for an answer. You may think you had found it. But you did not.

You did not.


Isn't that copyright infringement?

if you need a QRD, this thread isn't for (((you))). Go bump a doom and gloom normie post faggot.

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Ah yes, I was the user they were responding to, and I came up with the perfect answer to their argument (though I don't want to steer the thread into pure theological debate)

DOES god know everything? That is what the bible says. Is EVERYONE getting saved? NO. That is also what the bible says. THEREFORE, if God is all knowing, and not everyone is going to be saved, then it means that God knows who is not going to be saved. So from there it's a question of if he has predetermined them not to be saved, or if he just knows they will not be saved and does nothing. Any way, just wanted to clarify my position. I'll end by saying it's not our place to judge God.

Notice he didn't cite a single verse in any of his biblical arguments.

There you are. See you in your dreams, sweet prince.

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>indigo snowflakes having a wank over a falsely inflated sense of significance

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Idiot. You have the information readily available. But. You seem mentally unprepared. So be it. If you insist to chase something that is nothing you will continue to be a nobody.

And now look at you Fools. Discussing a dead religion used by self-prophetic Fetishists as if it was Truth.

No wonder.. No wonder.

Nice way of turning people away from your thread meant to attract people.

Are Goa'ulds real?

Keep in mind, I'm well-aware and things are never how they seem. I understand this. You should know the same. The world is a stage...at least I understand my part.

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k. bye. not4u.

I just want to say user, as a theologist, I would completely hand you your ass in this debate that we shouldn't have because it will ruin this thread. If you want to come at me with your LARP, then just go ahead and make your argument, and cite the verses relevant to it (which I'm guessing you aren't even smart enough to do).

Saying abrahamism is dumb isn't an argument. Either prepare to debate scripture with a theologen, or fuck off.

Will do, bud.

Some think gate, gifted and talented education was a psyop. Go read about it.

Is example of disinformation shill.

I have the tapes they used to train gateway soldiers.

BUMP 4 gated ameribros

fuck off you not special. God damn snowflake

As far as I can tell it was either figuring out an alternate means to understanding different kinds of brain function in younger children that wouldn't be able to hack it or do well in normal classes.
Or those that were unable to be indoctrinated which they were afraid of, which understands why we're drawn here. However, I've kept tabs on all my classmates and they're all relatively smart and are doing well in their lives but a lot of them were indoctrinated and do not come here or agree with the same ideology.
So the creation of sperg army is out the window.

post nigger.

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Haha, if I had the tapes on an user drive I'd throw them up for you. Yes they work, after a month or two you'll travel, easier to do if you're sleep deprived. Without someone giving coordinates you'll end up just seeing random events and places. Ngl, it can be weird, the focusing part is the hardest, it's like trying to look away at the same time you have to look at it.

At least you gave me some context, still no greentext QRD. Gifted and talented my ass fcol.

> Remote viewers

Shizoids identified.

binaural waves do the same. It's all frequency/vibration. Someone said that, forgot who. Think it was Ellen Mosque.

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Oh wow, c.s. lewis is in this thread
> Muh free will
> Muh God does what he wants
> Muh hellfire and God loves you
> Muh im right, everyone else wrong
> Muh countless denominations
> Muh countless translations to suit my needs
> Muh self righteous ego
Congrats, mr. Right

says the gypsy faggot. cool.

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> Bulgarian

My friend. Dig a hole, and shoot yourself you shizoid retard. Holy fuck.

In reality, there isn't a reason to respond to this post. You have made no attempt to back your claims with scripture, which goes to show that you are incapable of doing so. My point has been made.

God knows that we will eventually come to him.
God pleads with us, but he doesn't interfere.
We have to follow him according to /our/ will.

Checked. All that attention to punctuation and fucked up at the end. Intentional, I'm sure.
>smooth brain is smooth

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Oh so do you want to debate scripture then? Why be passive aggressive about it, just make your argument and back it with scripture.

Nigger what? Sub with allegories mistranslanted from Jewish justtrustmebro.jpg

Scripture isn't written, etched, sketched or spoken shill. Nice digits tho faggot.

Someone is jealous they werent invited to the genius club.

Both of you fail to understand that if you can't make points along with citation from the bible, then you cannot speak on the bible. I knew theological debate would ruin the thread, I just wanted to make the point that he wasn't even capable of having it. Now I've made the point that neither of you are. Keep playing with your toys, you will never be able to touch apologists.

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I recognize that group of symbols, but I don't remember from where..

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in a way
the screen
is a stargate
of time
turn it on
your days gone
what went wrong?

That's what the gateway tapes were... I mean you did read this shit or are you just pretending to be literate? The tapes used to train gateway soldiers were developed by dr Monroe, of the Monroe institute.

This thread won't be like the last one boys. Just remember our talk. God speed.

Imagine being such a brainlet that you question the validity of religion but refuse to do any comparative religion studies that would clearly show they are all saying the same thing. Now you have to attack every religion you absolute Einstein.

I changed my entire life using. I'm more interested in seeing what you have. These days internet may not be here tomorrow. That's all. Good vibes.

I miss Stargate.

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This post, structure. Look moar?


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Pic related

Basically the elites are terrified that someone will rise up and walk in the same steps as Christ did before.

I made a GATE thread awhile back before it became a common occurance. I've learned a lot as well from probably reading over a half a dozen of these.

There was an user about 6 months ago under the trip “diogenes” that was talking about Talented and Gifted programs being used to identify promising youth so they can secretly be kept down their entire life

The last thread I made someone posted the following

-You have a superpower. We all do here.
It's the ability to connect with the energy around you

You'll be thinking something or talking about something, then either moments or hours later, someone/something presents the exact thing you were thinking/talking about again.
-You're reading something online, something random; and then later someone brings up the exact topic/wording you were reading.
-same thing with TV. TV will reference topics/ideas that were relevant
-48 hours ago on a pretty much every day basis

Use it to guide you.
Trust your gut. It's only wrong like 5% of the time.
As I like to call it, you're 1/a trillion.

If you don't have that, don't think you're there yet

Perhaps, but needless to say I always felt I picked up patterns that just didn't make logical sense sometimes but were definitely connected. I have way too much synchronicity in my life and it feels like I can will reality sometimes almost it's hard to describe.

In the old thread I made, someone told me to check out Tavistock if I wanted more information about GATE courses in general. I was going to research it but then made some food, took a break, and decided to go to 8 kun out of nowhere. I hadn't been there in weeks because the threads move so slow and the content just isn't the same as 8 chan.

I honestly couldn't believe it but someone made a thread there about Tavistock and uploaded an entire pdf about it as if it was directly for me.

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religion and politics have absolutely nothing to do with my intentions for this thread. ROSES are indeed RED. The crucifix is metaphorical as is my interpretation of the jew moon runes. Thanks for the bump tho, come again!

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>not our place to judge God.

Logical flaw in this discussion is the idea that God is always in one state of being.

Jesus proves God is able to be in multiple states of being. He is God, He is the Son. Both different but simultaneous states.

Arguing that God is limited in a way only proofs our own lack of perception of what is all powerful and omnipotent.

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Meh, my ass is too old for greentext. Shit it's too old for g.a.t.e.


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Hemi-Sync the Gateway experience, you can contact higher intelligences with this and get real answers. There's a link for the torrent on Pirate Bay.
I'd almost be afraid of empowering retards but that's already been done. We need people who are smart and see through the con game to apply this knowledge if we expect to have a level playing field. And yes it's hard to have great control over something like this, I imagine it's like learning to walk, adults still fall on their faces after years of running and walking.

I learned more about problem solving and situational awareness from Macgyver. Also, Stargate the movie was better, fight me.
>pic related

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I haven't been able to post. That's why I don't even want to debate. But. I studied seforim (books) in Hebrew. Aramaic. Greek. Latin.

And.. Yes. Abrahamism is a complete falsity.

Tzfat is such a strange place, Friend. Did you know it was where Noach established the first Yeshivah after the Flood?

I digress.
And. Maybe one day you will realize it was Abrahamism that kept unity at bay.

So much wasted potential. No wonder.

I can't wait until 2022.

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lad, read the Bible cover to cover
something will happen in or around my life
boom next time i read scripture God is going over that exact issue
this has happened enough times in a row that I'm either psychic or God really has a plan

imagine telling someone else to do a comparative religion study that you clearly haven't done, or you have done it and missed the reality of the situation. Saying all religions say the same thing is an oversimplification wrongly assumed by tards that have made up their minds before searching out the facts.

Because it's ghosted to targets only. Thanks BOOMER! It's past bed time if you want that early bed special faggot.

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Have a magnet link
Ill seed for you nerds

can confirm. same exact thing happens all the time. God will open doors that can't be opened and close doors I thought were a sure thing according to his will on the regular.

24Then came the Jews round about him, and said unto him, How long dost thou make us to doubt? If thou be the Christ, tell us plainly. 25Jesus answered them, I told you, and ye believed not: the works that I do in my Father's name, they bear witness of me. 26But ye believe not, because ye are not of my sheep, as I said unto you. 27My sheep hear my voice, and I know them, and they follow me: 28And I give unto them eternal life; and they shall never perish, neither shall any man pluck them out of my hand. 29My Father, which gave them me, is greater than all; and no man is able to pluck them out of my Father's hand. 30I and my Father

>Abrahamism is a complete falsity
This is what is called a claim. You have made no attempt to back up your claim with evidence, and as I have already told you twice now, if you aren't quoting scripture, we aren't debating scripture. You really want to say something, but clearly you have nothing to say. I have successfully defended the bible, and now i'm ready to move on (unless someone wants to have a real theological debate).

Again, just saying "Abrahamism isn't real" isn't any sort of proof or argument, and I'm embarrassed for you that you think it is.

God-tier post. Puntended. Doing the Lord's work user.

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Intuition is what you're describing and it can be developed or rather we can learn to shut up and listen to it. The hard part for most people is that intuition sounds and feels not much different from the ego when you are still having trouble distinguishing that aspect of the mind from the rest of your mind (i.e. memory, imagination, rational thought, etc, etc)

someone give me a brainlet rundown for me I keep seeing these threads but they have 300 replies

I was in the first thread, and I was one of the most active in it.

Also, stay away from Tavistock. Even saying there name will nuke this thread.

some retards think that a special ed program for talented kids was a top-secret government experiment to develop children with latent or active psychic abilities

Bless you

niggers tongue my anus

Well nigger, I worked at a buddhist meditation center for 3 years, study and practice Hindu Tantra, work with western ceremonial magic, actually did read the bible and lived that life for a year or so and huxley's perennial philosophy and so many more other books I wouldn't care to try to list them.
So I may kindly say, you're fucking retarded and way too caught up in yourself, faggot.